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All Outputs (673)

La signora Van Gogh (2023)
Cauchi, C. (2023). La signora Van Gogh. Piemme

From the publisher:
Quando Johanna Bonger arriva a Parigi non ha idea di cosa possa riservarle il destino: in fuga dalla bigotta Amsterdam dopo una relazione clandestina con un uomo che non l'avrebbe mai sposata, con l'onta dello scandalo che la seg... Read More about La signora Van Gogh.

Conservative Governments in the Age of Brexit (2023)
Beech, M., & Lee, S. (Eds.). (2023). Conservative Governments in the Age of Brexit. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book provides the first evaluation of the three Conservative administrations which have been affected, shaped and largely determined by the age of Brexit.It breaks new ground by collectively analysing the Cameron, May and Johnson administrations... Read More about Conservative Governments in the Age of Brexit.

Mevrouw Van Gogh (2023)
Cauchi, C. (2023). Mevrouw Van Gogh. HarperCollins Holland

From the publisher:
Zij vertelde Vincents verhaal; nu is het tijd voor dat van haar. Gebaseerd op een waargebeurd verhaal.

Om het uitlekken van een schandaal te voorkomen verhuist de Nederlandse Johanna Bonger in het jaar 1888 naar haar broer in... Read More about Mevrouw Van Gogh.

Migration, Culture and Identity: Making Home Away (2023)
Shamma, Y., Ilcan, S., Squire, V., & Underhill, H. (Eds.). (2023). Migration, Culture and Identity: Making Home Away. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book is about homemaking in situations of migration and displacement. It explores how homes are made, remade, lost, revived, expanded and contracted through experiences of migration, to ask what it means to make a home away from home. We draw to... Read More about Migration, Culture and Identity: Making Home Away.

Mrs Van Gogh (2023)
Cauchi, C. (2023). Mrs Van Gogh. HarperCollins Publishers

From the publisher:
She’s been painted out of history…until now
Who tells her story?

In 1890, Vincent Van Gogh dies penniless, unknown, a man tortured by his own mind.

Eleven years later his work is exhibited in Paris and his unparalleled tal... Read More about Mrs Van Gogh.

Expedition 397T Preliminary Report: Return to Walvis Ridge Hotspot : 10 September–11 October 2022 (2022)
Sager, W., Blum, P., & Expedition 397T Scientists. Expedition 397T Preliminary Report: Return to Walvis Ridge Hotspot : 10 September–11 October 2022. International Ocean Discovery Program.

International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 397T sought to address the shortage of drilling time caused by COVID-19 mitigation during Expedition 391 (Walvis Ridge Hotspot) by drilling at two sites omitted from the earlier cruise. A week of corin... Read More about Expedition 397T Preliminary Report: Return to Walvis Ridge Hotspot : 10 September–11 October 2022.

Comparative Constitutional Law: Issues, Debates and Stories from the UK, US and Indian Jurisdictions (2022)
Chowdhury, M. J. A. (2022). Comparative Constitutional Law: Issues, Debates and Stories from the UK, US and Indian Jurisdictions. Bengal Press

This book is an in-depth analysis and critical examination of facts, histories, case laws, and contemporary issues of the British, American, and Indian constitutional systems. It looks into how the complex structures of the three diverse systems fun... Read More about Comparative Constitutional Law: Issues, Debates and Stories from the UK, US and Indian Jurisdictions.

A research agenda for intelligence studies and government (2022)
Dover, R., Dylan, H., & Goodman, M. S. (Eds.). (2022). A research agenda for intelligence studies and government. Edward Elgar Publishing.

This Research Agenda explores the academic field of intelligence studies and how it is developing into an increasingly international and diverse area of study.

As more governments release records, and as new generations of scholars engage with the... Read More about A research agenda for intelligence studies and government.

Interpreting Brexit: Reimagining Political Traditions (2022)
Bevir, M., & Beech, M. (Eds.). (2022). Interpreting Brexit: Reimagining Political Traditions. Palgrave Macmillan (part of Springer Nature).

This volume examines the impact of Brexit on political traditions such as nationalism, liberalism and conservatism, cosmopolitanism and decentralization. Bringing together scholars of British Politics, the chapters focus on the following topics: Bre... Read More about Interpreting Brexit: Reimagining Political Traditions.

Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy. Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age (2022)
Dover, R. (2022). Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy. Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age. Hurst Publishers

Intelligence agencies are reflections of the societies they serve. No surprise, then, that modern spies and the agencies they work for are fixated on the internet and electronic communications. These same officials also struggle with notions of priva... Read More about Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy. Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age.

The Maritime Transport of Sculptures in the Ancient Mediterranean (2022)
Velentza, K. (2022). The Maritime Transport of Sculptures in the Ancient Mediterranean. Archaeopress.

With a focus on the underwater context of sculptures retrieved from beneath the sea, this volume examines where, when, why and how sculptures were transported on the Mediterranean Sea during Classical Antiquity through the lenses of both maritime and... Read More about The Maritime Transport of Sculptures in the Ancient Mediterranean.

India's intelligence culture and strategic surprises: Spying for south block (2022)
Chaya, D. P. (2022). India's intelligence culture and strategic surprises: Spying for south block. Routledge.

The work looks at whether there is a distinct way in which India 'thinks about' and 'does' intelligence, and, by extension, whether this affects the prospects of it being surprised. Drawing on a combination of archival data, secondary source informat... Read More about India's intelligence culture and strategic surprises: Spying for south block.

The Belt and Road Initiative and the Politics of Connectivity: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the 21st Century (2022)
Chakma, B., & Dai, X. (Eds.). (2022). The Belt and Road Initiative and the Politics of Connectivity: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the 21st Century. Palgrave Macmillan.

This book analyses Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative and New Delhi's reaction to it. The two rising powers are embroiled in a competition to influence South Asian states. This book explores the dimensions of the rivalry and analyses the causes, dyna... Read More about The Belt and Road Initiative and the Politics of Connectivity: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the 21st Century.

Global Competence in Teacher Education: Resources for Teaching and Learning. (2022)
Jones, S.-L., & Cassiano, A. C. (Eds.). (2022). Global Competence in Teacher Education: Resources for Teaching and Learning

This eBook is for teacher educators, teachers and non-formal educators.

It contains a set of resources and learning designs concerned with global competence education. Global competence can be defined as:

“the capacity to examine local, global... Read More about Global Competence in Teacher Education: Resources for Teaching and Learning..

American Philanthropy at Home and Abroad: New Directions in the History of Giving (2022)
Offiler, B., & Williams, R. (Eds.). (2022). American Philanthropy at Home and Abroad: New Directions in the History of Giving. Bloomsbury Publishing

American Philanthropy at Home and Abroad explores the different ways in which charities, voluntary associations, religious organisations, philanthropic foundations and other non-state actors have engaged with traditions of giving. Using examples from... Read More about American Philanthropy at Home and Abroad: New Directions in the History of Giving.

Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America. Research, Policy, and Practice (2022)
Urbina-Garcia, A., Perry, B., Dockett, S., Jindal-Snape, D., & Garcia-Cabrero, B. (Eds.). (2022). Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America. Research, Policy, and Practice. Springer

This book showcases the quality work that Latin American researchers have done on transition to school in Latin American countries by offering the English-speaking world, first-hand access to some Latin American transitions research, practices, and p... Read More about Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America. Research, Policy, and Practice.

Dominant Algorithms to Evaluate Artificial Intelligence: From the View of Throughput Model (2022)
Rodgers, W. (2022). Dominant Algorithms to Evaluate Artificial Intelligence: From the View of Throughput Model. Bentham Science Publishers.

This book describes the Throughput Model methodology that can enable individuals and organizations to better identify, understand, and use algorithms to solve daily problems. The Throughput Model is a progressive model intended to advance the artific... Read More about Dominant Algorithms to Evaluate Artificial Intelligence: From the View of Throughput Model.