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All Outputs (56)

Age-related reduction in motor adaptation: brain structural correlates and the role of explicit memory (2020)
Journal Article
Wolpe, N., Ingram, J. N., Tsvetanov, K. A., Henson, R. N., Wolpert, D. M., Tyler, L. K., Brayne, C., Bullmore, E. T., Calder, A. C., Cusack, R., Dalgleish, T., Duncan, J., Matthews, F. E., Marslen-Wilson, W. D., Shafto, M. A., Campbell, K., Cheung, T., Davis, S., Geerligs, L., Kievit, R., …Rowe, J. B. (2020). Age-related reduction in motor adaptation: brain structural correlates and the role of explicit memory. Neurobiology of Aging, 90, 13-23.

The adaption of movement to changes in the environment varies across life span. Recent evidence has linked motor adaptation and its reduction with age to differences in “explicit” learning processes. We examine differences in brain structure and cogn... Read More about Age-related reduction in motor adaptation: brain structural correlates and the role of explicit memory.

Factors associated with self- And informant ratings of quality of life,well-being and life satisfaction in people with mild-to-moderate dementia: Results from the improving the experience of dementia and enhancing active life programme (2020)
Journal Article
Wu, Y. T., Nelis, S. M., Quinn, C., Martyr, A., Jones, I. R., Victor, C. R., Knapp, M., Henderson, C., Hindle, J. V., Jones, R. W., Kopelman, M. D., Morris, R. G., Pickett, J. A., Rusted, J. M., Thom, J. M., Litherland, R., Matthews, F. E., & Clare, L. (2020). Factors associated with self- And informant ratings of quality of life,well-being and life satisfaction in people with mild-to-moderate dementia: Results from the improving the experience of dementia and enhancing active life programme. Age and ageing, 49(3), 446-452.

Background: A large number of studies have explored factors related to self- and informant ratings of quality of life in people with dementia, but many studies have had relatively small sample sizes and mainly focused on health conditions and dementi... Read More about Factors associated with self- And informant ratings of quality of life,well-being and life satisfaction in people with mild-to-moderate dementia: Results from the improving the experience of dementia and enhancing active life programme.

Dementia Research Fit for the Planet: Reflections on Population Studies of Dementia for Researchers and Policy Makers Alike (2020)
Journal Article
Brayne, C. E., Barnes, L. E., Breteler, M. M., Brooks, R. L., Dufouil, C., Fox, C., Fratiglioni, L., Ikram, M. A., Kenny, R. A., Kivipelto, M., Lobo, A., Musicco, M., Qiu, C., Richard, E., Riedel-Heller, S. G., Ritchie, C., Skoog, I., Stephan, B. C., Venneri, A., & Matthews, F. E. (2020). Dementia Research Fit for the Planet: Reflections on Population Studies of Dementia for Researchers and Policy Makers Alike. Neuroepidemiology, 54(2), 157-170.

In recent years, a rapidly increasing collection of investigative methods in addition to changes in diagnostic criteria for dementia have followed "high-tech" trends in medicine, with the aim to better define the dementia syndrome and its biological... Read More about Dementia Research Fit for the Planet: Reflections on Population Studies of Dementia for Researchers and Policy Makers Alike.

NDRG2 expression correlates with neurofibrillary tangles and microglial pathology in the ageing brain (2020)
Journal Article
Fadul, M. M., Garwood, C. J., Waller, R., Garrett, N., Heath, P. R., Matthews, F. E., Brayne, C., Wharton, S. B., & Simpson, J. E. (2020). NDRG2 expression correlates with neurofibrillary tangles and microglial pathology in the ageing brain. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(1), Article 340.

Astrocytes play a major role in the pathogenesis of a range of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), undergoing dramatic morphological and molecular changes that can cause potentially both beneficial and detrimental effects.... Read More about NDRG2 expression correlates with neurofibrillary tangles and microglial pathology in the ageing brain.

Living Alone with Mild-To-Moderate Dementia: Findings from the IDEAL Cohort (2020)
Journal Article
Clare, L., Martyr, A., Henderson, C., Gamble, L., Matthews, F. E., Quinn, C., Nelis, S. M., Rusted, J., Thom, J., Knapp, M., Hart, N., & Victor, C. (2020). Living Alone with Mild-To-Moderate Dementia: Findings from the IDEAL Cohort. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 78(3), 1207-1216.

Background: A significant proportion of people with dementia live alone, but little is known about their specific needs. Objective: To understand the profile of people living alone with mild-to-moderate dementia in the UK and identify any systematic... Read More about Living Alone with Mild-To-Moderate Dementia: Findings from the IDEAL Cohort.

Neuropathological Correlates of Cumulative Benzodiazepine and Anticholinergic Drug Use (2020)
Journal Article
Richardson, K., Wharton, S. B., Grossi, C. M., Matthews, F. E., Fox, C., Maidment, I., Loke, Y. K., Steel, N., Arthur, A., Myint, P. K., Boustani, M., Campbell, N., Robinson, L., Brayne, C., & Savva, G. M. (2020). Neuropathological Correlates of Cumulative Benzodiazepine and Anticholinergic Drug Use. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 74(3), 999-1009.

Background: Benzodiazepines and anticholinergic drugs have been implicated in causing cognitive decline and potentially increasing dementia risk. However, evidence for an association with neuropathology is limited. Objective: To estimate the correlat... Read More about Neuropathological Correlates of Cumulative Benzodiazepine and Anticholinergic Drug Use.

Recruitment and methodological issues in conducting dementia research in British ethnic minorities: A qualitative systematic review (2019)
Journal Article
Waheed, W., Mirza, N., Waheed, M. W., Blakemore, A., Kenning, C., Masood, Y., Matthews, F., & Bower, P. (2020). Recruitment and methodological issues in conducting dementia research in British ethnic minorities: A qualitative systematic review. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 29(1), Article e1806.

Objective: Identifying existing recruitment and methodological issues within dementia research conducted in UK studies that included ethnic minorities. Methods: We searched for and included any publication detailing dementia research in the UK that i... Read More about Recruitment and methodological issues in conducting dementia research in British ethnic minorities: A qualitative systematic review.

Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality (2019)
Grabher, B. Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In the context of the transformative ambitions of event-based, culture-led urban regeneration, this thesis interrogates the production of cultures of gender equality in City/ Capital of Culture mega-events. Inspired by Donostia/ San Sebastián as Euro... Read More about Gendering cities of culture : city/capital of culture mega-events and the potential for gender equality.

Cognitive Diversity in a Healthy Aging Cohort: Cross-Domain Cognition in the Cam-CAN Project (2019)
Journal Article
Shafto, M. A., Henson, R. N., Matthews, F. E., Taylor, J. R., Emery, T., Erzinclioglu, S., Hanley, C., Rowe, J. B., Cusack, R., Calder, A. J., Marslen-Wilson, W. D., Duncan, J., Dalgleish, T., Brayne, C., Cam-CAN, & Tyler, L. K. (2020). Cognitive Diversity in a Healthy Aging Cohort: Cross-Domain Cognition in the Cam-CAN Project. Journal of Aging and Health, 32(9), 1029-1041.

Objective: Studies of “healthy” cognitive aging often focus on a limited set of measures that decline with age. The current study argues that defining and supporting healthy cognition requires understanding diverse cognitive performance across the li... Read More about Cognitive Diversity in a Healthy Aging Cohort: Cross-Domain Cognition in the Cam-CAN Project.

Changing prevalence and treatment of depression among older people over two decades (2019)
Journal Article
Arthur, A., Savva, G. M., Barnes, L. E., Borjian-Boroojeny, A., Dening, T., Jagger, C., Matthews, F. E., Robinson, L., Brayne, C., The Cognitive Function, Green, E., Gao, L., Barnes, R., Baldwin, C., Comas-Herrera, A., Forster, G., Harrison, S., Ince, P. G., McKeith, I. G., Parry, B., …Woods, B. (2020). Changing prevalence and treatment of depression among older people over two decades. British Journal of Psychiatry, 216(1), 49-54.

Background Depression is a leading cause of disability, with older people particularly susceptible to poor outcomes.Aims To investigate whether the prevalence of depression and antidepressant use have changed across two decades in older people.Method... Read More about Changing prevalence and treatment of depression among older people over two decades.

Relationship between depressive symptoms and capability to live well in people with mild to moderate dementia and their carers: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) programme (2019)
Journal Article
Wu, Y. T., Clare, L., & Matthews, F. E. (2021). Relationship between depressive symptoms and capability to live well in people with mild to moderate dementia and their carers: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) programme. Aging and Mental Health, 25(1), 38-45.

Objectives: Depression is a common condition in dementia and has a substantial impact on quality of life and wellbeing. There is limited evidence on how depressive symptoms in the person with dementia impact on the carer, and vice versa. The aim of t... Read More about Relationship between depressive symptoms and capability to live well in people with mild to moderate dementia and their carers: results from the Improving the experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) programme.

Putative risk alleles for LATE-NC with hippocampal sclerosis in population-representative autopsy cohorts (2019)
Journal Article
Hokkanen, S. R., Kero, M., Kaivola, K., Hunter, S., Keage, H. A., Kiviharju, A., Raunio, A., Tienari, P. J., Paetau, A., Matthews, F. E., Fleming, J., Graff, C., Polvikoski, T. M., Myllykangas, L., & Brayne, C. (2020). Putative risk alleles for LATE-NC with hippocampal sclerosis in population-representative autopsy cohorts. Brain Pathology, 30(2), 364-372.

Limbic-predominant age-related TAR-DNA-binding protein-43 (TDP-43) encephalopathy with hippocampal sclerosis pathology (LATE-NC + HS) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by severe hippocampal CA1 neuron loss and TDP-43-pathology, leading to... Read More about Putative risk alleles for LATE-NC with hippocampal sclerosis in population-representative autopsy cohorts.

Living alone and cognitive function in later life (2019)
Journal Article
Evans, I. E., Llewellyn, D. J., Matthews, F. E., Woods, R. T., Brayne, C., & Clare, L. (2019). Living alone and cognitive function in later life. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 81, 222-233.

Background: Living alone may be associated with greater risk for social isolation and loneliness. Living alone, social isolation, loneliness, and limited engagement in social activity have all been associated with poorer cognitive function in later l... Read More about Living alone and cognitive function in later life.

Investigating healthy life expectancy using a multi-state model in the presence of missing data and misclassification (2014)
Journal Article
van den Hout, A., Ogurtsova, E., Gampe, J., & Matthews, F. E. (2014). Investigating healthy life expectancy using a multi-state model in the presence of missing data and misclassification. Demographic Research, 30(1), 1219-1244.

Background: A continuous-time three-state model can be used to describe change in cognitive function in the older population. State 1 corresponds to normal cognitive function, state 2 to cognitive impairment, and state 3 to dead. For statistical infe... Read More about Investigating healthy life expectancy using a multi-state model in the presence of missing data and misclassification.

Biomarkers, dementia, and public health (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wright, C. F., Hall, A., Matthews, F. E., & Brayne, C. Biomarkers, dementia, and public health

Public health is defined as the organized efforts of society to improve health. This is often framed in terms of prevention, with primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention representing, respectively, fundamental prevention through understanding of... Read More about Biomarkers, dementia, and public health.

Challenges in the epidemiological investigation of the relationships between physical activity, obesity, diabetes, dementia and depression (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Brayne, C., Gao, L., & Matthews, F. Challenges in the epidemiological investigation of the relationships between physical activity, obesity, diabetes, dementia and depression

There are many challenges facing epidemiologists wishing to investigate relationships between physical activity, obesity, diabetes, dementia and depression, all of which are complex fields in their own right. There is a large literature investigating... Read More about Challenges in the epidemiological investigation of the relationships between physical activity, obesity, diabetes, dementia and depression.