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Quality measurements of an UWB reduced-size CPW-fed aperture antenna

Zolfaghari, M.; Riley, N. G.; Mehdawi, M.; Fanan, A.; Ammar, M.; Meng, F.


M. Zolfaghari

N. G. Riley

M. Mehdawi

A. Fanan

M. Ammar

F. Meng


The paper presents a characterization of a compact co-planar waveguide (CPW)-fed slot loaded low return loss planar printed antenna designed for wireless communication and ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. Following a review of the antenna design, which was implemented and simulated using Agilent's Advanced Design System (ADS), the paper presents laboratory measurements of relative gain and impulse response transformed from the frequency domain. An antenna quality metric based on time-domain S21 is discussed and related to antenna quality metrics such as the System Fidelity Factor (SFF).


Zolfaghari, M., Riley, N. G., Mehdawi, M., Fanan, A., Ammar, M., & Meng, F. (2016). Quality measurements of an UWB reduced-size CPW-fed aperture antenna. . Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Conference Name 2015 23rd Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2015
Publication Date Jan 8, 2016
Deposit Date May 27, 2016
Publicly Available Date May 27, 2016
Journal Telecommunications forum Telfor (TELFOR), 2015 23rd
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Not Peer Reviewed
Pages 543-546
ISBN 9781509000548
Keywords Antenna measurement, Antenna quality metric, CPW-fed, Microstrip antenna, Ultra-wideband
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date May 27, 2016


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