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Hyperpolarisation through reversible interactions with parahydrogen (2014)
Journal Article
Lloyd, L. S., Asghar, A., Burns, M. J., Charlton, A., Coombes, S., Cowley, M. J., Dear, G. J., Duckett, S. B., Genov, G. R., Green, G. G. R., Highton, L. A. R., Hooper, A. J. J., Khan, M., Khazal, I. G., Lewis, R. J., Mewis, R. E., Roberts, A. D., & Ruddlesden, A. J. (2014). Hyperpolarisation through reversible interactions with parahydrogen. Catalysis science & technology, 4(10), 3544-3554.

We describe here how the complexes Ir(COD)(NHC)Cl [NHC = IMes, SIMes, IPr, SIPr, ICy, IMe and ImMe2NPri2] provide significant insight into the catalytic process that underpins the hyperpolarization method signal amplification by reversible exchange (... Read More about Hyperpolarisation through reversible interactions with parahydrogen.

The role of recollection in evaluative conditioning (2014)
Journal Article
Halbeisen, G., Blask, K., Weil, R., & Walther, E. (2014). The role of recollection in evaluative conditioning. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55, 162-168.

Attitudes are a core construct of social psychology, and research showed that attitudes can be acquired by merely pairing neutral stimuli with other liked or disliked stimuli (i.e., evaluative conditioning, EC). In this research we address the role o... Read More about The role of recollection in evaluative conditioning.

Using systems thinking to educate for sustainability in a business school (2014)
Journal Article
Miller, S., & Gregory, A. (2014). Using systems thinking to educate for sustainability in a business school. Systems, 2(3), 313-327.

This paper explores what it means for a business school to embed systems thinking and sustainability into the curriculum by looking at both the application of systems thinking to the design of sustainable programmes and the teaching of system thinkin... Read More about Using systems thinking to educate for sustainability in a business school.

Recurring patterns in stationary intervals of abdominal uterine electromyograms during gestation (2014)
Journal Article
Di Marco, L. Y., Di Maria, C., Tong, W.-C., Taggart, M. J., Robson, S. C., & Langley, P. (2014). Recurring patterns in stationary intervals of abdominal uterine electromyograms during gestation. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 52(8), 707-716.

Abdominal uterine electromyograms (uEMG) studies have focused on uterine contractions to describe the evolution of uterine activity and preterm birth (PTB) prediction. Stationary, non-contracting uEMG has not been studied. The aim of the study was to... Read More about Recurring patterns in stationary intervals of abdominal uterine electromyograms during gestation.

Influence of junction angle on three-dimensional flow structure and bed morphology at confluent meander bends during different hydrological conditions (2014)
Journal Article
Riley, J. D., Rhoads, B. L., Parsons, D. R., & Johnson, K. K. (2015). Influence of junction angle on three-dimensional flow structure and bed morphology at confluent meander bends during different hydrological conditions. Earth surface processes and landforms : the journal of the British Geomorphological Research Group, 40(2), 252-271.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Recent field and modeling investigations have examined the fluvial dynamics of confluent meander bends where a straight tributary channel enters a meandering river at the apex of a bend with a 90° junction angle. Past... Read More about Influence of junction angle on three-dimensional flow structure and bed morphology at confluent meander bends during different hydrological conditions.

The magnetoelectrochemical switch (2014)
Journal Article
Lunca Popa, P., Kemp, N. T., Majjad, H., Dalmas, G., Faramarzi, V., Andreas, C., Hertel, R., & Doudin, B. (2014). The magnetoelectrochemical switch. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(29), 10433-10437.

In the field of spintronics, the archetype solid-state two-terminal device is the spin valve, where the resistance is controlled by the magnetization configuration. We show here how this concept of spin-dependent switch can be extended to magnetic el... Read More about The magnetoelectrochemical switch.

Public trust and performance measurement in charitable organizations (2014)
Journal Article
Yang, Y., Brennan, I., & Wilkinson, M. (2014). Public trust and performance measurement in charitable organizations. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 63(6), 779-796.

Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to seek to investigate public trust as an important factor of performance in the charitable sector, and explain the necessity of including public trust assessment in charity performance measurement. Design/methodo... Read More about Public trust and performance measurement in charitable organizations.

Understanding causal associations between self-rated health and personal relationships in older adults: a review of evidence from longitudinal studies (2014)
Journal Article
Craigs, C. L., Twiddy, M., Parker, S. G., & West, R. M. (2014). Understanding causal associations between self-rated health and personal relationships in older adults: a review of evidence from longitudinal studies. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 59(2), 211-226.


As we age we experience many life changes in our health, personal relationships, work, or home life which can impact on other aspects of our life. There is compelling evidence that how we feel about our health influences, or is i... Read More about Understanding causal associations between self-rated health and personal relationships in older adults: a review of evidence from longitudinal studies.

Website design quality and usage behavior : unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (2014)
Journal Article
Al-Qeisi, K., Dennis, C., Alamanos, E., & Jayawardhena, C. (2014). Website design quality and usage behavior : unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. Journal of business research, 67(11), 2282-2290.

A well designed website brings numerous benefits to firms. Some of these benefits are well established. But what elements of the website design quality really matter and how do these elements in turn influence website usage behavior? Building upon th... Read More about Website design quality and usage behavior : unified theory of acceptance and use of technology.

Clinical response to primary letrozole therapy in elderly patients with early breast cancer : possible role for p53 as a biomarker (2014)
Journal Article
Garimella, V., Hussain, T., Agarwal, V., Radhakrishna, S., Fox, J. N., Kneeshaw, P. J., Long, E. D., Mahapatra, T. K., McManus, P. L., Lind, M. J., Drew, P. J., & Cawkwell, L. (2014). Clinical response to primary letrozole therapy in elderly patients with early breast cancer : possible role for p53 as a biomarker. International journal of surgery, 12(8), 821-826.

Primary tamoxifen therapy has been widely used to treat elderly women with ER-positive breast cancer in the past. Aromatase inhibitors may be more beneficial than tamoxifen when used as primary endocrine therapy in elderly patients. We aimed to retro... Read More about Clinical response to primary letrozole therapy in elderly patients with early breast cancer : possible role for p53 as a biomarker.

A prerequisite to L1 homophone effects in L2 spoken-word recognition (2014)
Journal Article
Nakai, S., Lindsay, S., & Ota, M. (2015). A prerequisite to L1 homophone effects in L2 spoken-word recognition. Second Language Research, 31(1), 29-52.

© The Author(s) 2014. When both members of a phonemic contrast in L2 (second language) are perceptually mapped to a single phoneme in one’s L1 (first language), L2 words containing a member of that contrast can spuriously activate L2 words in spoken-... Read More about A prerequisite to L1 homophone effects in L2 spoken-word recognition.

Red mud a byproduct of aluminum production contains soluble vanadium that causes genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in higher plants (2014)
Journal Article
Mišík, M., Burke, I. T., Reismüller, M., Pichler, C., Rainer, B., Mišíková, K., Mayes, W. M., & Knasmueller, S. (2014). Red mud a byproduct of aluminum production contains soluble vanadium that causes genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in higher plants. Science of the Total Environment, 493, 883-890.

Red mud (RM) is a byproduct of aluminum production; worldwide between 70 and 120 million tons is produced annually. We analyzed RM which was released in the course of the Kolontar disaster in Hungary into the environment in acute and genotoxicity exp... Read More about Red mud a byproduct of aluminum production contains soluble vanadium that causes genotoxic and cytotoxic effects in higher plants.

A randomized placebo controlled trial to evaluate the effects of butamirate and dextromethorphan on capsaicin induced cough in healthy volunteers (2014)
Journal Article
Faruqi, S., Wright, C., Thompson, R., & Morice, A. H. (2014). A randomized placebo controlled trial to evaluate the effects of butamirate and dextromethorphan on capsaicin induced cough in healthy volunteers. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 78(6), 1272-1280.

AIMS The examination of cough reflex sensitivity through inhalational challenge can be utilized to demonstrate pharmacological end points. Here we compare the effect of butamirate, dextromethorphan and placebo on capsaicin-induced cough in healthy vo... Read More about A randomized placebo controlled trial to evaluate the effects of butamirate and dextromethorphan on capsaicin induced cough in healthy volunteers.

Synthesis and inclusion behavior of a heterotritopic receptor based on hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arene (2014)
Journal Article
Jin, C.-C., Cong, H., Ni, X.-L., Zeng, X., Redshaw, C., & Yamato, T. (2014). Synthesis and inclusion behavior of a heterotritopic receptor based on hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arene. RSC advances, 4(59), 31469-31475.

A heterotritopic hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arene receptor with the capability of binding two alkali metals and a transition metal in a cooperative fashion was synthesized. The binding model was investigated by using ¹H NMR titration experiments in CDCl₃–... Read More about Synthesis and inclusion behavior of a heterotritopic receptor based on hexahomotrioxacalix[3]arene.

‘I’m ugly, but gentle’: performing ‘little character’ in post-Mao Chinese comedies (2014)
Journal Article
Feng, L. (2014). ‘I’m ugly, but gentle’: performing ‘little character’ in post-Mao Chinese comedies. Transnational Cinemas, 5(2), 127-140.

Stars are often associated with glamour and beauty, but in this paper I would like to question how the concept of “chou” (literally meaning ugliness) is embraced in contemporary Chinese cinema. The popularity of chouxing (ugly star) in the Chinese ci... Read More about ‘I’m ugly, but gentle’: performing ‘little character’ in post-Mao Chinese comedies.

Telomere dysfunction accurately predicts clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, even in patients with early stage disease (2014)
Journal Article
Lin, T. T., Norris, K., Heppel, N. H., Pratt, G., Allan, J. M., Allsup, D. J., Bailey, J., Cawkwell, L., Hills, R., Grimstead, J. W., Jones, R. E., Britt-Compton, B., Fegan, C., Baird, D. M., & Pepper, C. (2014). Telomere dysfunction accurately predicts clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, even in patients with early stage disease. British journal of haematology, 167(2), 214-223.

© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Defining the prognosis of individual cancer sufferers remains a significant clinical challenge. Here we assessed the ability of high-resolution single telomere length analysis (STELA), combined with an experimentally d... Read More about Telomere dysfunction accurately predicts clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, even in patients with early stage disease.

Investigated or ignored: an analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report (2014)
Journal Article
Burnett, J., & Athwal, H. (2014). Investigated or ignored: an analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report. Race & class, 56(1), 22-42.

Since the publication of the Macpherson Report in February 1999, there have been at least ninety-three deaths with a known or suspected racial element in the UK. Of these, 97 per cent of the victims were from BME communities (including those from Gyp... Read More about Investigated or ignored: an analysis of race-related deaths since the Macpherson Report.