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All Outputs (147)

What factors influence individuals and couples to seek help for sexual and/or relationship difficulties from primary care professionals: an exploratory qualitative study (2009)
Journal Article
Fitter, J., Hayter, M., & Wylie, K. R. (2009). What factors influence individuals and couples to seek help for sexual and/or relationship difficulties from primary care professionals: an exploratory qualitative study. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 24(3-4), 333-346.

This study aims to gain information about what factors influence individuals and couples to discuss sexual and/or relationship difficulties with a primary healthcare professional. Although there is evidence that sexual and relationship difficulties a... Read More about What factors influence individuals and couples to seek help for sexual and/or relationship difficulties from primary care professionals: an exploratory qualitative study.

A longitudinal study of stress and psychological distress in nurses and nursing students (2008)
Journal Article
Watson, R., Gardiner, E., Hogston, R., Gibson, H., Stimpson, A., Wrate, R., & Deary, I. (2009). A longitudinal study of stress and psychological distress in nurses and nursing students. Journal of clinical nursing, 18(2), 270-278.

Aim. The aim of this study was to investigate how differences in life events and stress contribute to psychological distress in nurses and nursing students. Background. Stress is an issue for nursing students and qualified nurses leading to psycholog... Read More about A longitudinal study of stress and psychological distress in nurses and nursing students.

Pride or prejudice? Gay men, lesbians and dementia (2008)
Journal Article
Price, E. (2008). Pride or prejudice? Gay men, lesbians and dementia. The British journal of social work, 38(7), 1337-1352.

Social workers have a professional obligation to empower service users to make independent decisions and life choices and to respect their individual lifestyle preferences.  This commitment to anti-oppressive practice can be challenged when working w... Read More about Pride or prejudice? Gay men, lesbians and dementia.

“A wealth of knowledge”: a survey of the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS (2008)
Journal Article
Wray, J., Aspland, J., Gibson, H., Stimpson, A., & Watson, R. (2009). “A wealth of knowledge”: a survey of the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS. International journal of nursing studies, 46(7), 977-985.

Background: The United Kingdom’s National Health Service workforce is ageing, and the specific needs of this sector of its workforce need to be addressed. Nursing and midwifery shortage is a worldwide issue, and with increasing demands for care the r... Read More about “A wealth of knowledge”: a survey of the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS.

Turning the world upside down (2008)
Book Chapter
Humphrey, C. (2008). Turning the world upside down. In B. Spalek, & A. Imtoual (Eds.), Religion, spirituality and the social sciences: challenging marginalisation (107-118). Policy Press

Why embarrassment inhibits the acquisition and use of condoms: A qualitative approach to understanding risky sexual behaviour (2008)
Journal Article
Bell, J. (2009). Why embarrassment inhibits the acquisition and use of condoms: A qualitative approach to understanding risky sexual behaviour. Journal of Adolescence, 32(2), 379-391.

This article is based on research commissioned by the UK Government's Teenage Pregnancy Unit. The Living on the Edge (LOTE) study qualitatively explored factors that shape young people's experiences and attitudes towards sexual behaviour and young pa... Read More about Why embarrassment inhibits the acquisition and use of condoms: A qualitative approach to understanding risky sexual behaviour.

Every organisation matters: mapping the children and young people's voluntary and community sector (2008)
Craig, G., Perkins, N., Gibson, H., Wilkinson, M., & Wray, J. (2008). Every organisation matters: mapping the children and young people's voluntary and community sector

This is a report of the first attempt at mapping the children and young people's voluntary and community sectors (CYPVCS), undertaken by a research team based at the University of Hull, commissioned jointly by the National Council for Voluntary Youth... Read More about Every organisation matters: mapping the children and young people's voluntary and community sector.

Offending fathers: navigating the boundaries between risk and resource? (2008)
Journal Article
Walker, L. (2008). Offending fathers: navigating the boundaries between risk and resource?. Prison service journal, 8-12

Fatherhood has been the subject of growing academic, media and policy focus.  In recent years politicians and social policy-makers have turned their attention to the role of fathers in the family.  Stanley and Gamble identify two social trends which... Read More about Offending fathers: navigating the boundaries between risk and resource?.

Commentary on Eley R, Hegney D, Buikstra E, Fallon T, Plank A & Parker v (2007) Aged care nursing in Queensland - The nurses' view. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 860-872 (2008)
Journal Article
Anne, S., Wray, J., Gibson, H., & Aspland, J. (2008). Commentary on Eley R, Hegney D, Buikstra E, Fallon T, Plank A & Parker v (2007) Aged care nursing in Queensland - The nurses' view. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 860-872. Journal of clinical nursing, 17(9), 1258-1259.

Older nurses and midwives in the NHS. (2007)
Journal Article
Wray, J., Aspland, J., Gibson, H., Stimpson, A., & Watson, R. (2007). Older nurses and midwives in the NHS. Nursing Management, 14(8), 26-30.

Jane Wray and colleagues discuss the results of their study into the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives, which concludes that the expertise of these professionals is essential for the improvement of patient care

WHEN THE Employmen... Read More about Older nurses and midwives in the NHS..

Employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS (2007)
Journal Article
Wray, J., Aspland, J., Gibson, H., Stimpson, A., & Watson, R. (2007). Employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS. Nursing standard : official newspaper of the Royal College of Nursing, 22(9), 35-40.

AIM: To examine the employment experiences of older nurses and midwives working in the NHS. METHOD: A total of 27 semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with nurses and midwives to identify positive and negative aspects of their working... Read More about Employment experiences of older nurses and midwives in the NHS.

Student nurses' attitudes to vulnerable groups: a study examining the impact of a social inclusion module (2007)
Journal Article
Wray, J., Walker, L., & Fell, B. (2008). Student nurses' attitudes to vulnerable groups: a study examining the impact of a social inclusion module. Nurse education today, 28(4), 513-520.

Background: Front line health care professionals have a responsibility to ensure that excluded groups and vulnerable people have equitable access to health care services. This obligation is stated explicitly in the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code... Read More about Student nurses' attitudes to vulnerable groups: a study examining the impact of a social inclusion module.

Abuse in care? The identification of early indicators of the abuse of people with learning disabilities in residential settings (2007)
Journal Article
Marsland, D., Oakes, P., & White, C. (2007). Abuse in care? The identification of early indicators of the abuse of people with learning disabilities in residential settings. The journal of adult protection, 9(4), 6-20.

Although No Secrets suggests that adult protection practices should seek to prevent abuse, it can be argued that such practice predominately focuses on pursuing effective responses to abuse that has already happened, rather than preventing the onset... Read More about Abuse in care? The identification of early indicators of the abuse of people with learning disabilities in residential settings.

Living with death in a time of AIDS: A rural South African case study (2007)
Journal Article
Posel, D., Kahn, K., & Walker, L. (2007). Living with death in a time of AIDS: A rural South African case study. Scandinavian journal of public health, 35(SUPPL. 69), 138-146.

Aims: To examine how a rural community profoundly affected by escalating rates of largely AIDS-related deaths of young and middle-aged people makes sense of this phenomenon and its impact on their everyday lives. Methods: Data were collected in Aginc... Read More about Living with death in a time of AIDS: A rural South African case study.

The polynomial degree of the Grassmannian G1,n,2 (2006)
Journal Article
Shaw, R., & Gordon, N. A. (2006). The polynomial degree of the Grassmannian G1,n,2. Designs, codes, and cryptography, 39(2), 289-306.

For a subset ψ of PG(N, 2) a known result states that ψ has polynomial degree ≤ r, r ≤ N, if and only if ψ intersects every r-flat of PG(N, 2) in an odd number of points. Certain refinements of this result are considered, and are then applied in the... Read More about The polynomial degree of the Grassmannian G1,n,2.

Partial spreads in PG(4,2) and flats in PG(9,2) external to the Grassmannian G1,4,2 (2005)
Journal Article
Shaw, R., Gordon, N. A., & Maks, J. G. (2005). Partial spreads in PG(4,2) and flats in PG(9,2) external to the Grassmannian G1,4,2. Discrete Mathematics, 301(1), 137-146.

We consider the following 'even hyperplane construction'of flats in the projective space PG(9, 2) = P(boolean AND(2) V(5, 2)) which are external to the Grassmannian G(1,4,2) of lines of PG(4,2). Let the Grassmann image in G(1,4,2) of a partial spread... Read More about Partial spreads in PG(4,2) and flats in PG(9,2) external to the Grassmannian G1,4,2.

Men behaving differently: South African men since 1994 (2005)
Journal Article
Walker, L. (2005). Men behaving differently: South African men since 1994. Culture, health & sexuality, 7(3), 225-238.

Liberal versions of sexuality, which mark South Africa's new democracy, have had a number of highly contradictory consequences for women and men, as old notions of masculinity and male privilege have been destabilized. The transition to democracy has... Read More about Men behaving differently: South African men since 1994.