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Common good politics: British Idealism and social justice in the contemporary world (2016)
Tyler, C. (2016). Common good politics: British Idealism and social justice in the contemporary world. Palgrave Macmillan.

© The Editor(s) and The Author(s) 2017. This book examines the British tradition of common good politics, both historically and in the contemporary world. We live in a time when many anti-Conservative parties and voters feel a profound sense of crisi... Read More about Common good politics: British Idealism and social justice in the contemporary world.

Facebook and Holocaust denial (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Facebook and Holocaust denial. Justice magazine, 57(Winter), 10-16

In this article, I take issue with Facebook’s policy that allows Holocaust denial on its web pages because its directors believe that Holocaust denial is not hateful per se. I aim to show that it is hateful and that Facebook and other networking site... Read More about Facebook and Holocaust denial.

Hate and racist speech in the United States - a critique (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Hate and racist speech in the United States - a critique. Philosophy and Public Issues, 6(1), 77-123

This article attempts to explain why the United States is exhibiting the most liberal stand on protecting freedom of expression. It is argued that the American credo is comprised of strong belief in liberty and individuality and of strong anti-govern... Read More about Hate and racist speech in the United States - a critique.

Parameters for a two-state solution (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Parameters for a two-state solution. Palestine-Israel journal, 21(2), 112-119

It is now fashionable to bury the idea of a two-state solution, saying it is no longer practical. However, all who are quick to bury the idea are very slow to propose an alternative, possibly because no alternative exists. What follows is an attempt... Read More about Parameters for a two-state solution.

Confronting the internet's dark side: Moral and social responsibility on the free highway (2015)
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Confronting the internet's dark side: Moral and social responsibility on the free highway.

© Raphael Cohen-Almagor 2015. Terrorism, cyberbullying, child pornography, hate speech, cybercrime: along with unprecedented advancements in productivity and engagement, the Internet has ushered in a space for violent, hateful, and antisocial behavio... Read More about Confronting the internet's dark side: Moral and social responsibility on the free highway.

The role of African Union law in integrating Africa (2015)
Journal Article
Olivier, M. E., & Olivier, M. (2015). The role of African Union law in integrating Africa. The South African journal of international affairs, 22(4), 513-533.

This article traces how the development of regional law is linked to the state of regional integration in Africa. Given the prominent role European Union law plays in the functioning of the European Union, the question is posed whether there is simil... Read More about The role of African Union law in integrating Africa.

Tolerance (2015)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Tolerance. In Vocabulary for the study of religion. Brill Academic Publishers

Article examining the origins of the concept of tolerance.

First do no harm: euthanasia of patients with dementia in Belgium (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2016). First do no harm: euthanasia of patients with dementia in Belgium. The Journal of medicine and philosophy, 41(1), 74-89.

Euthanasia in Belgium is not limited to terminally ill patients. It may be applied to patients with chronic degenerative diseases. Currently, people in Belgium wish to make it possible to euthanize incompetent patients who suffer from dementia. This... Read More about First do no harm: euthanasia of patients with dementia in Belgium.

Israeli democracy and the rights of its Palestinian citizens (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Israeli democracy and the rights of its Palestinian citizens. Ragion pratica, 45(2), 351-368.

The litmus test for assessing the democratization of any given society is the status of its minorities. The more minorities are integrated into society and receive equal treatment, respect and concern, the more light that society would shed unto othe... Read More about Israeli democracy and the rights of its Palestinian citizens.

The responsibility to protect and the use of force: remaking the procrustean bed? (2015)
Journal Article
Morris, J. (2016). The responsibility to protect and the use of force: remaking the procrustean bed?. Cooperation and Conflict, 51(2), 200-215.

The emergence of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) owed much to the need to enhance the UN’s ability to act forcibly in the face of the most extreme cases of gross human suffering. Too often in the past such responses were emasculated or thwarted b... Read More about The responsibility to protect and the use of force: remaking the procrustean bed?.

An argument for physician-assisted suicide and against euthanasia (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). An argument for physician-assisted suicide and against euthanasia. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health, 1(4), 431-441.

The article opens with the hypothesis that the default position that should guide healthcare providers when treating patients at the end-of-life is that patients opt for life. In the absence of an explicit request to die, we may assume that patients... Read More about An argument for physician-assisted suicide and against euthanasia.

Why Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side? (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2017). Why Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side?. Philosophia, 45(3), 919-929.

Raphael Cohen-Almagor, the author of Confronting the Internet’s Dark Side, explains his motivation for exploring the dangerous side of the world wide web. This new book is the first comprehensive book on social responsibility on the Internet.

Democratic transition and Pakistan’s nuclear weapons (2015)
Book Chapter
Chakma, B. (2015). Democratic transition and Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. In S. Gregory (Ed.), Democratic transition and security in Pakistan (234-251). Routledge.

This chapter examines whether the recent trend of democratisation in Pakistan has made an impact on the country's nuclear policy against the background that traditionally the military has dominated the country's nuclear programme. The democratic tran... Read More about Democratic transition and Pakistan’s nuclear weapons.

Insights from para-psychology for international relations (2015)
Journal Article
Beyer, A. C. (2015). Insights from para-psychology for international relations. Peace review, 27(4), 484-491.

Western International Relations (IR) has much to learn from the so-called ‘para-sciences’. At the one hand, they can instruct us about the role of consciousness and its connection to peace. At the other, we can learn from them that humanity is connec... Read More about Insights from para-psychology for international relations.

Integrating natural and social sciences to manage sustainably vectors of change in the marine environment: Dogger Bank transnational case study (2015)
Journal Article
Burdon, D., Boyes, S. J., Elliott, M., Smyth, K., Atkins, J. P., Barnes, R. A., & Wurzel, R. K. (2018). Integrating natural and social sciences to manage sustainably vectors of change in the marine environment: Dogger Bank transnational case study. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, 201, 234-247.

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. The management of marine resources is a complex process driven by the dynamics of the natural system and the influence of stakeholders including policy-makers. An integration of natural and social sciences research is required by... Read More about Integrating natural and social sciences to manage sustainably vectors of change in the marine environment: Dogger Bank transnational case study.

Netcitizenship: addressing cyberevenge and sexbullying (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Netcitizenship: addressing cyberevenge and sexbullying. Journal of applied ethics and philosophy, 7, 14-23.

This article discusses the phenomena of Cyberevenge, sexbullying, and sextortion, especially among young people. The discussion, based on extensive review of books, research reports, newspapers, journal articles and pertinent websites, analyzes these... Read More about Netcitizenship: addressing cyberevenge and sexbullying.

The responsibility to protect and the great powers: the tensions of dual responsibility (2015)
Journal Article
Morris, J. (2015). The responsibility to protect and the great powers: the tensions of dual responsibility. Global Responsibility to Protect, 7(3-4), 398-421.

Since the UN’s 2005 adoption of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) the five permanent members (P5) of the organisation’s Security Council have been burdened with a special dual responsibility, entailing a special responsibility to maintain internati... Read More about The responsibility to protect and the great powers: the tensions of dual responsibility.

First do no harm: intentionally shortening lives of patients without their explicit request in Belgium (2015)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). First do no harm: intentionally shortening lives of patients without their explicit request in Belgium. Journal of medical ethics, 41(8), 625-629.

The aim of this article is to provide a critical review of one of the most worrying aspects of the euthanasia policy and practice in Belgium-the deliberate shortening of lives of some patients without their explicit voluntary request. Some suggestion... Read More about First do no harm: intentionally shortening lives of patients without their explicit request in Belgium.