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ICT Tools for Professional Development (2013)
Book Chapter
Jones, S.-L., & Younie, S. (2013). ICT Tools for Professional Development. In M. Leask, & N. Pachler (Eds.), Learning to Teach Using ICT in the Secondary School (40-54). (3rd ed.). Routledge.

This chapter covers key considerations in the use of ICT tools for the continual professional development of teachers. Both professional development and ICT tools are first defined before looking at specific tools. The use of ePortfolios is discussed... Read More about ICT Tools for Professional Development.

The themes of affirmation and illusion in The birth of tragedy and beyond (2013)
Book Chapter
Came, D. (2013). The themes of affirmation and illusion in The birth of tragedy and beyond. In The Oxford handbook of Nietzsche. Oxford University Press.

The main theme of Nietzsche’s first published work, The Birth of Tragedy (BT, 1872), is that the affirmation of life requires ‘illusion’ which allows us to cope with the ‘insight into the horrible truth’ of our condition. This article argues that Nie... Read More about The themes of affirmation and illusion in The birth of tragedy and beyond.

'I know this labyrinth so well': narrative mappings in the poetry of Ciaran Carson (2013)
Book Chapter
Weston, D. (2013). 'I know this labyrinth so well': narrative mappings in the poetry of Ciaran Carson. In N. Alexander, & D. Cooper (Eds.), Poetry & geography: Space & place in post-war poetry (105-119). Liverpool University Press.

Ciaran Carson is increasingly recognised as a poet of place, of the city, and specifically of Belfast. However, Carson's work is also permeated by the Northern Irish Troubles in thoroughgoing ways. This essay elucidates the ways in which his poetry o... Read More about 'I know this labyrinth so well': narrative mappings in the poetry of Ciaran Carson.

“The infinitude of the shrieking abysses”: Rooms, wombs, tombs, and the hysterical female gothic in “the dreams in the witch-house” (2013)
Book Chapter
Williams, S. (2013). “The infinitude of the shrieking abysses”: Rooms, wombs, tombs, and the hysterical female gothic in “the dreams in the witch-house”. In D. Simmons (Ed.), New Critical Essays on H.P. Lovecraft (55-72). Palgrave Macmillan.

Set against his earlier epic and sprawling examples of cosmic horror, H. P. Lovecraft’s claustrophobic “The Dreams in the Witch-House” (1933)1 has been thought of as unsuccessful, with S. T. Joshi describing the story as “one of his poorest later eff... Read More about “The infinitude of the shrieking abysses”: Rooms, wombs, tombs, and the hysterical female gothic in “the dreams in the witch-house”.

'Co(s)mic Horror' (2013)
Book Chapter
Murray, C., & Corstorphine, K. (2013). 'Co(s)mic Horror'. In D. Simmons (Ed.), New Critical Essays on H.P. Lovecraft (157-191). Palgrave Macmillan.

H. P. Lovecraft, personally unassuming, hostile to modernity and pessimistic to the last, is perhaps an unlikely author to have inspired a cult global following, yet as Stephen Jones points out, “his relatively small body of work has influenced count... Read More about 'Co(s)mic Horror'.

Kingston, Jamaica: Crucible of modernity (2013)
Book Chapter
Burnard, T. (2016). Kingston, Jamaica: Crucible of modernity. In J. Cañizares-Esguerra, M. D. Childs, & J. Sidbury (Eds.), The Black urban Atlantic in the age of the slave trade : the early modern Americas (122-144). University of Pennsylvania Press (Penn Press).

Copyright © 2013 University of Pennsylvania Press. All rights reserved. J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur is one of the key delineators of the American national character, a man whose Letters from an American Farmer has a canonical status in early Ame... Read More about Kingston, Jamaica: Crucible of modernity.

Familiarity, schemata and patterns of listening (2013)
Book Chapter
Prior, H. (2013). Familiarity, schemata and patterns of listening. In E. King, & H. M. Prior (Eds.), Music and familiarity: listening, musicology and performance. Routledge

The origins of this work, as in much research, lie in a personal experience. My first exposure to a selection of Schoenberg’s piano works (which happened to be through a recording) had resulted in an ambivalent response, but upon hearing the same rec... Read More about Familiarity, schemata and patterns of listening.

Groove as Familiarity with Time (2013)
Book Chapter
Oliver, R. (2013). Groove as Familiarity with Time. In E. King, & H. M. Prior (Eds.), Music and Familiarity : Listening, Musicology and Performance (239 - 252). Ashgate.

The chapter explores the instrumentalist’s relationship with musical time, arguing that the capacity for groove in solo performance depends upon the musician’s familiarity with stylistically nuanced conceptions of pulse. Much research dealing with gr... Read More about Groove as Familiarity with Time.

Politics of digital development: Informatization and governance in China (2013)
Book Chapter
Dai, X. (2013). Politics of digital development: Informatization and governance in China. In G. Youngs (Ed.), Digital world: connectivity, creativity and rights (34-51). Routledge.

The much-debated rise of the post-war Japanese economy, described as a ‘miracle’, followed by the emergence of other Asian tigers such as South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong in the 1980s and onward, served as empirical evidence supporting th... Read More about Politics of digital development: Informatization and governance in China.

Social familiarity: styles of interaction in chamber ensemble rehearsal (2013)
Book Chapter
King, E. (2013). Social familiarity: styles of interaction in chamber ensemble rehearsal. In Music and familiarity: listening, musicology and performance (253 - 270). Ashgate

When two or more musicians first play together in a music ensemble, they begin a process of familiarization as they get to know each other both musically and socially. There is a complex network of issues to consider in this process as ensemble music... Read More about Social familiarity: styles of interaction in chamber ensemble rehearsal.

Gravity wave turbulence in a large flume (2013)
Book Chapter
Bedard, R., Nazarenko, S., & Lukaschuk, S. (2013). Gravity wave turbulence in a large flume. In Advances in Wave Turbulence (187 - 237). World Scientific

We overview past and new experimental results on gravity wave turbulence obtained at The Deep flume facility in Hull. The relatively large size of this flume, 12m × 6m × 1.5m, allows us to study the pure gravity waves without being concerned with mod... Read More about Gravity wave turbulence in a large flume.

Ending with a whimper, not a bang: The relationship between Atlantic history and the study of the nineteenth-century South (2013)
Book Chapter
Burnard, T. (2013). Ending with a whimper, not a bang: The relationship between Atlantic history and the study of the nineteenth-century South. In B. Ward, M. Bone, & W. A. Link (Eds.), The American South and the Atlantic world (129-148). University Press of Florida.

This historiographical chapter argues that, for all its many achievements, Atlantic History’s early modern fixation has exacerbated an unhelpful division between American colonial historians, who have been increasingly committed to Atlanto-centric pe... Read More about Ending with a whimper, not a bang: The relationship between Atlantic history and the study of the nineteenth-century South.

Nephrops Fisheries in European Waters (2013)
Book Chapter
Ungfors, A., Bell, E., Johnson, M. L., Cowing, D., Dobson, N. C., Bublitz, R., & Sandell, J. (2013). Nephrops Fisheries in European Waters. In The Ecology and Biology of Nephrops norvegicus (247-314). Elsevier.

This review focuses on the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) as a resource, describing how the fishery has developed from the 1960s to the present day to become one of the most economically important fisheries in Europe. In 2010, the total landing... Read More about Nephrops Fisheries in European Waters.

'Anarchy in the USA: Community, Cannibalism,and Chaos in Joe Lansdale and Stephen King.' (2013)
Book Chapter
Corstorphine, K. (2013). 'Anarchy in the USA: Community, Cannibalism,and Chaos in Joe Lansdale and Stephen King.'. In A. Heise-Von Der Lippe (Ed.), Dark cartographies: exporing Gothic spaces (61-67). Inter-Disciplinary Press.

This is a chapter (5535 words) that has been completed and accepted for a forthcoming collection to be published with Rodopi Press. It is a reading of two Gothic novels. It is completed and has been accepted. No title has been given as yet but the vo... Read More about 'Anarchy in the USA: Community, Cannibalism,and Chaos in Joe Lansdale and Stephen King.'.

Safety Analysis of a Remote Patient Monitoring System with a Guideline Based Decision Support (2013)
Book Chapter
Al-Qora'n, L., Sharvia, S., Papadopoulos, Y., & Gordon, N. (2013). Safety Analysis of a Remote Patient Monitoring System with a Guideline Based Decision Support. In Global Telemedicine and eHealth Updates: Knowledge Resources (527 - 531). International Society for Telemedicine & eHealth

Home Telehealth systems are used to help in the management of chronic conditions by patients themselves. Effective safety analysis tools are needed to ensure reliability and safety of these high risk systems. We hereby explain how Hierarchically-Perf... Read More about Safety Analysis of a Remote Patient Monitoring System with a Guideline Based Decision Support.

Secondary bone tumors in prostate cancer: New treatments on the horizon (2013)
Book Chapter
Sturge, J. (2013). Secondary bone tumors in prostate cancer: New treatments on the horizon. In M. Berhouma (Ed.), Bone tumors: Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment (145-175). Nova Science Publishers

Secondary bone tumors associated with the advancement of solid tumors of the prostate and other tissue sites result in the increased risk of intractable bone pain, pathological skeletal fracture and spinal-cord compression. In addition to increasing... Read More about Secondary bone tumors in prostate cancer: New treatments on the horizon.