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NIR-quantum dots in biomedical imaging and their future (2021)
Journal Article
Gil, H. M., Price, T. W., Chelani, K., Bouillard, J. S. G., Calaminus, S. D., & Stasiuk, G. J. (2021). NIR-quantum dots in biomedical imaging and their future. iScience, 24(3), Article 102189.

Fluorescence imaging has gathered interest over the recent years for its real-time response and high sensitivity. Developing probes for this modality has proven to be a challenge. Quantum dots (QDs) are colloidal nanoparticles that possess unique opt... Read More about NIR-quantum dots in biomedical imaging and their future.

Project ThaiPASS: international outreach blending astronomy and Python (2021)
Journal Article
Keegans, J. D., Stancliffe, R. J., Bilton, L. E., Cashmore, C. R., Gibson, B. K., Kristensen, M. T., Lawson, T. V., Pignatari, M., Vaezzadeh, I., Côté, B., & Chongchitnan, S. (2021). Project ThaiPASS: international outreach blending astronomy and Python. Physics Education, 56(3), Article 035001.

We present our outreach program, the Thailand–UK Python+Astronomy Summer School (ThaiPASS), a collaborative project comprising UK and Thai institutions and assess its impact and possible application to schools in the United Kingdom. Since its incepti... Read More about Project ThaiPASS: international outreach blending astronomy and Python.

The horizon run 5 cosmological hydrodynamical simulation: probing galaxy formation from kilo- to gigaparsec scales (2021)
Journal Article
Lee, J., Shin, J., Snaith, O. N., Kim, Y., Few, C. G., Devriendt, J., Dubois, Y., Cox, L. M., Hong, S. E., Kwon, O. K., Park, C., Pichon, C., Kim, J., Gibson, B. K., & Park, C. (2021). The horizon run 5 cosmological hydrodynamical simulation: probing galaxy formation from kilo- to gigaparsec scales. The Astrophysical journal, 908(1), Article 11.

Horizon Run 5 (HR5) is a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation that captures the properties of the universe on a Gpc scale while achieving a resolution of 1 kpc. Inside the simulation box, we zoom in on a high-resolution cuboid region with a volume... Read More about The horizon run 5 cosmological hydrodynamical simulation: probing galaxy formation from kilo- to gigaparsec scales.

Förster resonance energy transfer and the local optical density of states in plasmonic nanogaps (2021)
Journal Article
Hamza, A. O., Viscomi, F. N., Bouillard, J. S. G., & Adawi, A. M. (2021). Förster resonance energy transfer and the local optical density of states in plasmonic nanogaps. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12(5), 1507-1513.

Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a fundamental phenomenon in photosynthesis and is of increasing importance for the development and enhancement of a wide range of optoelectronic devices, including color-tuning LEDs and lasers, light harves... Read More about Förster resonance energy transfer and the local optical density of states in plasmonic nanogaps.

Role of element-specific damping in ultrafast, helicity-independent, all-optical switching dynamics in amorphous (Gd,Tb)Co thin films (2021)
Journal Article
Ceballos, A., Pattabi, A., El-Ghazaly, A., Ruta, S., Simon, C. P., Evans, R. F., Ostler, T., Chantrell, R. W., Kennedy, E., Scott, M., Bokor, J., & Hellman, F. (2021). Role of element-specific damping in ultrafast, helicity-independent, all-optical switching dynamics in amorphous (Gd,Tb)Co thin films. Physical Review B, 103(2),

Ultrafast control of the magnetization in ps timescales by fs laser pulses offers an attractive avenue for applications such as fast magnetic devices for logic and memory. However, ultrafast helicity-independent all-optical switching (HI-AOS) of the... Read More about Role of element-specific damping in ultrafast, helicity-independent, all-optical switching dynamics in amorphous (Gd,Tb)Co thin films.

KiDS-1000 cosmology: Cosmic shear constraints and comparison between two point statistics (2021)
Journal Article
Asgari, M., Lin, C. A., Joachimi, B., Giblin, B., Heymans, C., Hildebrandt, H., Kannawadi, A., Stölzner, B., Tröster, T., Van Den Busch, J. L., Wright, A. H., Bilicki, M., Blake, C., De Jong, J., Dvornik, A., Erben, T., Getman, F., Hoekstra, H., Köhlinger, F., Kuijken, K., …Valentijn, E. (2021). KiDS-1000 cosmology: Cosmic shear constraints and comparison between two point statistics. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 645, Article A104.

We present cosmological constraints from a cosmic shear analysis of the fourth data release of the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-1000), which doubles the survey area with nine-band optical and near-infrared photometry with respect to previous KiDS analyse... Read More about KiDS-1000 cosmology: Cosmic shear constraints and comparison between two point statistics.

Age dissection of the Milky Way discs: Red giants in the Kepler field (2021)
Journal Article
Miglio, A., Chiappini, C., Mackereth, J. T., Davies, G. R., Brogaard, K., Casagrande, L., Chaplin, W. J., Girardi, L., Kawata, D., Khan, S., Izzard, R., Montalbán, J., Mosser, B., Vincenzo, F., Bossini, D., Noels, A., Rodrigues, T., Valentini, M., & Mandel, I. (2021). Age dissection of the Milky Way discs: Red giants in the Kepler field. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 645, Article A85.

Ensemble studies of red-giant stars with exquisite asteroseismic (Kepler), spectroscopic (APOGEE), and astrometric (Gaia) constraints offer a novel opportunity to recast and address long-standing questions concerning the evolution of stars and of the... Read More about Age dissection of the Milky Way discs: Red giants in the Kepler field.

The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): Parameterisation of RAVE spectra based on convolutional neural networks (2020)
Journal Article
Guiglion, G., Matijevič, G., Queiroz, A. B., Valentini, M., Steinmetz, M., Chiappini, C., Grebel, E. K., McMillan, P. J., Kordopatis, G., Kunder, A., Zwitter, T., Khalatyan, A., Anders, F., Enke, H., Minchev, I., Monari, G., Wyse, R. F., Bienaymé, O., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Gibson, B. K., …Siebert, A. (2020). The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): Parameterisation of RAVE spectra based on convolutional neural networks. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 644, Article A168.

© ESO 2020. Context Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in the field of astrophysics In the context of large spectroscopic surveys of stars, data-driven methods are key in deducing physical parameters for millions of spectra in a... Read More about The RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE): Parameterisation of RAVE spectra based on convolutional neural networks.

Searching for Monomeric Nickel Tetrafluoride: Unravelling Infrared Matrix Isolation Spectra of Higher Nickel Fluorides (2020)
Journal Article
Li, L., Sakr, A. K., Schlöder, T., Klein, S., Beckers, H., Kitsaras, M., Snelling, H. V., Young, N. A., Andrae, D., & Riedel, S. (2021). Searching for Monomeric Nickel Tetrafluoride: Unravelling Infrared Matrix Isolation Spectra of Higher Nickel Fluorides. Angewandte Chemie, 60(12), 6391-6394.

Binary transition metal fluorides are textbook examples combining complex electronic features with most fundamental molecular structures. High‐valent nickel fluorides are among the strongest known fluorinating and oxidizing agents, but there is a lac... Read More about Searching for Monomeric Nickel Tetrafluoride: Unravelling Infrared Matrix Isolation Spectra of Higher Nickel Fluorides.

The Horizon Run 5 Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulation: Probing Galaxy Formation from Kilo- to Giga-parsec Scales (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Lee, J., Shin, J., Snaith, O. N., Kim, Y., Few, C. G., Devriendt, J., Dubois, Y., Cox, L. M., Hong, S. E., Kwon, O.-K., Park, C., Pichon, C., Kim, J., Gibson, B. K., & Park, C. The Horizon Run 5 Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulation: Probing Galaxy Formation from Kilo- to Giga-parsec Scales

Horizon Run 5 (HR5) is a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation which captures the properties of the Universe on a Gpc scale while achieving a resolution of 1kpc. Inside the simulation box we zoom-in on a high-resolution cuboid region with a volume o... Read More about The Horizon Run 5 Cosmological Hydrodynamic Simulation: Probing Galaxy Formation from Kilo- to Giga-parsec Scales.

Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report (2020)
Zuppella, P., Zingales, T., Yung, Y., Zilinskas, M., Wolkenberg, P., Hou Yip, G., Wawer, P., Widemann, T., Waltham, D., Del Vecchio, C., Vasisht, G., Vazan, A., Van der Swaelmen, M., Vardan, A., Carine Vandaele, A., Tsantaki, M., Valencia, D., Tsai, S.-M., Triaud, A., Trompet, L., …Tinetti, G. (2020). Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report

Ariel, the Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey, was adopted as the fourth medium-class mission in ESA's Cosmic Vision programme to be launched in 2029. During its 4-year mission, Ariel will study what exoplanets are made of, ho... Read More about Enabling planetary science across light-years. Ariel Definition Study Report.

Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional electron gasses in gallium nitride high electron mobility transistors via general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (2020)
Smith, L. Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional electron gasses in gallium nitride high electron mobility transistors via general-purpose computing on graphics processing units. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The work in this thesis covers two main topics: successfully porting an Ensemble Monte Carlo (EMC) focused on bulk III-V semiconductors on to the graphics processing unit (GPU) and investigating carrier transport in a two-dimensional electron gas (2D... Read More about Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional electron gasses in gallium nitride high electron mobility transistors via general-purpose computing on graphics processing units.

GASP XXIX-unwinding the arms of spiral galaxies via ram-pressure stripping (2020)
Journal Article
Bellhouse, C., McGee, S. L., Smith, R., Poggianti, B. M., Jaffé, Y. L., Kraljic, K., Franchetto, A., Fritz, J., Vulcani, B., Tonnesen, S., Roediger, E., Moretti, A., Gullieuszik, M., & Shin, J. (2020). GASP XXIX-unwinding the arms of spiral galaxies via ram-pressure stripping. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 500(1), 1285-1312.

We present the first study of the effect of ram pressure ‘unwinding’ the spiral arms of cluster galaxies. We study 11 ram-pressure stripped galaxies from GASP (GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies) in which, in addition to more commonly observed ‘jell... Read More about GASP XXIX-unwinding the arms of spiral galaxies via ram-pressure stripping.

Evaluation of the N 13 (α,p) O 16 thermonuclear reaction rate and its impact on the isotopic composition of supernova grains (2020)
Journal Article
Meyer, A., De Séréville, N., Laird, A. M., Hammache, F., Longland, R., Lawson, T., Pignatari, M., Audouin, L., Beaumel, D., Fortier, S., Kiener, J., Lefebvre-Schuhl, A., Pellegriti, M. G., Stanoiu, M., & Tatischeff, V. (2020). Evaluation of the N 13 (α,p) O 16 thermonuclear reaction rate and its impact on the isotopic composition of supernova grains. Physical Review C, 102(3), Article 035803.

Background: It has been recently suggested that hydrogen ingestion into the helium shell of massive stars could lead to high C13 and N15 excesses when the shock of a core-collapse supernova passes through its helium shell. This prediction questions t... Read More about Evaluation of the N 13 (α,p) O 16 thermonuclear reaction rate and its impact on the isotopic composition of supernova grains.

Evaporative Mass Loss Measurement as a Quality Control Tool for Quality Assurance in the Manufacture of Inks Suitable for High Speed (≥60 m/min) Printing (2020)
Journal Article
Ward, H. J., Ward, H. J., Armstrong-Telfer, T. A., Armstrong-Telfer, T. A., Kelly, S. M., Kelly, S. M., Lawrence, N. S., Lawrence, N. S., Wadhawan, J., & Wadhawan, J. D. (2020). Evaporative Mass Loss Measurement as a Quality Control Tool for Quality Assurance in the Manufacture of Inks Suitable for High Speed (≥60 m/min) Printing. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 872, Article 114328.

In any manufacturing environment, it is always important to be able to embrace a culture of traceability of any non-conformed product. For the case of ink manufacture, operator confusion, leading to the mixing-up of solvents, or connecting the incorr... Read More about Evaporative Mass Loss Measurement as a Quality Control Tool for Quality Assurance in the Manufacture of Inks Suitable for High Speed (≥60 m/min) Printing.

Chemical evolution of the Milky Way: constraints on the formation of the thick and thin discs (2020)
Journal Article
Palla, M., Matteucci, F., Spitoni, E., Vincenzo, F., & Grisoni, V. (2020). Chemical evolution of the Milky Way: constraints on the formation of the thick and thin discs. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 498(2), 1710-1725.

We study the evolution of Milky Way thick and thin discs in the light of the most recent observational data. In particular, we analyse abundance gradients of O, N, Fe, and Mg along the thin disc as well as the [Mg/Fe] versus [Fe/H] relations and the... Read More about Chemical evolution of the Milky Way: constraints on the formation of the thick and thin discs.

GASP. XXI. Star Formation Rates in the Tails of Galaxies Undergoing Ram Pressure Stripping (2020)
Journal Article
Gullieuszik, M., Poggianti, B. M., McGee, S. L., Moretti, A., Vulcani, B., Tonnesen, S., Roediger, E., Jaffé, Y. L., Fritz, J., Franchetto, A., Omizzolo, A., Bettoni, D., Radovich, M., & Wolter, A. (2020). GASP. XXI. Star Formation Rates in the Tails of Galaxies Undergoing Ram Pressure Stripping. The Astrophysical journal, 899(1), Article 13.

© 2020. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.. Using MUSE observations from the GASP survey, we study 54 galaxies undergoing ram pressure stripping (RPS) and spanning a wide range in galaxy mass and host cluster mass. We use this ri... Read More about GASP. XXI. Star Formation Rates in the Tails of Galaxies Undergoing Ram Pressure Stripping.

Shell-model studies of the astrophysical rp -process reactions S 34 (p,γ) Cl 35 and Cl 34g,m (p,γ) Ar 35 (2020)
Journal Article
Richter, W. A., Brown, B. A., Longland, R., Wrede, C., Denissenkov, P., Fry, C., Herwig, F., Kurtulgil, D., Pignatari, M., & Reifarth, R. (2020). Shell-model studies of the astrophysical rp -process reactions S 34 (p,γ) Cl 35 and Cl 34g,m (p,γ) Ar 35. Physical Review C, 102(2), Article 025801.

© 2020 American Physical Society. Background: Dust grains condensed in the outflows of presolar classical novae should have been present in the protosolar nebula. Candidates for such presolar nova grains have been found in primitive meteorites and ca... Read More about Shell-model studies of the astrophysical rp -process reactions S 34 (p,γ) Cl 35 and Cl 34g,m (p,γ) Ar 35.

Light matter interaction in hybrid plasmonic/photonic nanogaps (2020)
Viscomi, F. Light matter interaction in hybrid plasmonic/photonic nanogaps. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The aim of this thesis is to study the processes of light matter interaction at the nanoscale in hybrid nano gaps that are made from both metals and dielectrics. This approach enables the possibility to use both the optical properties of a dielectric... Read More about Light matter interaction in hybrid plasmonic/photonic nanogaps.