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All Outputs (59)

The role of ‘living laboratories’ in accelerating the energy system decarbonization (2022)
Journal Article
Fan, Z., Cao, J., Jamal, T., Fogwill, C., Samende, C., Robinson, Z., Polack, F., Ormerod, M., George, S., Peacock, A., & Healey, D. (2022). The role of ‘living laboratories’ in accelerating the energy system decarbonization. Energy Reports, 8, 11858-11864.

To decarbonize the energy system by the year 2050, it is crucial that innovations are trialled in a ‘real world’ setting for the purpose of increasing public adoption and support, and for providing insights to decision-makers to ensure their decision... Read More about The role of ‘living laboratories’ in accelerating the energy system decarbonization.

Techno-Economic Analysis and Feasibility of Industrial-Scale Activated Carbon Production from Agricultural Pea Waste Using Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis: A Circular Economy Approach (2022)
Journal Article
Zein, S. H., & Antony, A. (2022). Techno-Economic Analysis and Feasibility of Industrial-Scale Activated Carbon Production from Agricultural Pea Waste Using Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis: A Circular Economy Approach. Processes, 10(9), Article 1702.

This paper examines a novel approach to activated carbon (AC) production that uses pea waste (PW) and to what extent it is economically competitive with current production methods. Additionally, the outcome is to provide a detailed economic analysis... Read More about Techno-Economic Analysis and Feasibility of Industrial-Scale Activated Carbon Production from Agricultural Pea Waste Using Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis: A Circular Economy Approach.

Why do small businesses have difficulty in accessing bank financing? (2022)
Journal Article
Harrison, R., Li, Y., Vigne, S. A., & Wu, Y. (2022). Why do small businesses have difficulty in accessing bank financing?. International review of financial analysis, 84, Article 102352.

This study investigates bank financing to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) and evaluates whether the difficulties of SMEs in accessing bank financing during a period of financial crisis are due to a reduction in the supply of credit, or to a... Read More about Why do small businesses have difficulty in accessing bank financing?.

Industry 4.0 and circular economy in an era of global value chains: What have we learned and what is still to be explored? (2022)
Journal Article
Awan, U., Gölgeci, I., Makhmadshoev, D., & Mishra, N. (2022). Industry 4.0 and circular economy in an era of global value chains: What have we learned and what is still to be explored?. Journal of cleaner production, 371, Article 133621.

This article reviews the industry 4.0 (I4.0) and circular economy (CE) literature from a global value chain (GVC) perspective. More specifically, it (1) summarizes the empirical findings on the applications of I4.0 and CE practices; (2) explores the... Read More about Industry 4.0 and circular economy in an era of global value chains: What have we learned and what is still to be explored?.

Toward a decade of ocean science for sustainable development through acoustic animal tracking (2022)
Journal Article
Alós, J., Aarestrup, K., Abecasis, D., Afonso, P., Alonso‐Fernandez, A., Aspillaga, E., Barcelo‐Serra, M., Bolland, J., Cabanellas-Reboredo, M., Lennox, R., McGill, R., Özgül, A., Reubens, J., & Villegas-Ríos, D. (in press). Toward a decade of ocean science for sustainable development through acoustic animal tracking. Global change biology,

The ocean is a key component of the Earth's dynamics, providing a great variety of ecosystem services to humans. Yet, human activities are globally changing its structure and major components, including marine biodiversity. In this context, the Unite... Read More about Toward a decade of ocean science for sustainable development through acoustic animal tracking.

Double scaffold networks regulate edible Pickering emulsion gel for designing thermally actuated 4D printing (2022)
Journal Article
Jiang, Q., Binks, B. P., & Meng, Z. (2022). Double scaffold networks regulate edible Pickering emulsion gel for designing thermally actuated 4D printing. Food Hydrocolloids, 133, Article 107969.

3D and 4D printing of emulsion gels can be achieved by controlling the continuous phase and the interface. Edible high internal phase water-in-oil Pickering emulsion gels (PEGs) with a tunable double scaffold network structure are designed and prepar... Read More about Double scaffold networks regulate edible Pickering emulsion gel for designing thermally actuated 4D printing.

Preliminary study of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture using tomography analysis (2022)
Journal Article
Chen, Y., Cann, D., Jia, J., & Font Palma, C. (2022). Preliminary study of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture using tomography analysis. Fuel, 328, Article 125271.

Cryogenic carbon capture (CCC) is a potential technological solution to reduce CO2 emissions and achieve the needed environmental targets. CCC provides a relatively compact solution to industries where more mature technologies would have difficulty s... Read More about Preliminary study of CO2 frost formation during cryogenic carbon capture using tomography analysis.

Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education (2022)
Journal Article
Ochieng, B. M., Smith, L., Orton, B., Hayter, M., Kaseje, M., Wafula, C. O., Ocholla, P., Onukwugha, F., & Kaseje, D. C. O. (2022). Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education. Social Sciences, 11(5), Article 196.

Mobile health (mHealth) programs offer opportunities to improve the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of adolescents by providing information. This paper reports the findings of a study carried out in Homabay County, Kenya, to assess stakeholders’... Read More about Perspectives of Adolescents, Parents, Service Providers, and Teachers on Mobile Phone Use for Sexual Reproductive Health Education.

Consensus Adversarial Defense Method Based on Augmented Examples (2022)
Journal Article
Ding, X., Cheng, Y., Luo, Y., Li, Q., & Gope, P. (2022). Consensus Adversarial Defense Method Based on Augmented Examples. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,

Deep learning has been used in many computer-vision-based industrial Internet of Things applications. However, deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples that have been crafted specifically to fool a system while being imperceptible... Read More about Consensus Adversarial Defense Method Based on Augmented Examples.

A survey of Circular Economy initiatives in Portuguese central public sector organisations: National outlook for implementation (2022)
Journal Article
Klein, N., Deutz, P., & Ramos, T. B. (2022). A survey of Circular Economy initiatives in Portuguese central public sector organisations: National outlook for implementation. Journal of environmental management, 314, Article 114982.

The Circular Economy (CE) is generally understood as an opportunity to transform the current unsustainable linear economic system by redesigning the way organisations provide goods and services rethinking how society consumes and uses those resources... Read More about A survey of Circular Economy initiatives in Portuguese central public sector organisations: National outlook for implementation.

Latest Advances in Waste Plastic Pyrolytic Catalysis (2022)
Journal Article
Yansaneh, O. Y., & Zein, S. H. (2022). Latest Advances in Waste Plastic Pyrolytic Catalysis. Processes, 10(4), Article 683.

With the increase in demand for plastic use, waste plastic (WP) management remains a challenge in the contemporary world due to the lack of sustainable efforts to tackle it. The increment in WPs is proportional to man’s demand and use of plastics, an... Read More about Latest Advances in Waste Plastic Pyrolytic Catalysis.

Influence of offshore oil and gas structures on seascape ecological connectivity (2022)
Journal Article
McLean, D. L., Ferreira, L. C., Benthuysen, J. A., Miller, K. J., Schläppy, M. L., Ajemian, M. J., Berry, O., Birchenough, S. N., Bond, T., Boschetti, F., Bull, A. S., Claisse, J. T., Condie, S. A., Consoli, P., Coolen, J. W., Elliott, M., Fortune, I. S., Fowler, A. M., Gillanders, B. M., Harrison, H. B., …Thums, M. (2022). Influence of offshore oil and gas structures on seascape ecological connectivity. Global change biology, 28(11), 3515-3536.

Offshore platforms, subsea pipelines, wells and related fixed structures supporting the oil and gas (O&G) industry are prevalent in oceans across the globe, with many approaching the end of their operational life and requiring decommissioning. Althou... Read More about Influence of offshore oil and gas structures on seascape ecological connectivity.

Public-Private Partnerships in Denver, CO: Analysis of the Role of PPPs in the Financing and Construction of Transportation Infrastructure in the USA (2022)
Book Chapter
Brady, S. A., Goetz, A. R., & Jonas, A. E. (2022). Public-Private Partnerships in Denver, CO: Analysis of the Role of PPPs in the Financing and Construction of Transportation Infrastructure in the USA. In S. Hakim, R. M. Clark, & E. A. Blackstone (Eds.), Handbook on Public Private Partnerships in Transportation, Vol. 1 : Airports, Water Ports, Rail, Buses, Taxis, and Finance (195-222). Springer.

This chapter examines the expanding role of public-private partnerships (PPPs or P3s) in metro transportation projects in the USA through the innovative funding and financing of transit and highway infrastructure. The chapter draws on research undert... Read More about Public-Private Partnerships in Denver, CO: Analysis of the Role of PPPs in the Financing and Construction of Transportation Infrastructure in the USA.

Overview of biomass conversion to biofuels (2021)
Book Chapter
Cheah, K. W., Taylor, M. J., Evans, G., Samson, A., & Skoulou, V. (2022). Overview of biomass conversion to biofuels. In S. Yusup, & N. A. Rashidi (Eds.), Value chain of Biofuels (1-48). Elsevier.

This chapter introduces the main biomass conversion routes to biofuels currently available in industry. It begins with a general comparison between first- and second-generation lignocellulosic biomass feedstocks, and the lessons learned by utilizing... Read More about Overview of biomass conversion to biofuels.

A systems perspective on systemic innovation (2021)
Journal Article
Midgley, G., & Lindhult, E. (2021). A systems perspective on systemic innovation. Systems research and behavioral science, 38(5), 635–670.

The term ‘systemic innovation’ is increasing in use, but there is no consensus on its meaning: five understandings of the term can be identified, each based on a different view of what the word ‘systemic’ should refer to. The first understanding focu... Read More about A systems perspective on systemic innovation.

‘We'd never had to set up a virtual school before’: Opportunities and challenges for primary and secondary teachers during emergency remote education (2021)
Journal Article
Gouseti, A. (2021). ‘We'd never had to set up a virtual school before’: Opportunities and challenges for primary and secondary teachers during emergency remote education. Review of Education, 9(3), Article e3305.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about the largest disruption to formal education in recent history and has resulted in school closures and the move to online teaching and learning across the globe. Using data from interviews with 25 teachers and he... Read More about ‘We'd never had to set up a virtual school before’: Opportunities and challenges for primary and secondary teachers during emergency remote education.

Ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging and multiphysics modelling of liquid phase fatigue exfoliation of graphite under ultrasound (2021)
Journal Article
Qin, L., Maciejewska, B. M., Subroto, T., Morton, J. A., Porfyrakis, K., Tzanakis, I., Eskin, D. G., Grobert, N., Fezzaa, K., & Mi, J. (2022). Ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging and multiphysics modelling of liquid phase fatigue exfoliation of graphite under ultrasound. Carbon, 186, 227-237.

Ultrasound-assisted liquid phase exfoliation is a promising method for manufacturing of 2D materials in large scale and sustainable manner. A large number of studies using ex-situ nano/micro structural characterization techniques have been made to in... Read More about Ultrafast synchrotron X-ray imaging and multiphysics modelling of liquid phase fatigue exfoliation of graphite under ultrasound.

Analysis of critical success factors for implementing Industry 4.0 integrated circular supply chain–moving towards sustainable operations (2021)
Journal Article
Kumar, A., Choudhary, S., Garza-Reyes, J. A., Kumar, V., Rehman Khan, S. A., & Mishra, N. (in press). Analysis of critical success factors for implementing Industry 4.0 integrated circular supply chain–moving towards sustainable operations. Production planning & control,

Many threats, such as scarcity of sources and climate change, are forcing the business community to examine their commitment towards the environment and society. Because of this pressure, companies have started to implement long term sustainable prac... Read More about Analysis of critical success factors for implementing Industry 4.0 integrated circular supply chain–moving towards sustainable operations.

Control of an anthropomorphic manipulator using LuGre friction model - Design and experimental validation (2021)
Journal Article
Ali, K., Mehmood, A., Muhammad, I., Razzaq, S., & Iqbal, J. (2021). Control of an anthropomorphic manipulator using LuGre friction model - Design and experimental validation. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(9), 401-410.

Automation technology has been extensively recognized as an emerging field in various industrial applications. Recent breakthrough in flexible automation is primarily due to deployment of robotic arms or manipulators. Autonomy in these manipulators i... Read More about Control of an anthropomorphic manipulator using LuGre friction model - Design and experimental validation.

Multi-agent architecture for waste minimisation in beef supply chain (2021)
Journal Article
Nguyen, A. H. T., Singh, A., Kumari, S., & Choudhary, S. (in press). Multi-agent architecture for waste minimisation in beef supply chain. Production planning & control,

Food waste is an alarming issue pertaining to the rising global hunger, huge environmental footprint, and high monetary value. In developing and developed nations, it occurs primarily due to inefficiencies upstream and downstream of the supply chain... Read More about Multi-agent architecture for waste minimisation in beef supply chain.