Empowering Women Leaders in a Time of Crisis: Fostering Inclusion in Ukrainian Academia
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gonzalez-Arnal, S., & Marakhovska, N. (2024, June). Empowering Women Leaders in a Time of Crisis: Fostering Inclusion in Ukrainian Academia. Presented at II International Conference Political and Economic Self-Constitution: Migration, Inequalities and Discrimination., University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece
All Outputs (55)
Croatian Veteran Masculinities and Exclusive Narratives: Points of Identification With the “Myth of the Homeland War” in the 2010s (2024)
Book Chapter
Baker, C., & Touquet, H. (2025). Croatian Veteran Masculinities and Exclusive Narratives: Points of Identification With the “Myth of the Homeland War” in the 2010s. In P. Schulz, B. Hamber, & H. Touquet (Eds.), Masculinities and Queer Perspectives in Transitional Justice (208-227). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003519522A generation after the end of the Croatian War of Independence, transitional justice advocates had hoped Croatian society would be able to separate individual and organizational responsibility for war crimes from the moral significance of a war of se... Read More about Croatian Veteran Masculinities and Exclusive Narratives: Points of Identification With the “Myth of the Homeland War” in the 2010s.
Andrew Marvell and Paul Best: New Light on Marvell’s Links to Non-Trinitarians (2024)
Journal Article
Mottram, S. (2024). Andrew Marvell and Paul Best: New Light on Marvell’s Links to Non-Trinitarians. Notes and queries, Article gjae119. https://doi.org/10.1093/notesj/gjae119Opening paragraph:
Scholars have long been aware of connections between the poet Andrew Marvell (1621–78), his father, the Reverend Andrew Marvell (1584–1641), and the branch of non-Trinitarianism known as Socinianism. Marvell the poet was accused... Read More about Andrew Marvell and Paul Best: New Light on Marvell’s Links to Non-Trinitarians.
A Cup of TEA: SHAPE-ing a sustainable future (2024)
Digital Artefact
Kaegi, A. A Cup of TEA: SHAPE-ing a sustainable future. [podcast]Ann Kaegi & Lesley Morrell University of Hull academics with student partners Ben Ryan & Emma-Rose Walters
Cup of TEA podcast, Season 3, Ep. 7
In this podcast, Mike Ewen (Head of the Teaching Excellence Academy) meets Ann Kaegi, lecturer in Engli... Read More about A Cup of TEA: SHAPE-ing a sustainable future.
Antithrombotic drugs for cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with lower limb peripheral arterial disease: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (2023)
Journal Article
Sidebottom, D. B., Huang, C., Carradice, D., Holt, P. J., John-Pierre, K., & Roy, I. N. (2023). Antithrombotic drugs for cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with lower limb peripheral arterial disease: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ open, 13(8), Article e072355. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-072355INTRODUCTION: The optimal antithrombotic regimen to reduce the risk of vascular events in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is contentious. This systematic review and network meta-analysis (NMA) aims to define the relative efficacy and... Read More about Antithrombotic drugs for cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with lower limb peripheral arterial disease: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.
Creative and flexible deployment of systems methodologies for child rights and child protection through Holistic Flexibility (2023)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, R., Gregory, A., & Queah, M. (2023). Creative and flexible deployment of systems methodologies for child rights and child protection through Holistic Flexibility. Systems research and behavioral science, https://doi.org/10.1002/sres.2955Holistic Flexibility is a conceptual lens in systems thinking that enables intellectual, emotional and tactical elasticity in systems practice. This paper will demonstrate Holistic Flexibility in practice in an NGO setting to design and implement a p... Read More about Creative and flexible deployment of systems methodologies for child rights and child protection through Holistic Flexibility.
Bringing fictional characters to life: reflections on co-creating a comic book with members of the public (2023)
Journal Article
Cairns, J. M., Roberts, H., Al-Khafaji, G., & Kwater, M. (2023). Bringing fictional characters to life: reflections on co-creating a comic book with members of the public. Research Involvement and Engagement, 9(1), Article 28. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-023-00437-2There are growing calls for cancer screening to become more personalised by considering a range of risk factors, rather than a one-size-fits-all, age-based approach. The aim of this public involvement was to co-create a comic book about bowel cancer... Read More about Bringing fictional characters to life: reflections on co-creating a comic book with members of the public.
Prevalence and patterns of domestic abuse victimisation in an English police workforce (2023)
Journal Article
Brennan, I., Couto, L., & O’Leary, N. (2023). Prevalence and patterns of domestic abuse victimisation in an English police workforce. Policing and Society, https://doi.org/10.1080/10439463.2023.2184817Perhaps more than any other occupation, police witness the context and aftermath of domestic abuse but little is known about the police-victim overlap with regard to domestic abuse. This paper, based on survey responses from approximately one-quarter... Read More about Prevalence and patterns of domestic abuse victimisation in an English police workforce.
The Nature and Character of the Public Markets and Their Effects on Public Procurement in the European Union (2022)
Journal Article
Bovis, C. (2022). The Nature and Character of the Public Markets and Their Effects on Public Procurement in the European Union. Studia Iuridica Lublinensia, 31(4), 9-27. https://doi.org/10.17951/sil.2022.31.4.9-27The regulation of public procurement in the European Union focuses on the internal market and its function in accordance with the fundamental freedoms. It aims at installing a behaviour for the public sector which is similar dynamics to the function... Read More about The Nature and Character of the Public Markets and Their Effects on Public Procurement in the European Union.
Human trafficking in West Africa : an assessment of the implementation of international and regional normative standards (2022)
Journal Article
Ogunniyi, D., & Idowu, O. (2022). Human trafficking in West Africa : an assessment of the implementation of international and regional normative standards. The Age of Human Rights Journal, 165-185. https://doi.org/10.17561/tahrj.v19.6851It is now over 20 years since the Palermo Protocol was adopted as a global mobilisation tool to combat human trafficking. Although all 15 West African states have widely ratified the Palermo Protocol, the implementation of the instrument in the sub-r... Read More about Human trafficking in West Africa : an assessment of the implementation of international and regional normative standards.
Developing and testing the ExerciseGuide UK website for people with lung cancer: reflections on the added value of patient and public involvement within a doctoral degree (2022)
Journal Article
Curry, J., Roberts, H., Smith, A., Riley, D., Pearson, M., & Forbes, C. C. (2022). Developing and testing the ExerciseGuide UK website for people with lung cancer: reflections on the added value of patient and public involvement within a doctoral degree. Research Involvement and Engagement, 8(1), Article 66. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-022-00395-1Background: Lung cancer has one of the highest incidence and mortality rates worldwide. Physical activity can provide those diagnosed with lung cancer with several physical and psychological benefits. However, the examination of digitally delivered p... Read More about Developing and testing the ExerciseGuide UK website for people with lung cancer: reflections on the added value of patient and public involvement within a doctoral degree.
Re-colonisation of Jammu and Kashmir and the Right to Self-determination (2022)
Journal Article
Shah, N. A. (2022). Re-colonisation of Jammu and Kashmir and the Right to Self-determination. International Human Rights Law Review, https://doi.org/10.1163/22131035-11020005On 5 August 2019, India unilaterally ended the autonomous status under Article 370 of the Indian constitution 1949. The state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) was established under the terms of the Instrument of Accession by the Ruler of j&k. To change the... Read More about Re-colonisation of Jammu and Kashmir and the Right to Self-determination.
Finding the balance: the choreography of participatory research with children and young people (2022)
Journal Article
James, F., & Shaw, P. (2022). Finding the balance: the choreography of participatory research with children and young people. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, https://doi.org/10.1080/1743727X.2022.2136158Participatory Research (PR), which places participants at the foreground, is an evolving field spanning several disciplines. This article critiques conceptual tensions surrounding the notion of participation itself and how PR tenets can be engaged wi... Read More about Finding the balance: the choreography of participatory research with children and young people.
Development and evaluation of a collaborative care intervention for male prison leavers with mental health problems: the Engager research programme (2022)
Journal Article
Byng, R., Lennox, C., Kirkpatrick, T., Quinn, C., Anderson, R., Brand, S. L., Callaghan, L., Carroll, L., Durcan, G., Gill, L., Goodier, S., Graham, J., Greer, R., Haddad, M., Harris, T., Henley, W., Hunter, R., Maguire, M., Leonard, S., Michie, S., …Shaw, J. (2022). Development and evaluation of a collaborative care intervention for male prison leavers with mental health problems: the Engager research programme. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 10(8), https://doi.org/10.3310/MMWC3761Background: Many male prison leavers have significant mental health problems. Prison leavers often have a history of trauma, ongoing substance misuse and housing insecurity. Only a minority of prison leavers receive mental health care on release from... Read More about Development and evaluation of a collaborative care intervention for male prison leavers with mental health problems: the Engager research programme.
"The End Justifies the Memes": A Feminist Relational Discourse Analysis of the Role of Macro Memes in Facilitating Supportive Discussions for Victim-Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse (2022)
Journal Article
Howard, V., & Adan, A. (2022). "The End Justifies the Memes": A Feminist Relational Discourse Analysis of the Role of Macro Memes in Facilitating Supportive Discussions for Victim-Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, 16(4), Article 10. https://doi.org/10.5817/CP2022-4-10This article reports the results of a qualitative study which aimed to investigate the role of internet memes in facilitating supportive discussions among women on an online platform concerning narcissistic abuse. Narcissistic abuse is an under-recog... Read More about "The End Justifies the Memes": A Feminist Relational Discourse Analysis of the Role of Macro Memes in Facilitating Supportive Discussions for Victim-Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse.
Report: Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: the TAILOR evidence synthesis (2022)
Journal Article
Reeve, J., Maden, M., Hill, R., Turk, A., Mahtani, K., Wong, G., Lasserson, D., Krska, J., Mangin, D., Byng, R., Wallace, E., & Ranson, E. (2022). Report: Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: the TAILOR evidence synthesis. Health Technology Assessment, 26(32), VII-108. https://doi.org/10.3310/AAFO2475Background: Tackling problematic polypharmacy requires tailoring the use of medicines to individual needs and circumstances. This may involve stopping medicines (deprescribing) but patients and clinicians report uncertainty on how best to do this. Th... Read More about Report: Deprescribing medicines in older people living with multimorbidity and polypharmacy: the TAILOR evidence synthesis.
Improving the Detection, Assessment, Management and Prevention of Delirium in Hospices (the DAMPen-D study): protocol for a co-design and feasibility study of a flexible and scalable implementation strategy to deliver guideline-adherent delirium care (2022)
Journal Article
Pearson, M., Jackson, G., Jackson, C., Boland, J., Featherstone, I., Huang, C., Ogden, M., Sartain, K., Siddiqi, N., Twiddy, M., & Johnson, M. (2022). Improving the Detection, Assessment, Management and Prevention of Delirium in Hospices (the DAMPen-D study): protocol for a co-design and feasibility study of a flexible and scalable implementation strategy to deliver guideline-adherent delirium care. BMJ open, 12(7), Article e060450. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-060450INTRODUCTION: Delirium is a complex condition in which altered mental state and cognition causes severe distress and poor clinical outcomes for patients and families, anxiety and stress for the health professionals and support staff providing care, a... Read More about Improving the Detection, Assessment, Management and Prevention of Delirium in Hospices (the DAMPen-D study): protocol for a co-design and feasibility study of a flexible and scalable implementation strategy to deliver guideline-adherent delirium care.
The most important components of out-of-hours community care for patients at the end of life: A Delphi study of healthcare professionals’ and patient and family carers’ perspectives (2022)
Journal Article
Goodrich, J., Tutt, L., Firth, A. M., Evans, C. J., Murtagh, F. E., & Harding, R. (2022). The most important components of out-of-hours community care for patients at the end of life: A Delphi study of healthcare professionals’ and patient and family carers’ perspectives. Palliative medicine, https://doi.org/10.1177/02692163221106284Background: Community services for palliative patients outside normal working hours are variable and the best evidence-based models of care have not been determined. Aim: To establish expert consensus on the most important components of out-of-hours... Read More about The most important components of out-of-hours community care for patients at the end of life: A Delphi study of healthcare professionals’ and patient and family carers’ perspectives.
Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative (2022)
Journal Article
Revell, L. (2022). Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative. Child Abuse Review, 31(6), Article e2780. https://doi.org/10.1002/car.2780This article reports findings from a study which sought to offer primacy to the voice of the child, using narrative approaches to encourage children and young people to share their lived experiences of neglect. Using a constructivist approach, this p... Read More about Narratives of Neglect in Social Work with Children and Families: The Relationship between Voice and Narrative.
Anatomy Nights: An international public engagement event increases audience knowledge of brain anatomy (2022)
Journal Article
Sanders, K. A., Philp, J. A., Jordan, C. Y., Cale, A. S., Cunningham, C. L., & Organ, J. M. (2022). Anatomy Nights: An international public engagement event increases audience knowledge of brain anatomy. PLoS ONE, 17(6 June), Article e0267550. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0267550Anatomy Nights is an international public engagement event created to bring anatomy and anatomists back to public spaces with the goal of increasing the public's understanding of their own anatomy by comparison with non-human tissues. The event consi... Read More about Anatomy Nights: An international public engagement event increases audience knowledge of brain anatomy.