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Exploring the value of PGRs who teach (PGWT) in supporting undergraduate students’ sense of belonging: A Student Staff Partnership Project (2024)
Journal Article
Grant, B., Lillie, C., Smith, M., & Tomlinson, A. (2024). Exploring the value of PGRs who teach (PGWT) in supporting undergraduate students’ sense of belonging: A Student Staff Partnership Project. Journal of PGR Pedagogic Practice, 4(4), 12-31.

The aim of this research was to explore the impact of interactions between undergraduate students (‘students’) and the postgraduate researchers (‘PGWT’) who teach them, on students’ sense of belonging. Meaningful interactions between staff and studen... Read More about Exploring the value of PGRs who teach (PGWT) in supporting undergraduate students’ sense of belonging: A Student Staff Partnership Project.

Instruments for assessing social health in the context of cognitive decline and dementia: a systematic review (2024)
Journal Article
Altona, J., Wiegelmann, H., Lenart-Bulga, M., Vernooij-Dassen, M., Verspoor, E., Seifert, I., Misonow, J., Szcześniak, D., Rymaszewska, J., Chattat, R., Jeon, Y. H., Moniz-Cook, E., Roes, M., Perry, M., & Wolf-Ostermann, K. (2024). Instruments for assessing social health in the context of cognitive decline and dementia: a systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, Article 1387192.

The concept of social health has recently received increasing attention in dementia research. Various notions of what social health is and how it can be measured are circulating. They may pose challenges for comparing results and interpreting them fo... Read More about Instruments for assessing social health in the context of cognitive decline and dementia: a systematic review.

The Long-Term Imprisonment of Women: Penal servitude and release of female offenders serving long sentences, 1853-1900 (2024)
Journal Article
Johnston, H. (online). The Long-Term Imprisonment of Women: Penal servitude and release of female offenders serving long sentences, 1853-1900. Criminology & criminal Justice,

This article explores the experiences and impact of long-term imprisonment on the lives of women sentenced to lengthy periods of incarceration (serving at least one sentence of ten-years or more) in the mid to late nineteenth century in England and W... Read More about The Long-Term Imprisonment of Women: Penal servitude and release of female offenders serving long sentences, 1853-1900.

Fang experiences in Whitby’s goth/ic theatre (2024)
Journal Article
Wynne, C. (2024). Fang experiences in Whitby’s goth/ic theatre. Punk & Post-Punk, 13(2), 217-235.

A sign which regularly appears on the door of St Mary’s Church in Whitby, North Yorkshire, alerts visitors that Dracula is not buried in the churchyard. Dracula arrives in Whitby in Bram Stoker’s fiction, exits the stage and finally turns to dust nea... Read More about Fang experiences in Whitby’s goth/ic theatre.

A new immunomagnetic microfluidic device for characterizing EGFR mutations in circulating tumor cells from patients withnon-small cell lung cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Ogidi, N. O., Lind, M. J., & Greenman, J. (online). A new immunomagnetic microfluidic device for characterizing EGFR mutations in circulating tumor cells from patients withnon-small cell lung cancer. Tumor Discovery, Article 3987.

ncorporating precision oncology into cancer management has begun to improve clinical outcomes. Accurate sampling techniques that detect molecular aberrations are crucial for effective implementation. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), derived from prima... Read More about A new immunomagnetic microfluidic device for characterizing EGFR mutations in circulating tumor cells from patients withnon-small cell lung cancer.

Computing for Social Good in Education (2024)
Journal Article
Ellis, H., Hislop, G. W., Goldweber, M., Rebelsky, S., Pearce, J., Ordonez, P., Pias, M., & Gordon, N. (2024). Computing for Social Good in Education. ACM Inroads, 15(4), 47-57.

Computing for Social Good in Education (CSG-Ed) engages students with the positive potential of computing to benefit society. It can introduce students to aspects of professional responsibility, something computing students need more than ever given... Read More about Computing for Social Good in Education.

Understanding European patterns of deprescribing antithrombotic medication during end-of-life care in patients with cancer (2024)
Journal Article
Martens, E. S., Becker, D., Abele, C., Abbel, D., Achterberg, W. P., Bax, J. J., Bertoletti, L., Edwards, M. E., Font, C., Gava, A., Goedegebuur, J., Højen, A. A., Huisman, M. V., Kruip, M. J., Mahé, I., Mooijaart, S. P., Pearson, M., Seddon, K., Szmit, S., Noble, S. I., …Konstantinides, S. V. (2025). Understanding European patterns of deprescribing antithrombotic medication during end-of-life care in patients with cancer. Thrombosis Research, 245, Article 109205.

Background: Even though antithrombotic therapy (ATT) probably has little or even negative effect on the well-being of patients with cancer near the end of life, it is often continued until death, possibly leading to excess bleeding complications, inc... Read More about Understanding European patterns of deprescribing antithrombotic medication during end-of-life care in patients with cancer.

A paper-based analytical device for the on-site multiplexed monitoring of soil nutrients extracted with a cafetière (2024)
Journal Article
Giménez-Gómez, P., Priem, N., Richardson, S., & Pamme, N. (2025). A paper-based analytical device for the on-site multiplexed monitoring of soil nutrients extracted with a cafetière. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 424, Article 136881.

Sustainable agricultural production has the aim to maximise the yield and quality of harvests. For that, farmers need to monitor nutrient levels within soils to apply fertilizers accordingly and to prevent land degradation and soil exhaustion. Curren... Read More about A paper-based analytical device for the on-site multiplexed monitoring of soil nutrients extracted with a cafetière.

Performance of energy ETFs and climate risks (2024)
Journal Article
Nguyen, M. N., Liu, R., & Li, Y. (2025). Performance of energy ETFs and climate risks. Energy Economics, 141, Article 108031.

We investigate whether green (brown) portfolios constructed from clean energy ETFs (fossil fuel ETFs) yield positive (negative) returns conditional on climate-related risks. While the green portfolios do not unconditionally outperform the brown ones,... Read More about Performance of energy ETFs and climate risks.

The meaning and use of weapons in an English remand prison (2024)
Journal Article
Pieri, B., & Brennan, I. (online). The meaning and use of weapons in an English remand prison. Journal of Criminal Psychology,

Purpose: Weapon use is as risky in prison as it is in the community, but the type, use and meaning of weapons differ between these settings. Consequently, knowledge about community-based weapon violence may not generalise to prison contexts. The purp... Read More about The meaning and use of weapons in an English remand prison.

Determinants of soundscape quality of communal open space in Hong Kong (2024)
Journal Article
LIN, M., CHAU, C. K., TANG, S. K., CHUNG, W. K., & YU, H. M. (2025). Determinants of soundscape quality of communal open space in Hong Kong. Building and Environment, 267, part A, Article 112261.

Soundscape quality of communal open space (COS) in residential housing estates has been less thoroughly investigated. This paper aims to reveal the intricate relationships among physical sound, visual and thermal environments and their respective hum... Read More about Determinants of soundscape quality of communal open space in Hong Kong.

Beyond threats: Extreme heatwaves and economic resilience in China (2024)
Journal Article
Wang, X., Guo, H., Li, Y., & Huang, S. (2025). Beyond threats: Extreme heatwaves and economic resilience in China. Finance research letters, 71, Article 106427.

This study demonstrates extreme heatwaves have a positive impact on economic resilience in China at the provincial level, utilizing high spatial resolution temperature data. This effect may be attributed to heightened climate policy uncertainty and s... Read More about Beyond threats: Extreme heatwaves and economic resilience in China.

Investigating the role of non-helpers in group living thrips (2024)
Journal Article
Gilbert, J. D. (online). Investigating the role of non-helpers in group living thrips. The journal of animal ecology,

Behavioural variation among individuals is a hallmark of cooperative societies, which commonly contain breeders and non-breeders, helpers and non-helpers. In some cases, labour is divided with non-breeders “helping.” Conversely, in some societies, su... Read More about Investigating the role of non-helpers in group living thrips.

From Kingdom to Colony: Framing the English Conquest of Ireland (2024)
Journal Article
Veach, C. (2024). From Kingdom to Colony: Framing the English Conquest of Ireland. English Historical Review, Article ceae210.

This article offers a new way of framing the English conquest of Ireland by focusing on the development of a kingdom of Ireland both before and after the invasion of 1169. It thus spans the historiographical divides that tend to partition Irish histo... Read More about From Kingdom to Colony: Framing the English Conquest of Ireland.

What drives global value chains of FDI at sub-national regions? Roles of agglomeration economies (2024)
Journal Article
Kimino, S. (online). What drives global value chains of FDI at sub-national regions? Roles of agglomeration economies. European Planning Studies,

This study explores the intricate relationship between Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and spatial knowledge within the European Union (EU) subnational regions. While existing research has examined this relationship, it often oversimplifies the compl... Read More about What drives global value chains of FDI at sub-national regions? Roles of agglomeration economies.

Market Behaviors under the Stock Index Circuit Breaker using an Agent-based Approach (2024)
Journal Article
Dong, X., Li, H., Zhou, J., & Li, Y. (in press). Market Behaviors under the Stock Index Circuit Breaker using an Agent-based Approach. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering,

In this paper, we combine an agent-based model of multi-asset stock market with circuit breaker mechanism and empirical analysis of S&P 500 Index to study market behaviors under the circuit breaker. The artificial stock market model can reproduce the... Read More about Market Behaviors under the Stock Index Circuit Breaker using an Agent-based Approach.

Hospice topophilia and topophobia as experienced by a local population: Implications for equity of access (2024)
Journal Article
Bayley, Z., & Crowther, L. (2024). Hospice topophilia and topophobia as experienced by a local population: Implications for equity of access. Health and Place, 90, Article 103381.

The examination of hospice settings from the position of space and place is an emerging area of academic interest. Engaging with this perspective, this paper explores how topophilia and topophobia of the physical hospice setting coincides with and in... Read More about Hospice topophilia and topophobia as experienced by a local population: Implications for equity of access.

Blood-glucose regulator design for diabetics based on LQIR-driven Sliding-Mode-Controller with self-adaptive reaching law (2024)
Journal Article
Saleem, O., & Iqbal, J. (2024). Blood-glucose regulator design for diabetics based on LQIR-driven Sliding-Mode-Controller with self-adaptive reaching law. PLoS ONE, 19(11), Article e0314479.

Type I Diabetes is an endocrine disorder that prevents the pancreas from regulating the blood glucose (BG) levels in a patient’s body. The ubiquitous Linear-Quadratic-Integral-Regulator (LQIR) is an optimal glycemic regulation strategy; however, it i... Read More about Blood-glucose regulator design for diabetics based on LQIR-driven Sliding-Mode-Controller with self-adaptive reaching law.

A Fuzzy-Immune-Regulated Single-Neuron Proportional–Integral–Derivative Control System for Robust Trajectory Tracking in a Lawn-Mowing Robot (2024)
Journal Article
Saleem, O., Hamza, A., & Iqbal, J. (2024). A Fuzzy-Immune-Regulated Single-Neuron Proportional–Integral–Derivative Control System for Robust Trajectory Tracking in a Lawn-Mowing Robot. Computers, 13(11), Article 301.

This paper presents the constitution of a computationally intelligent self-adaptive steering controller for a lawn-mowing robot to yield robust trajectory tracking and disturbance rejection behavior. The conventional fixed-gain proportional–integral–... Read More about A Fuzzy-Immune-Regulated Single-Neuron Proportional–Integral–Derivative Control System for Robust Trajectory Tracking in a Lawn-Mowing Robot.

Nutrition Modulation of Cardiotoxicity in Breast Cancer: A Scoping Review (2024)
Journal Article
Stephenson, E., Mclaughlin, M., Bray, J. W., Saxton, J. M., & Vince, R. V. (2024). Nutrition Modulation of Cardiotoxicity in Breast Cancer: A Scoping Review. Nutrients, 16(21), Article 3777.

Background/Objectives: Advancements in breast cancer therapeutics, such as anthracyclines, are improving cancer survival rates but can have side effects that limit their use. Cardiotoxicity, defined as damage to the heart caused by cancer therapeutic... Read More about Nutrition Modulation of Cardiotoxicity in Breast Cancer: A Scoping Review.