On-shelf availability in UK grocery retailing: a case study
Book Chapter
Grant, D. (2009). On-shelf availability in UK grocery retailing: a case study. In Logistics & retail management :emerging issues and new challenges in the retail supply chain (189 - 202). Kogan Page
All Outputs (1523)
Voting Blue, Going Green? David Cameron and the Environment (2009)
Book Chapter
Connelly, J. (2009). Voting Blue, Going Green? David Cameron and the Environment. In The Conservatives Under David Cameron (134 - 150). Palgrave Macmillan
Writing motherhood: Marie Darrieussecq’s Le Bébé (2009)
Book Chapter
Chadderton, H. (2009). Writing motherhood: Marie Darrieussecq’s Le Bébé. In Aimer et mourir: love, death, and women’s lives in texts of French expression (152 - 168). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Decisions Made on Scant Information: Overview (2009)
Book Chapter
Williams, T. M. (2009). Decisions Made on Scant Information: Overview. In T. M. Williams, K. Samset, & K. Sunnevåg (Eds.), Making Essential Choices with Scant Information: Front-End Decision Making in Major Projects (3-17). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230236837_1This chapter brings an overview to an edited book that looks at how decisions can be made at the front-end of major projects, in circumstances where information is usually scant. The book examines how projects can be successfully aligned with the des... Read More about Decisions Made on Scant Information: Overview.
Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach (2009)
Book Chapter
Hsieh, T. H., Li, Y., & McKillop, D. G. (2009). Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach. In A. Brabazon, & M. O'Neill (Eds.), Natural computing in computational finance (117-135). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-95974-8_7This chapter studies financial bubbles by incorporating a learning effect into the coordination game model which was articulated by Ozdenoren and Yuan [36]. Monte Carlo simulation is then utilised to analyse how the addition of a learning effect impa... Read More about Financial bubbles: A learning effect modelling approach.
Transgression and the Making of 'Western' Sexual Sciences (2009)
Book Chapter
Johnson, M. (2009). Transgression and the Making of 'Western' Sexual Sciences. In H. Donnan, & F. Magowan (Eds.), Transgressive sex: subversion and control in erotic encounters (167-189). Berghahn BooksThis chapter explores some of the connections between the contemporary anthropology of gender and sexual diversity and nineteenth- and early twentieth- century sexology. As others have suggested, present-day anthropological work on gender and sexual... Read More about Transgression and the Making of 'Western' Sexual Sciences.
Collingwood and Whitehead (2009)
Book Chapter
Connelly, J. (2009). Collingwood and Whitehead. In Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought (630 - 639). Ontos Verlag
Performance in Second Life: some possibilities for learning and teaching (2009)
Book Chapter
Sant, T. (2009). Performance in Second Life: some possibilities for learning and teaching. In J. Molka-Danielsen, & M. Deutschmann (Eds.), Learning and teaching in the virtual world of Second Life (145-166). Tapir Academic Press
Summer Sex: Youth, Desire and the Carnivalesque at the English Seaside (2009)
Book Chapter
Clisby, S. (2009). Summer Sex: Youth, Desire and the Carnivalesque at the English Seaside. In Transgressive Sex: Subversion and Control in Erotic Encounters (47 - 68). Berghahn Books
Towards supported decision-making in biomedical research with cognitively vulnerable adults (2009)
Book Chapter
Bielby, P. (2009). Towards supported decision-making in biomedical research with cognitively vulnerable adults. In O. Corrigan, J. McMillan, K. Liddell, M. Richards, & C. Weijer (Eds.), The limits of consent: A socio-ethical approach to human subject research in medicine (151-170). Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof%3Aoso/9780199231461.003.0009This chapter has two connected aims. First, I argue that we can best understand the scope and limits of consent as a ‘procedural’ principle of empowerment. I ground this argument in a rationalist moral theory of human (or agency) rights devised by Al... Read More about Towards supported decision-making in biomedical research with cognitively vulnerable adults.
Double Dutch: image and identity in Dutch and Flemish crime fiction (2009)
Book Chapter
Vanacker, S. (2009). Double Dutch: image and identity in Dutch and Flemish crime fiction. In M. Krajenbrink, & K. M. Quinn (Eds.), Investigating identities : questions of identity in contemporary international crime fiction (215-228). Rodopi. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789042029170_016
Historicizing the Classic Novel Adaptation: Bleak House (2005) and British Television Contexts (2009)
Book Chapter
Kleinecke-Bates, I. (2009). Historicizing the Classic Novel Adaptation: Bleak House (2005) and British Television Contexts. In R. Carroll (Ed.), Adaptation in Contemporary Culture: Textual Infidelities (109-122). Continuum. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781472542229.ch-010
What is to be done? Implications for policy makers (2009)
Book Chapter
Dyson, A., Gunter, H., Hall, D., Raffo, C., & Jones, L. (2009). What is to be done? Implications for policy makers. In C. Raffo, A. Dyson, H. Gunter, D. Hall, L. Jones, & A. Kalambouka (Eds.), Education and poverty in affluent countries (195-215). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203860335The review of frameworks and interventions in the previous chapter makes it abundantly clear that policy makers in Western democracies have been highly active in attempting to break the link between poverty and education. England and the US may be ex... Read More about What is to be done? Implications for policy makers.
Vorzeichen für das neue Jahrhundert? Der Tsunami im Indischen Ozean 2004 und der Hurrikan Katrina im Golf von Mexiko 2005(The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico 2005: Portends of the New Century?) (2009)
Book Chapter
Bankoff, G. (2009). Vorzeichen für das neue Jahrhundert? Der Tsunami im Indischen Ozean 2004 und der Hurrikan Katrina im Golf von Mexiko 2005(The Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004 and Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico 2005: Portends of the New Century?). In G. J. Schenk (Ed.), Katastrophen: Vom Untergang Pompejis bis zum Klimawandel (191 - 204). Thorbecke
Wood for War: The Legacy of Human Conflict on the Forests of the Philippines, 1600-1946 (2009)
Book Chapter
Bankoff, G. (2009). Wood for War: The Legacy of Human Conflict on the Forests of the Philippines, 1600-1946. In War and the Environment: Military Destruction in the Modern Age (32 - 48). A&M University Press
Cultures of Disaster, Cultures of Coping: Hazard as a Frequent Life Experience in the Philippines, 1600-2000 (2009)
Book Chapter
Bankoff, G. (2009). Cultures of Disaster, Cultures of Coping: Hazard as a Frequent Life Experience in the Philippines, 1600-2000. In C. Mauch, & C. Pfister (Eds.), Natural Disasters, Cultural Responses: Case Studies Toward a Global Environmental History (265 - 284). Lexington Books
Natural Hazards (2009)
Book Chapter
Bankoff, G. (2009). Natural Hazards. In The Palgrave Dictionary of Transnational History (753 - 756). Palgrave-Macmillan
Napoleon's second Sacre? Iéna and the ceremonial translation of Frederick the Great's Insignia in 1807 (2009)
Book Chapter
Biskup, T. (2009). Napoleon's second Sacre? Iéna and the ceremonial translation of Frederick the Great's Insignia in 1807. In A. Forrest, & P. H. Wilson (Eds.), The Bee and the Eagle: Napoleonic France and the End of the Holy Roman Empire, 1806 (172-190). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230236738_10By the end of 1806, and within only a few months, Napoleon had completely overthrown the political order of central Europe. In summer, the Confederation of the Rhine had been set up under French domination, and the Holy Roman Empire had been dissolve... Read More about Napoleon's second Sacre? Iéna and the ceremonial translation of Frederick the Great's Insignia in 1807.
Between Three Realms: the Acts of Waleran II, count of Meulan and Worcester (2009)
Book Chapter
Crouch, D. (2009). Between Three Realms: the Acts of Waleran II, count of Meulan and Worcester. In Records, Administration and Aristocratic Society in the Anglo-Norman Realm (75 - 90). BoydellAn examination of the means by which a multinational aristocrat would administer his lands across NW Europe and the written instruments by which he would do so. A look at the transmission of characteristic diplomatic forms across national boundaries... Read More about Between Three Realms: the Acts of Waleran II, count of Meulan and Worcester.
La cour seigneuriale en Angleterre, xiie-xiiie siècles' (2009)
Book Chapter
Crouch, D. (2009). La cour seigneuriale en Angleterre, xiie-xiiie siècles'. In Les Seigneuries dans l'espace Plantagenêt (c.1150-c.1250) (31 - 40). AusoniusA study of the interaction between private and royal justice in post-Conquest England, with a critical stance as to the supposed adversarial relationship between king and barons. Proposes instead the integration of royal and seigneurial justice.