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A multilevel analysis of risk and protective factors for adolescent childbearing in malawi (2021)
Journal Article
Chintsanya, J., Magadi, M., & Likupe, G. (2021). A multilevel analysis of risk and protective factors for adolescent childbearing in malawi. Social Sciences, 10(8), Article 303.

Although teenage pregnancy and childbearing has declined throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the recent increase in teenage pregnancy in countries such as Malawi has prompted interest from social researchers. Using Malawi Demographic and Health Survey (MD... Read More about A multilevel analysis of risk and protective factors for adolescent childbearing in malawi.

Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey (2021)
Journal Article
Magadi, M., Kaseje, D., Kaseje, M., Ochola-Odhiambo, P., Ogutu-Owii, S., Wafula, C., Orton, B., Onukwugha, F., Hayter, M., & Smith, L. (2021). Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey. Journal of biosocial science,

This paper reports findings of a pilot survey of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) knowledge and behaviour in Homabay County of western Kenya. The study was based on a cross-sectional survey of 523 male and female adolescents aged 10-1... Read More about Sexual and reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescent boys and girls aged 10-19 years in western Kenya: Evidence from a cross-sectional pilot survey.

Patient experience of telemedicine in addictions (2021)
Journal Article
Mayet, S., Mccaw, I., Hashmani, Z., Drozdova, Z., Gledhill, A., Arshad, S., Shahbaz, S., & Phillips, T. (2021). Patient experience of telemedicine in addictions. BJPsych Open, 7(S1), S269-S270.

Opioid dependence has high risks and opioid substitution treatment (OST) improves outcomes and reduces deaths. Attendance at addiction specialist prescribers may be limited, particularly in rural areas. Telemedicine, such as videoconferencing,... Read More about Patient experience of telemedicine in addictions.

Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC) Virtual Frailty Model Pilot Evaluation, Interim Report (March 2021) (2021)
Walker, J., & Spencer Grey, S. Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC) Virtual Frailty Model Pilot Evaluation, Interim Report (March 2021). Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC)

This independent evaluation has been commissioned by Holderness Health Integrated Care Centre (HICC) partners and is joint funded by the University of Hull, Faculty of Health Science together with a grant from the East Riding of Yorkshire Clinical Co... Read More about Holderness Integrated Care Centre (HICC) Virtual Frailty Model Pilot Evaluation, Interim Report (March 2021).

The implementation, use and sustainability of a clinical decision support system for medication optimisation in primary care: A qualitative evaluation (2021)
Journal Article
Jeffries, M., Salema, N.-E., Laing, L., Shamsuddin, A., Sheikh, A., Avery, A., Chuter, A., Waring, J., & Keers, R. (2021). The implementation, use and sustainability of a clinical decision support system for medication optimisation in primary care: A qualitative evaluation. PLoS ONE, 16(5), Article e0250946.

The quality and safety of prescribing in general practice is important, Clinical decision support (CDS) systems can be used which present alerts to health professionals when prescribing in order to identify patients at risk of potentially... Read More about The implementation, use and sustainability of a clinical decision support system for medication optimisation in primary care: A qualitative evaluation.

Cultural Transformations: The Impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. Main Evaluation, Findings and Reflections (2021)
Bianchini, F., Bissett, V., Cavalleri, F., Grabher, B., Morpeth, N. D., Oanca, A., & Tommarchi, E. (2021). Cultural Transformations: The Impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. Main Evaluation, Findings and Reflections. Hull: Hull UK City of Culture 2017 Ltd

This report forms an important output in the overall process of monitoring, evaluation and research to measure the impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. It provides an assessment of the project across all five impact areas, drawing on a range of p... Read More about Cultural Transformations: The Impacts of Hull UK City of Culture 2017. Main Evaluation, Findings and Reflections.

Midwives’ views on alcohol guidelines: A qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to implementation in UK antenatal care (2021)
Journal Article
Schölin, L., Watson, J., Dyson, J., & Smith, L. A. (2021). Midwives’ views on alcohol guidelines: A qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to implementation in UK antenatal care. Sexual and Reproductive HealthCare, 29, Article 100628.

Objective: Midwives play an important role in health promotion and prevention of alcohol-related harm, but previous research has suggested that although most midwives report advising on abstinence, evidence exist that women are informed that “some” a... Read More about Midwives’ views on alcohol guidelines: A qualitative study of barriers and facilitators to implementation in UK antenatal care.

Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China (2021)
Journal Article
Zhao, X., Hilton, A., Watson, R., & Chen, Y. (in press). Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China. Journal of Pediatric Nursing,

Purpose: This phase 1 study aimed to develop a Type 1 diabetes (T1DM) educational resource for adolescents (10–19 years) in China, and to test its validity for improving diabetes knowledge, self-efficacy and adherence. Design and methods: This phase... Read More about Development and validity testing of a type 1 diabetes resource for 10-19-years old adolescents in China.

Guidance On The Use Of Esketamine Nasal Spray For Treatment Resistant Depression (2021)
White, J., & Feetam, C. (2021). Guidance On The Use Of Esketamine Nasal Spray For Treatment Resistant Depression. Janssen Medical Cloud for UK Healthcare Professionals

This guidance was commissioned by Janssen-Cilag Ltd as part of an extensive programme of work to support practitioners across the UK to apply best practice to the supervised self-administration of esketamine nasal spray. The document was generated wi... Read More about Guidance On The Use Of Esketamine Nasal Spray For Treatment Resistant Depression.

Blog Post: Be proud of your mouth: Taking care of your oral health can help you live a happier and healthier life (2021)
Digital Artefact
Hewson, V. (2021). Blog Post: Be proud of your mouth: Taking care of your oral health can help you live a happier and healthier life

First paragraph:
The 20th March 2021 marks World Oral Health Day, a key opportunity for health and care professionals to promote positive oral health messages and encourage the public to focus on the importance of oral health for overall general hea... Read More about Blog Post: Be proud of your mouth: Taking care of your oral health can help you live a happier and healthier life.

Nurses' experiences of the effects of mindfulness training: A narrative review and qualitative meta-synthesis (2021)
Journal Article
Wu, X., Hayter, M., Lee, A. J., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Nurses' experiences of the effects of mindfulness training: A narrative review and qualitative meta-synthesis. Nurse education today, 100, Article 104830.

Objective: To explore nurses' experiences of the effects of undertaking mindfulness training. Design: Qualitative meta-synthesis. Data sources: Qualitative literature from seven scientific databases: Pubmed, Cochran Library, Science Direct, EBSCO, We... Read More about Nurses' experiences of the effects of mindfulness training: A narrative review and qualitative meta-synthesis.

The Health Improvement Profile for people with severe mental illness: Feasibility of a secondary analysis to make international comparisons (2021)
Journal Article
Bos, D., Gray, R., Meepring, S., White, J., Foland, K., & Bressington, D. (in press). The Health Improvement Profile for people with severe mental illness: Feasibility of a secondary analysis to make international comparisons. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing,

Abstract: Introduction To date, no studies have contrasted physical health profiles of people with severe mental illness (SMI) in different countries. Aim To evaluate feasibility of using the Health Improvement Profile (HIP) to compare and contrast p... Read More about The Health Improvement Profile for people with severe mental illness: Feasibility of a secondary analysis to make international comparisons.

The association between diabetes-related distress and fear of hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional descriptive study (2021)
Journal Article
Li, S., Fang, L., Lee, A., Hayter, M., Zhang, L., Bi, Y., Wu, X., Liu, L., Zhang, H., Yuan, Y., Gong, W., & Zhang, Y. (2021). The association between diabetes-related distress and fear of hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Nursing Open,

Aim: The study aimed to explore the association between diabetes-related distress as a dependent variable and fear of hypoglycaemia as a independent variable in Chinese individuals with type 2 diabetes, which can provide a basis for the development o... Read More about The association between diabetes-related distress and fear of hypoglycaemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A cross-sectional descriptive study.

An international e-Delphi study to identify core competencies for Italian cardiac nurses (2021)
Journal Article
Bagnasco, A., Barisone, M., Aleo, G., Watson, R., Catania, G., Zanini, M., Thompson, D. R., & Sasso, L. (2021). An international e-Delphi study to identify core competencies for Italian cardiac nurses. European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology, 20(7), 684-691.

Aims The management of cardiovascular patients requires increasingly competent nursing professionals. In Italy, there are no specific postgraduate courses focused on specialist cardiac skills development for nurses. To develop such courses, content i... Read More about An international e-Delphi study to identify core competencies for Italian cardiac nurses.

Barriers and enablers of implementation of alcohol guidelines with pregnant women: a cross-sectional survey among UK midwives (2021)
Journal Article
Smith, L. A., Dyson, J., Watson, J., & Schölin, L. (2021). Barriers and enablers of implementation of alcohol guidelines with pregnant women: a cross-sectional survey among UK midwives. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21(1), Article 134.

© 2021, The Author(s). Background: In 2016, the UK Chief Medical Officers revised their guidance on alcohol and advised women to abstain from alcohol if pregnant or planning pregnancy. Midwives have a key role in advising women about alcohol during p... Read More about Barriers and enablers of implementation of alcohol guidelines with pregnant women: a cross-sectional survey among UK midwives.

What are the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK HEIs? A narrative review (2021)
Journal Article
Westoby, C., Dyson, J., Cowdell, F., & Buescher, T. (in press). What are the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK HEIs? A narrative review. Gender and Education, 1-24.

Gender inequality prevails in academia; there is currently no review on the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK Higher Education. We conducted a systematic search identifying 32 papers addressing this issue. Narrative revi... Read More about What are the barriers and facilitators to success for female academics in UK HEIs? A narrative review.

Conducting research using online workshops during COVID- 19: Lessons for and beyond the pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Shamsuddin, A., Sheikh, A., & Keers, R. (2021). Conducting research using online workshops during COVID- 19: Lessons for and beyond the pandemic. International Journal of Qualitative Methods,

Social distancing rules in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic have
necessitated a move to online research for many social science
researchers. In moving data collection online, academic literature on
Internet-mediated research has resurfaced and be... Read More about Conducting research using online workshops during COVID- 19: Lessons for and beyond the pandemic.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: An overview of current evidence and activities in the UK (2021)
Journal Article
Schölin, L., Mukherjee, R. A., Aiton, N., Blackburn, C., Brown, S., Flemming, K. M., Gard, P. R., Howlett, H., Plant, M., Price, A. D., Shields, J., Smith, L. A., Suttie, M., Zammitt, D. C., & Cook, P. A. (2021). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: An overview of current evidence and activities in the UK. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 106(7), 636-640.

Estimates for the UK suggest that alcohol consumption during pregnancy and prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) - the most common neurodevelopmental condition - are high. Considering the significant health and social impacts of FASD,... Read More about Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: An overview of current evidence and activities in the UK.