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All Outputs (429)

The Religious Dimensions of Compulsive Buying (2009)
Journal Article
Arya, R. (2009). The Religious Dimensions of Compulsive Buying. Implicit Religion, 12, 165--185.

This paper examines the implicit religiosity of compulsive buying. Much of the extant literature on the subject focuses on biological and/or psychological factors. I argue that the cycle of behaviour in compulsive buying, which oscillates between eup... Read More about The Religious Dimensions of Compulsive Buying.

Bases sociológicas, antropológicas e psicológicas do comprometimento organizacional (2009)
Journal Article
Gomes Menezes, I., & Bittencourt Bastos, A. V. (2009). Bases sociológicas, antropológicas e psicológicas do comprometimento organizacional. Psicologia em revista, 15(3), 200-215.

O comprometimento organizacional é um construto complexo e polissêmico, não existindo ainda um consenso sobre a definição que mais bem o caracterize. Muitas vezes confundido com outros construtos, como satisfação, identificação e envolvimento, são ra... Read More about Bases sociológicas, antropológicas e psicológicas do comprometimento organizacional.

Escala de clima organizacional para organizações de saúde: desenvolvimento e estrutura fatorial (2009)
Journal Article
Menezes, I. G., Sampaio, L. R., Gomes, A. C. P., Teixeira, F. S., & Santos, P. D. S. (2009). Escala de clima organizacional para organizações de saúde: desenvolvimento e estrutura fatorial. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas), 26(3), 305-316.

O clima organizacional, um dos construtos de maior complexidade na área organizacional, apresenta características que podem ser percebidas de formas distintas por diferentes profissionais. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e validar a Escala... Read More about Escala de clima organizacional para organizações de saúde: desenvolvimento e estrutura fatorial.

Public health significance of viral contamination of drinking water (2009)
Journal Article
Dongdem, J. T., Soyiri, I., & Ocloo, A. (2009). Public health significance of viral contamination of drinking water. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 3(12), 856-861

Water-borne enteric viruses pose a threat to both human and animal life causing a wide range of illnesses. Groundwater is the commonest transmission route for these viruses. About 50% of groundwater related disease outbreaks are attributable to virus... Read More about Public health significance of viral contamination of drinking water.

The Promethean myth : an argument for methodological atheism (2009)
Journal Article
Ornella, A. (2009). The Promethean myth : an argument for methodological atheism. Masaryk University journal of law and technology, 3(1), 125-151

In public perception (in particular in secular Europe), technosciences are often considered as something verifiable, neutral, and without any relation to the religious realm. Looking back at ancient times, however, powerful mythical figures like Prom... Read More about The Promethean myth : an argument for methodological atheism.

Portrait methodology and educational leadership : putting the person first (2009)
Journal Article
Bottery, M., Wright, N., Ngai, S. K. G., & Wong, P. M. (2009). Portrait methodology and educational leadership : putting the person first. International studies in educational administration, 37(3), 82-96

This article describes a variant on a methodological approach which provides ways of developing educational leaders' understandings of themselves and their situation through the production of individually written 'portraits' which focus upon the indi... Read More about Portrait methodology and educational leadership : putting the person first.

Un nouveau regard sur les mutations de la Royal Navy au debut du XXe siecle (2009)
Journal Article
Martin, C. (2009). Un nouveau regard sur les mutations de la Royal Navy au debut du XXe siecle. Revue historique des armees, 257, 44-58

The interpretation of changes in the British naval instrument in the early twentieth century has been thoroughly renewed in the last twenty years. The decisive action of Admiral Fisher, First Sea Lord from 1904 to 1910, has been reconsidered, the emp... Read More about Un nouveau regard sur les mutations de la Royal Navy au debut du XXe siecle.

Consumer goods guarantees in the DCFR (2009)
Journal Article
Twigg-Flesner, C. (2009). Consumer goods guarantees in the DCFR. European review of private law = Revue européenne de droit privé = Europäische Zeitschrift für Privatrecht, 17(4), 641-657

This article examines the provisions on consumer guarantees as contained in the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR). It will be argued that while some of these provisions may seem sensible at first sight, there appears to be no clear justification... Read More about Consumer goods guarantees in the DCFR.

Regulating media markets in the public interest: principles beyond competition (2009)
Journal Article
Feintuck, M. (2009). Regulating media markets in the public interest: principles beyond competition. Journal of Media Business Studies, 6(3), 63-77.

The difficulties of regulating the giant corporations whichoperate within the broadcast and print media are well-charted. Whetheron a local, national or international scale, establishing or maintaininganything beyond a meager oligopolistic version of... Read More about Regulating media markets in the public interest: principles beyond competition.

Rethinking the 'problem of youth': Refocusing on the social and its interrelationship with dominant power structures (2009)
Journal Article
Cooper, C. (2009). Rethinking the 'problem of youth': Refocusing on the social and its interrelationship with dominant power structures. Youth and Policy, 103, 81-92

What follows challenges the dominant discourses shaping contemporary social policy responses to the 'problem of youth', arguing that these accounts fail to acknowledge structurally-determined social contexts (beyond the control of individuals, famili... Read More about Rethinking the 'problem of youth': Refocusing on the social and its interrelationship with dominant power structures.

Shallow phylogeographic structuring of Vimba vimba across Europe suggests two distinct refugia during the last glaciation (2009)
Journal Article
Hänfling, B., Dümpelmann, C., Bogutskaya, N., Brandl, R., & Brändle, M. (2009). Shallow phylogeographic structuring of Vimba vimba across Europe suggests two distinct refugia during the last glaciation. Journal of fish biology, 75(9), 2269-2286.

Genetic variation and geographical structuring of vimba Vimba vimba were analysed across 26 sites (80 individuals) by means of mtDNA sequences (cyt b gene, mitochondrial control region) to localize hypothesized glacial refugia and to reconstruct post... Read More about Shallow phylogeographic structuring of Vimba vimba across Europe suggests two distinct refugia during the last glaciation.

Against all odds : the decline and resurgence of the symphonic film score in Hollywood (2009)
Journal Article
Mitchell, H. (2009). Against all odds : the decline and resurgence of the symphonic film score in Hollywood. The journal of film music, 2(2-4), 175-200.

With the birth of sound film, the symphonic film score would begin a journey which would firmly entrench the symphonic score in Hollywood practice and parlance. On route, the symphonic film score would experience many highs and lows, reflecting chang... Read More about Against all odds : the decline and resurgence of the symphonic film score in Hollywood.

Coordination chemistry of macrocyclic ligands (2009)
Journal Article
Archibald, S. J. (2009). Coordination chemistry of macrocyclic ligands. Annual Reports Section A :Inorganic Chemistry, 105, 297 - 322.

This chapter reviews the literature published during 2008 on macrocyclic coordination chemistry. Porphyrin ligands and supramolecular chemistry are not covered in this review which primarily focuses on complexes formed with transition metals and lant... Read More about Coordination chemistry of macrocyclic ligands.

Performativity and the intellectual historian's re-enactment of written works. (2009)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2009). Performativity and the intellectual historian's re-enactment of written works. Journal of the Philosophy of History, 3(2), 167-186.

This article develops and defends a performative conception of historical re-enactment as a fruitful method by which intellectual historians can interpret texts. Specifically, it argues that, in order to understand properly any given text, the intell... Read More about Performativity and the intellectual historian's re-enactment of written works..

Hypnotic suggestibility, cognitive inhibition, and dissociation (2009)
Journal Article
Wright, D. B., Hutton, S., Brown, E., Dienes, Z., Kirsch, I., & Mazzoni, G. (2009). Hypnotic suggestibility, cognitive inhibition, and dissociation. Consciousness and cognition, 18(4), 837-847.

We examined two potential correlates of hypnotic suggestibility: dissociation and cognitive inhibition. Dissociation is the foundation of two of the major theories of hypnosis and other theories commonly postulate that hypnotic responding is a result... Read More about Hypnotic suggestibility, cognitive inhibition, and dissociation.

Probing marine Gammarus (Amphipoda) taxonomy with DNA barcodes (2009)
Journal Article
Costa, F. O., Henzler, C. M., Lunt, D. H., Whiteley, N. M., & Rock, J. (2009). Probing marine Gammarus (Amphipoda) taxonomy with DNA barcodes. Systematics and Biodiversity, 7(4), 365-379.

The genus Gammarus (Amphipoda) is one of the most speciose genera of Crustacea, yet much uncertainty remains concerning taxonomy and systematic relationships, particularly for brackish and marine forms. We used DNA barcode sequences from the mitochon... Read More about Probing marine Gammarus (Amphipoda) taxonomy with DNA barcodes.