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All Outputs (1162)

The Impact of Black Hole Formation on Population-averaged Supernova Yields (2021)
Journal Article
Griffith, E. J., Sukhbold, T., Weinberg, D. H., Johnson, J. A., Johnson, J. W., & Vincenzo, F. (2021). The Impact of Black Hole Formation on Population-averaged Supernova Yields. The Astrophysical journal, 921, Article 73.

The landscape of black hole (BH) formation—in which massive stars explode as core-collapse supernovae (CCSN) and which implode into BHs—profoundly affects the initial-mass-function (IMF)-averaged nucleosynthetic yields of a stellar population. Buildi... Read More about The Impact of Black Hole Formation on Population-averaged Supernova Yields.

Dressings and dignity in community nursing (2021)
Journal Article
Stevens, E., Price, E., & Walker, L. (2021). Dressings and dignity in community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing, 26(11), 526-531.

Although dignity has been widely explored in the context of healthcare, it has rarely been the subject of empirical exploration when care is delivered by community district nursing teams. This paper demonstrates how a commonplace community nursing ta... Read More about Dressings and dignity in community nursing.

Charge Carrier Recombination at Perovskite/Hole Transport Layer Interfaces Monitored by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy (2021)
Journal Article
Khan, J. I., Isikgor, F. H., Ugur, E., Raja, W., Harrison, G. T., Yengel, E., Anthopoulos, T. D., De Wolf, S., & Laquai, F. (2021). Charge Carrier Recombination at Perovskite/Hole Transport Layer Interfaces Monitored by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy. ACS Energy Letters, 6(12), 4155-4164.

Carrier recombination at the interface between charge extraction layers and the perovskite photoactive layer in solar cells reduces the quasi-Fermi level splitting (QFLS) and hence the device's open-circuit voltage (VOC). Distinguishing between inter... Read More about Charge Carrier Recombination at Perovskite/Hole Transport Layer Interfaces Monitored by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy.

Can vaccination roll-out be more equitable if population risk is taken into account? (2021)
Journal Article
Sinclair, D. R., Maharani, A., Stow, D., Welsh, C. E., & Matthews, F. E. (2021). Can vaccination roll-out be more equitable if population risk is taken into account?. PLoS ONE, 16(November), Article e0259990.

Background COVID-19 vaccination in many countries, including England, has been prioritised primarily by age. However, people of the same age can have very different health statuses. Frailty is a commonly used metric of health and has been found to be... Read More about Can vaccination roll-out be more equitable if population risk is taken into account?.

Investigation of graphene oxide-based composite material strategies as possible candidates for leading edge erosion protection of offshore wind turbines (2021)
Glanville, L. B. L. Investigation of graphene oxide-based composite material strategies as possible candidates for leading edge erosion protection of offshore wind turbines. (Thesis). University of Hull.

At present the current climate and energy crisis has highlighted the global need for more renewable energy generation. Offshore wind provides a reliable source of this green energy however the harsh environments these assets operate in result in freq... Read More about Investigation of graphene oxide-based composite material strategies as possible candidates for leading edge erosion protection of offshore wind turbines.

Lab-on-a-chip platforms for pathogen analysis (2021)
Rodriguez Mateos, P. Lab-on-a-chip platforms for pathogen analysis. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms are a big burden in developed and developing countries. The emergence and rapid global spread of virus and antimicrobial resistant bacteria is a significant threat to patients, healthcare system... Read More about Lab-on-a-chip platforms for pathogen analysis.

Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors impair FcγRIIa-mediated platelet responses to bacteria in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (2021)
Naylor-Adamson, L. Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors impair FcγRIIa-mediated platelet responses to bacteria in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Ibrutinib is highly effective in the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), disrupting B cell receptor signalling through the inhibition of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk). However, ibrutinib has off-target effects, inhibiting platelet aggr... Read More about Bruton’s tyrosine kinase inhibitors impair FcγRIIa-mediated platelet responses to bacteria in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

Development of fluorine-18 radiolabelled peptides for targeted imaging of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor (2021)
Plater, J. Development of fluorine-18 radiolabelled peptides for targeted imaging of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The chemokine receptor CXCR4 has been shown to be over-expressed in multiple cancer types and is often linked to a poor prognosis, making it a significant target of interest for both imaging and therapeutics. Early diagnosis, imaging and identificati... Read More about Development of fluorine-18 radiolabelled peptides for targeted imaging of the CXCR4 chemokine receptor.

On sound propagation along an infinite rectangular duct-like structure with a finite slot opening and its modelling (2021)
Journal Article
Chu, S. H., & Tang, S. K. (2021). On sound propagation along an infinite rectangular duct-like structure with a finite slot opening and its modelling. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150(5), 3445-3460.

The sound propagation across a sound leaking section along an infinite rectangular duct-like structure near to the lower order duct eigenfrequencies is investigated numerically in the present study. The sound leakage is achieved by finite length rect... Read More about On sound propagation along an infinite rectangular duct-like structure with a finite slot opening and its modelling.

Quantitative Methodology, Positivist Philosophy and Disciplinary Subjectivity: Indigenisation of British Sociology and Lessons for Chinese Sociology (2021)
Journal Article
Wang, C. (2021). Quantitative Methodology, Positivist Philosophy and Disciplinary Subjectivity: Indigenisation of British Sociology and Lessons for Chinese Sociology. Journal of Social Development, 2021(4), 215-243

英国社会学在本土化历程中形成了鲜明的反量化取向和通识学科定位,这影响了其学科风格。本文追溯了两个知识传统对这一学科风格的影响:一是英国本土知识传统——统计学传统,它以“不介入”的方式成为英国社会学的主要他者;另一是孔德的实证哲学和社会学观念,它成为二战前... Read More about Quantitative Methodology, Positivist Philosophy and Disciplinary Subjectivity: Indigenisation of British Sociology and Lessons for Chinese Sociology.

Publishing a Special Issue of Reports from the volcano observatories in Latin America (2021)
Journal Article
Chevrel, O., Wadsworth, F. B., Farquharson, J. I., Kushnir, A. R., Heap, M. J., Williams, R., Delmelle, P., & Kennedy, B. (2021). Publishing a Special Issue of Reports from the volcano observatories in Latin America. Volcanica, 4(S1), I-III.

Peer-reviewed publications are the most common way of sharing scientific knowledge internationally. Volcanica is the only fully diamond open access journal in volcanology, publishing peer-reviewed articles without costs to authors or readers. As part... Read More about Publishing a Special Issue of Reports from the volcano observatories in Latin America.

Using Newspapers as Historical Sources (2021)
Book Chapter
Wong, M. (2021). Using Newspapers as Historical Sources. In Research Methods Primary Sources. Adam Matthew Digital.

A world without news is almost unimaginable. As inquisitive and social animals, we want to know about the world around us and of the latest news of import. Before the advent of the newspaper, the news was spread widely and over long distances through... Read More about Using Newspapers as Historical Sources.

Using Correspondence and Manuscripts in Literary Archives (2021)
Book Chapter
Wong, M. (2021). Using Correspondence and Manuscripts in Literary Archives. In Research Methods Primary Sources. SAGE Publications (UK and US).

Literary archives contain the documents and artefacts that relate to the creation and publication of literary texts. Defined more narrowly here in terms of writing as an art composition, literature includes the classic forms of poetry, prose, and dra... Read More about Using Correspondence and Manuscripts in Literary Archives.

COVID-19 severity and mortality in patients with CLL: an update of the international ERIC and Campus CLL study (2021)
Journal Article
Chatzikonstantinou, T., Kapetanakis, A., Scarfò, L., Karakatsoulis, G., Allsup, D., Cabrero, A. A., Andres, M., Antic, D., Baile, M., Baliakas, P., Bron, D., Capasso, A., Chatzileontiadou, S., Cordoba, R., Correa, J. G., Cuéllar-García, C., De Paoli, L., De Paolis, M. R., Del Poeta, G., Demosthenous, C., …Ghia, P. (in press). COVID-19 severity and mortality in patients with CLL: an update of the international ERIC and Campus CLL study. Leukemia : official journal of the Leukemia Society of America, Leukemia Research Fund, U.K,

Patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) may be more susceptible to Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) due to age, disease, and treatment-related immunosuppression. We aimed to assess risk factors of outcome and elucidate the impact of CLL-d... Read More about COVID-19 severity and mortality in patients with CLL: an update of the international ERIC and Campus CLL study.

Lessons from peace negotiations: interview with Ehud Olmert (2021)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2021). Lessons from peace negotiations: interview with Ehud Olmert. Israel affairs, 27(6), 1160-1189.

Israeli PM Ehud Olmert (2006–9) offered the Palestinians the most comprehensive peace deal they had ever received. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said he would reply ‘soon’ and never did. This interview records Olmert’s thoughts on the... Read More about Lessons from peace negotiations: interview with Ehud Olmert.

Robust fuzzy sliding mode controller for a skid-steered vehicle subjected to friction variations (2021)
Journal Article
Mehmood, Y., Aslam, J., Ullah, N., Alsheikhy, A. A., Din, E. U., & Iqbal, J. (2021). Robust fuzzy sliding mode controller for a skid-steered vehicle subjected to friction variations. PLoS ONE, 16(11), Article 0258909.

Skid-steered vehicles (SSV) are gaining huge importance in the market due to their applications like construction, agricultural work, material handling etc. The accuracy of performing such tasks require a robust control algorithm. The design of such... Read More about Robust fuzzy sliding mode controller for a skid-steered vehicle subjected to friction variations.

Unscented Kalman filter for airship model uncertainties and wind disturbance estimation (2021)
Journal Article
Wasim, M., Ali, A., Ahmad Choudhry, M., Saleem, F., Shaikh, I. U. H., & Iqbal, J. (2021). Unscented Kalman filter for airship model uncertainties and wind disturbance estimation. PLoS ONE, 16(11 November), Article e0257849.

An airship is lighter than an air vehicle with enormous potential in applications such as communication, aerial inspection, border surveillance, and precision agriculture. An airship model is made up of dynamic, aerodynamic, aerostatic, and propulsiv... Read More about Unscented Kalman filter for airship model uncertainties and wind disturbance estimation.

An ABAQUS® plug-in for generating virtual data required for inverse analysis of unidirectional composites using artificial neural networks (2021)
Journal Article
Ismail, Y., Wan, L., Chen, J., Ye, J., & Yang, D. (2022). An ABAQUS® plug-in for generating virtual data required for inverse analysis of unidirectional composites using artificial neural networks. Engineering with Computers, 38(5), 4323-4335.

This paper presents a robust ABAQUS® plug-in called Virtual Data Generator (VDGen) for generating virtual data for identifying the uncertain material properties in unidirectional lamina through artificial neural networks (ANNs). The plug-in supports... Read More about An ABAQUS® plug-in for generating virtual data required for inverse analysis of unidirectional composites using artificial neural networks.

Rethinking Fake News: Disinformation and Ideology during the time of COVID-19 Global Pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Das, R., & Ahmed, W. (2021). Rethinking Fake News: Disinformation and Ideology during the time of COVID-19 Global Pandemic. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 11(1), 146-159.

Digital media and citizen journalism has escalated the infiltration of fake news attempting to create a post truth society (Lazer et al., 2018). The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a surge of misinformation leading to anti-mask, anti-vaccine and anti-5G p... Read More about Rethinking Fake News: Disinformation and Ideology during the time of COVID-19 Global Pandemic.