Whaling (Vignette)
Book Chapter
Atkinson, D. (2017). Whaling (Vignette). In D. Atkinson, B. McDonagh, S. McKeon, E. Salter, & D. J. Starkey (Eds.), Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press
All Outputs (1545)
Lilian Bilocca (Vignette) (2017)
Book Chapter
Lavery, B. (2017). Lilian Bilocca (Vignette). In D. Atkinson, B. McDonagh, S. McKeon, E. Salter, & D. Starkey (Eds.), Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University Press
William Colbeck (Vignette) (2017)
Book Chapter
Robinson, R. (2017). William Colbeck (Vignette). In D. Starkey, D. Atkinson, B. McDonagh, S. McKeon, & E. Salter (Eds.), Hull: Culture, History, Place. Liverpool University PressOpening paragraph:
People from Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire played a significant role in the ‘Heroic Age’ of Antarctic Exploration (1897-1922). Clements Markham, the President of the Royal Geographical Society, who envisaged and oversaw the... Read More about William Colbeck (Vignette).
Disrupting the Remake: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2017)
Book Chapter
Mazdon, L. (2017). Disrupting the Remake: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In I. R. Smith, & C. Verevis (Eds.), Transnational Film Remakes (21-35). Edinburgh University Press. https://doi.org/10.3366/edinburgh/9781474407236.003.0002A key feature of the cultural landscape of the twenty-first century has been the global success of so-called ‘Nordic Noir’. Indeed, it was this very global success which led both to the ‘foreignising’ remake which this chapter will discuss and to the... Read More about Disrupting the Remake: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
Western Buddhism and social work (2017)
Book Chapter
Humphrey, C. (2017). Western Buddhism and social work. In B. R. Crisp (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Spirituality and Social Work (81-89). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315679853Buddhism was transported from the Asian continent to Europe, North America and Australia from the nineteenth century onwards when representatives of colonial powers analysed Buddhist scriptures, art and architecture. The Buddha imparted the Dharma in... Read More about Western Buddhism and social work.
Reflexivity in accountancy research (2017)
Book Chapter
Haynes, K. (2017). Reflexivity in accountancy research. In Z. Hoque, L. D. Parker, M. A. Covaleski, & K. Haynes (Eds.), The Routledge companion to qualitative accounting research methods. RoutledgeAbstract: The concept of reflexivity has been widely used in social science qualitative research methods for a number of decades, so it is not a new phenomenon. Broadly it refers to the process in which the researcher reflects on data collection and... Read More about Reflexivity in accountancy research.
Autoethnography in accounting research (2017)
Book Chapter
Haynes, K. (2017). Autoethnography in accounting research. In Z. Hoque, L. D. Parker, M. A. Covaleski, & K. Haynes (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Qualitative Accounting Research Methods (215-230). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315674797Autoethnography is prominent in qualitative social science research but is relatively less common in accounting research, though its influence is beginning to grow as researchers recognize this rich and innovative methodological approach. Autoethnogr... Read More about Autoethnography in accounting research.
In dub conference : empathy, groove and technology in Jamaican popular music (2017)
Book Chapter
Oliver, R. (2017). In dub conference : empathy, groove and technology in Jamaican popular music. In Music and empathy. RoutledgeThis chapter will discuss empathic aspects of the way that groove occurs in Jamaican popular music (hereafter ‘JPM’), focusing initially on the stylistically specific relationship between the drums and the bass (as well as other instruments in the en... Read More about In dub conference : empathy, groove and technology in Jamaican popular music.
Viewing Empathy in Jazz Performance (2017)
Book Chapter
Elsdon, P. (2017). Viewing Empathy in Jazz Performance. In E. King, & C. Waddington (Eds.), Music and empathy (157-172). RoutledgeIn this chapter, the author explains how the empathic comes to play an important role in the way empathic researcher view performance, and jazz performance in particular. She develops an argument about the way in which certain fundamental tropes used... Read More about Viewing Empathy in Jazz Performance.
The long-term impacts of probation supervision (2017)
Book Chapter
Hunter, B., Farrall, S., Sharpe, G., & Calverley, A. (2017). The long-term impacts of probation supervision. In A. Blokland, & V. van der Geest (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology (436-449). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315747996This chapter draws upon data from a longitudinal study of desistance from crime to investigate the impacts of criminal justice interventions specifically, probation supervision on probationers' behaviour over a period of fifteen years. It demonstrate... Read More about The long-term impacts of probation supervision.
The empathic nature of the piano accompanist (2017)
Book Chapter
King, E., & Roussou, E. (2017). The empathic nature of the piano accompanist. In E. King, & C. Waddington (Eds.), Music and empathy. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315596587The ways in which humans interact in any society or culture have occupied the attention of researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds over centuries, including philosophers, psychologists, historians, sociologists, anthropologists and musico... Read More about The empathic nature of the piano accompanist.
Island biodiversity (2017)
Book Chapter
Barnes, R. (2017). Island biodiversity. In E. Morgera, & J. Razzaque (Eds.), Biodiversity and Nature Protection Law (175-188). Edward Elgar Publishing
Nanoparticles-based flash-like nonvolatile memories: Cluster beam synthesis of metallic nanoparticles and challenges for the overlying control oxide layer (2017)
Book Chapter
Verrelli, E., & Tsoukalas, D. (2017). Nanoparticles-based flash-like nonvolatile memories: Cluster beam synthesis of metallic nanoparticles and challenges for the overlying control oxide layer. In P. Dimitrakis (Ed.), Charge-Trapping Non-Volatile Memories (157-210). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48705-2_5Nanoparticles (NPs) are of great scientific interest as they are effectively a bridge between bulk materials and atomic or molecular structures. In this work the focus is to present results concerning the use of NPs deposited using a novel room tempe... Read More about Nanoparticles-based flash-like nonvolatile memories: Cluster beam synthesis of metallic nanoparticles and challenges for the overlying control oxide layer.
Thomas Campion’s “Superfluous Blossomes of His Deeper Studies”: The Public Realm of His English Ayres (2017)
Book Chapter
Wilson, C. (2017). Thomas Campion’s “Superfluous Blossomes of His Deeper Studies”: The Public Realm of His English Ayres. In L. Phyllis Austern, C. Bailey, & A. Eubanks Winkler (Eds.), Beyond Boundaries: Rethinking Music Circulation in Early Modern England (54-66). Indiana University Press
Georges Bataille (1897-1962) (2017)
Book Chapter
Arya, R. (2017). Georges Bataille (1897-1962). In P. {Goodchild }, & H. {Phelps } (Eds.), Religion and European Philosophy (222--234). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315642253-20Georges Bataille was a French cultural theorist and philosopher who wrote widely in a number of fields that included anthropology, sociology, art, economics, erotic literature and religion. Bataille{\textquoteright}s influences were many and disparat... Read More about Georges Bataille (1897-1962).
The systemic role of technology in financial instability (2017)
Book Chapter
Demetis, D. (2017). The systemic role of technology in financial instability. In N. Ryder, J. Tucker, & U. Turksen (Eds.), The financial crisis and white collar crime: legislative and policy responses (59-80). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315652009This chapter examines the role of Information Systems (IS) in creating financial instability by automating critical decision-making processes. By following a systems theoretical approach after Lee and Demetis (2016) and based on a few fundamental sys... Read More about The systemic role of technology in financial instability.
Epilogue (2017)
Book Chapter
Bagchi, D. (2017). Epilogue. In D. Marmion, S. Ryan, & G. E. Thiessen (Eds.), Remembering the Reformation: Martin Luther and Catholic Theology (248). Fortress Press. https://doi.org/10.1177/0261927X01020001012Authors' accepted manuscript of a chapter from: Declan Marmion & Salvador Ryan (eds), Remembering the Reformation : Martin Luther and Catholic theology
When humans using the IT artifact becomes IT using the human artifact (2017)
Book Chapter
Demetis, D. S., & Lee, A. S. (2017). When humans using the IT artifact becomes IT using the human artifact. In T. X. Bui, & R. Sprague, Jr. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 50th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 4 - 7, 2017 (5747-5756). Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersAbstract Following Lee & Demetis [20] who showed how systems theorizing can be conducted on the basis of a few systems principles, in this paper, we apply these principles to theorize about the systemic character of technology and investigate the rol... Read More about When humans using the IT artifact becomes IT using the human artifact.
The gathering storm: Federalization and constitutional change in the United Kingdom (2017)
Book Chapter
Lee, S. (2017). The gathering storm: Federalization and constitutional change in the United Kingdom. In R. Eccleston, & R. Krever (Eds.), The Future of Federalism : Intergovernmental Financial Relations in an Age of Austerity (124-144). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781784717780.00013This chapter provides an analysis of the changing nature of intergovernmental relations in the UK in light of its unique historical and constitutional context as a ‘state-nation’, of which England is overwhelmingly the largest component. England may... Read More about The gathering storm: Federalization and constitutional change in the United Kingdom.
Stílus a jogban: a bírói érveléstől a stilus curiae-ig és vissza (2017)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P. (2017). Stílus a jogban: a bírói érveléstől a stilus curiae-ig és vissza. In S. Hegyi, E. Vinnai, & Z. Ződi (Eds.), Orbis Iuris. Ünnepi tanulmánykötet Szabó Miklós 65. születésnapjára (183–198). Bíbor