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Design, synthesis and RAFT polymerisation of a quinoline-based monomer for use in metal-binding composite microfibers (2016)
Journal Article
Isakova, A., Efremova, O., Pullan, N., Lüer, L., & Topham, P. D. (2016). Design, synthesis and RAFT polymerisation of a quinoline-based monomer for use in metal-binding composite microfibers. RSC advances, 6(8), 6598-6606.

Metal-binding polymer fibres have attracted major attention for diverse applications in membranes for metal sequestration from waste waters, non-woven wound dressings, matrices for photocatalysis, and many more. This paper reports the design and synt... Read More about Design, synthesis and RAFT polymerisation of a quinoline-based monomer for use in metal-binding composite microfibers.

TOUCAN: A randomised phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine +/- vandetanib in first line treatment of advanced urothelial cell cancer in patients who are not suitable to receive cisplatin. (2016)
Journal Article
Jones, R. J., Crabb, S. J., Chester, J. D., Elliott, T., Huddart, R. A., Birtle, A. J., Evans, L., Lester, J. F., Huang, C., Casbard, A. C., Madden, T.-A., & Griffiths, G. (2016). TOUCAN: A randomised phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine +/- vandetanib in first line treatment of advanced urothelial cell cancer in patients who are not suitable to receive cisplatin. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 34(2_suppl), 448-448.

Background: Whilst cisplatin combination therapy remains the standard of care for patients with advanced urothelial cancers, many patients are unsuitable for cisplatin and go on to receive carboplatin combination therapy. Although responses are frequ... Read More about TOUCAN: A randomised phase II trial of carboplatin and gemcitabine +/- vandetanib in first line treatment of advanced urothelial cell cancer in patients who are not suitable to receive cisplatin..

Equity market contagion during global financial and Eurozone crises : evidence from a dynamic correlation analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Mollah, S., Quoreshi, A. M. M. S., & Zafirov, G. (2016). Equity market contagion during global financial and Eurozone crises : evidence from a dynamic correlation analysis. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 41, 151-167.

The devastation resulting from the recent global financial and Eurozone crises is immense. Most researchers commonly believe that the global financial crisis originated in the United States, and spread immediately to global financial hubs where it ev... Read More about Equity market contagion during global financial and Eurozone crises : evidence from a dynamic correlation analysis.

Spectrum occupancy measurements and lessons learned in the context of cognitive radio (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mehdawi, M., Riley, N. G., Ammar, M., Fanan, A., & Zolfaghari, M. (2015, November). Spectrum occupancy measurements and lessons learned in the context of cognitive radio. Presented at 2015 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015

Various measurement campaigns have shown that numerous spectrum bands are vacant even though licenses have been issued by the regulatory agencies. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) based on Cognitive Radio (CR) has been regarded as a prospective solution... Read More about Spectrum occupancy measurements and lessons learned in the context of cognitive radio.

Quality measurements of an UWB reduced-size CPW-fed aperture antenna (2016)
Book Chapter
Zolfaghari, M., Riley, N. G., Mehdawi, M., Fanan, A., Ammar, M., & Meng, F. (2016). Quality measurements of an UWB reduced-size CPW-fed aperture antenna. In Telecommunications forum Telfor (TELFOR), 2015 23rd (543-546). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

The paper presents a characterization of a compact co-planar waveguide (CPW)-fed slot loaded low return loss planar printed antenna designed for wireless communication and ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. Following a review of the antenna design, w... Read More about Quality measurements of an UWB reduced-size CPW-fed aperture antenna.

Comparison of spectrum occupancy measurements using software defined radio RTL-SDR with a conventional spectrum analyzer approach (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fanan, A., Riley, N., Mehdawi, M., Ammar, M., & Zolfaghari, M. (2016, November). Comparison of spectrum occupancy measurements using software defined radio RTL-SDR with a conventional spectrum analyzer approach. Presented at 2015 23rd Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR)

In the present day Cognitive Radio has become a realistic option for solution of the spectrum scarcity problem in wireless communication. Recently, the TV band has attracted attention due to the considerable potential for exploitation of available TV... Read More about Comparison of spectrum occupancy measurements using software defined radio RTL-SDR with a conventional spectrum analyzer approach.

A matrix isolation and computational study of molecular palladium fluorides : does PdF₆ exist? (2016)
Journal Article
Wilson, A. V., Nguyen, T., Brosi, F., Wang, X., Andrews, L., Riedel, S., Bridgeman, A. J., & Young, N. A. (2016). A matrix isolation and computational study of molecular palladium fluorides : does PdF₆ exist?. Inorganic chemistry, 55(3), 1108-1123.

Palladium atoms generated by thermal evaporation and laser ablation were reacted with and trapped in F₂ /Ar, F₂ /Ne, and neat F₂ matrices. The products were characterized by electronic absorption and infrared spectroscopy, together with relativistic... Read More about A matrix isolation and computational study of molecular palladium fluorides : does PdF₆ exist?.

Analysis of a novel solar electricity generation system using cascade Rankine cycle and steam screw expander (2016)
Journal Article
Li, J., Li, P., Pei, G., Alvi, J. Z., & Ji, J. (2016). Analysis of a novel solar electricity generation system using cascade Rankine cycle and steam screw expander. Applied energy, 165, 627-638.

© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. A novel solar electricity generation system (SEGS) using cascade cycle is proposed. The top and the bottom are steam Rankine cycle (SRC) and organic Rankine cycle (ORC). Particulary, screw expander (SE), which is characterized by... Read More about Analysis of a novel solar electricity generation system using cascade Rankine cycle and steam screw expander.

Early Holocene palaeoseasonality inferred from the stable isotope composition of Unio shells from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (2016)
Journal Article
Lewis, J. P., Leng, M. J., Dean, J. R., Marciniak, A., Bar-Yosef Mayer, D. E., & Wu, X. (2017). Early Holocene palaeoseasonality inferred from the stable isotope composition of Unio shells from Çatalhöyük, Turkey. Environmental Archaeology, 22(1), 79-95.

Seasonal δ13C and δ18O data are presented from 14 Unio sub-fossil shells unearthed at the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük in central Turkey, spanning the occupation period ca. 9150–8000 cal years BP. The shells likely lived in the small lakes/wetla... Read More about Early Holocene palaeoseasonality inferred from the stable isotope composition of Unio shells from Çatalhöyük, Turkey.

The model of motivational dynamics in sport : resistance to peer influence, behavioral engagement and disaffection, dispositional coping, and resilience (2016)
Journal Article
Nicholls, A., Morley, D., & Perry, J. (2016). The model of motivational dynamics in sport : resistance to peer influence, behavioral engagement and disaffection, dispositional coping, and resilience. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 2010-1-2010-9.

The Model of Motivational Dynamics (MMD; Skinner and Pitzer, 2012) infers that peers influence behavioral engagement levels, which in turn is linked to coping and resilience. Scholars, however, are yet to test the MMD among an athletic population. Th... Read More about The model of motivational dynamics in sport : resistance to peer influence, behavioral engagement and disaffection, dispositional coping, and resilience.

Do rating grades convey important information: German evidence? (2016)
Journal Article
Kenjegaliev, A., Duygun, M., & Mamedshakhova, D. (2016). Do rating grades convey important information: German evidence?. Economic modelling, 53, 334-344.

© 2015 Elsevier B.V. In this paper we investigate the impact of credit rating changes on German stock market. We evaluate daily abnormal stock returns of companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (HDAX). Rating upgrades and downgrades are made... Read More about Do rating grades convey important information: German evidence?.

A route to unbuffered pH monitoring: A novel electrochemical approach (2016)
Journal Article
Dai, C., Chan, C.-W. I., Barrow, W., Smith, A., Song, P., Potier, F., Wadhawan, J. D., Fisher, A. C., & Lawrence, N. S. (2016). A route to unbuffered pH monitoring: A novel electrochemical approach. Electrochimica acta, 190, 879-886.

Carbon paste electrodes modified by various dihydroxyquinone derivatives are investigated using both cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry in order to ascertain suitability as voltammetric pH sensors. These electrodes show a Nernstian respon... Read More about A route to unbuffered pH monitoring: A novel electrochemical approach.

On the origins of the Gothic novel : from Old Norse to Otranto (2016)
Book Chapter
Arnold, M. (2016). On the origins of the Gothic novel : from Old Norse to Otranto. In C. Wynne (Ed.), Bram Stoker and the Gothic: formations to transformations (14-29). Palgrave Macmillan.

This essay assesses the extent to which Old Norse tradition provided the basis for a subspecies of literary horror. It focuses on those formations and interpretations of Old Norse Literature as it came gradually to light from the sixteenth century on... Read More about On the origins of the Gothic novel : from Old Norse to Otranto.

Is there club convergence in Latin America? (2016)
Journal Article
King, A., & Ramlogan-Dobson, C. (2016). Is there club convergence in Latin America?. Empirical economics, 51(3), 1011-1031.

Previous studies of the income convergence hypothesis for Latin American economies indicate that almost all are not systematically closing their income gap with developed nations. The few studies to consider whether they instead exhibit club converge... Read More about Is there club convergence in Latin America?.

"the silent treatment": Absence as Presence in Linda McLean's Gendered Environments (2016)
Journal Article
Morgan McKean, K. S. (2016). "the silent treatment": Absence as Presence in Linda McLean's Gendered Environments. Contemporary Women's Writing, 10(1), 85-104.

The landscapes of Linda McLean’s plays hold the bodies and voices of those the characters onstage have lost, creating echoes that connect to ideas of retelling, of hauntings that go beyond individual and cultural reenactments. This sense of echoes is... Read More about "the silent treatment": Absence as Presence in Linda McLean's Gendered Environments.

Experiments with neutron beams for the astrophysical s process (2016)
Journal Article
Lederer, C., Altstadt, S., Andrzejewski, J., Audouin, L., Barbagallo, M., Bécares, V., Bečvář, F., Belloni, F., Berthoumieux, E., Billowes, J., Boccone, V., Bosnar, D., Brugger, M., Calviani, M., Calviño, F., Cano-Ott, D., Carrapiço, C., Cerutti, F., Chiaveri, E., Chin, M., …Žugec, P. (2016). Experiments with neutron beams for the astrophysical s process. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 665(1), 012020.

© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Neutron capture cross sections are the key nuclear physics input to study the slow neutron capture process, which is responsible for forming about half of the elemental abundances above Fe. Stellar neu... Read More about Experiments with neutron beams for the astrophysical s process.

The history of stellar metallicity in a simulated disc galaxy (2016)
Journal Article
Snaith, O. N., Bailin, J., Gibson, B. K., Bell, E. F., Stinson, G., Valluri, M., Wadsley, J., & Couchman, H. (2016). The history of stellar metallicity in a simulated disc galaxy. Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 456(3), 3119-3141.

We explore the chemical distribution of stars in a simulated galaxy. Using simulations of the same initial conditions but with two different feedback schemes (McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations – MUGS – and Making Galaxies in a Cosmological Context... Read More about The history of stellar metallicity in a simulated disc galaxy.

How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions? A mixed-methods study of four acute hospitals (2016)
Pinkney, J., Rance, S., Benger, J., Brant, H., Joel-Edgar, S., Swancutt, D., Westlake, D., Pearson, M., Thomas, D., Holme, I., Endacott, R., Anderson, R., Allen, M., Purdy, S., Campbell, J., Sheaff, R., & Byng, R. (2016). How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions? A mixed-methods study of four acute hospitals. Southampton: NIHR HSDR

Hospital emergency admissions have risen annually, exacerbating pressures on emergency departments (EDs) and acute medical units. These pressures have an adverse impact on patient experience and potentially lead to suboptimal clinical dec... Read More about How can frontline expertise and new models of care best contribute to safely reducing avoidable acute admissions? A mixed-methods study of four acute hospitals.