Assessing EFH value annex - Spatial models of Essential Fish Habitat (South Coast Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas)
Franco, A., Bhatia, N., Burdon, D., & Thomson, S. (2013). Assessing EFH value annex - Spatial models of Essential Fish Habitat (South Coast Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas). UK: Marine Management Organisation
All Outputs (120)
Stakeholder Validation Annex - Spatial models of Essential Fish Habitat (South Coast Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas) (2013)
Franco, A., & Barnard, S. (2013). Stakeholder Validation Annex - Spatial models of Essential Fish Habitat (South Coast Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas). UK: Marine Management Organisation
Evaluating the business impact of social science (2013)
Orr, K., Sturgeon-Adams, L., Terry, M., Smith, R., Bettany, S., & Johnson, S. (2013). Evaluating the business impact of social scienceThe University of Hull is pleased to submit this proposal to the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to undertake a study of the impact on business of social science. The research will be undertaken by a team from the University’s Business Sc... Read More about Evaluating the business impact of social science.
Trauma and recovery amongst people who have injected drugs: “It does kind of make you feel quite numb”. (2013)
Scottish Drugs Forum, Hammersley, R., & Dalgarno, P. (2013). Trauma and recovery amongst people who have injected drugs: “It does kind of make you feel quite numb”. Glasgow: Scottish Drugs Forum
Is ‘minimising the footprint’ an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance? Phase 1: Literature review (2013)
Smyth, K., & Mazik, K. (2013). Is ‘minimising the footprint’ an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance? Phase 1: Literature review. England: Natural EnglandIntertidal sediment habitats and the communities they support can be subject to significant physical disturbance resulting from both natural processes and anthropogenic activities (e.g. intertidal fishing activities, construction work and recreationa... Read More about Is ‘minimising the footprint’ an effective intervention to maximise the recovery of intertidal sediments from disturbance? Phase 1: Literature review.
Intermediate care: a realist review and conceptual framework (2013)
Pearson, M., Hunt, H., Cooper, C., Shepperd, S., Pawson, R., & Anderson, R. (2013). Intermediate care: a realist review and conceptual framework. Southampton: NIHR SDO
Critical review of contemporary practice and educational research in internationalisation within the business education subject communities (2012)
Caruana, V., & Ploner, J. (2012). Critical review of contemporary practice and educational research in internationalisation within the business education subject communities. London: Higher Eduction AcademyThis report critically reviews contemporary educational research and practice in the field of internationalisation within the business education subject communities in order to inform curriculum development and pedagogy geared towards the development... Read More about Critical review of contemporary practice and educational research in internationalisation within the business education subject communities.
Building restorative relationships for the workplace (2011)
Lambert, C., Johnstone, G., Green, S., & Shipley, R. (2011). Building restorative relationships for the workplaceA 2011 major piece of research into building restorative workplaces by the Goodwin Development Trust found that implementing restorative justice helped managers to share the pressure of decision-making, hold their team more accountable and develop be... Read More about Building restorative relationships for the workplace.
Building Restorative Relationships in the Workplace: Goodwin Development Trust's Journey with Restorative Approaches Executive Summary/June 2011 (2011)
Lambert, C., Shipley, R., Green, S., & Johnstone, G. (2011). Building Restorative Relationships in the Workplace: Goodwin Development Trust's Journey with Restorative Approaches Executive Summary/June 2011Executive summary
A Critical Review of Contemporary Practice in Internationalisation in the Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (HLST) Subject Communities (2011)
Caruana, V., & Ploner, J. (2011). A Critical Review of Contemporary Practice in Internationalisation in the Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (HLST) Subject Communities. London: Higher Education AcademyThis report identifies and critically reviews contemporary practice in the field of internationalisation within the HLST subject communities in order to inform curriculum development and pedagogy geared towards the development of international perspe... Read More about A Critical Review of Contemporary Practice in Internationalisation in the Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism (HLST) Subject Communities.
Rame Head Environmental Impact study: Review of Evidence (2011)
Mazik, K., & Elliott, M. (in press). Rame Head Environmental Impact study: Review of Evidence. DEFRADredging, and the disposal of dredged material, are activities essential to the maintenance of navigable waterways and to the construction and operating of ports and harbours. The activities must comply with the OSPAR Convention, relating to north-we... Read More about Rame Head Environmental Impact study: Review of Evidence.
LGBT sexualities in social care research (2011)
Price, L. (2011). LGBT sexualities in social care researchPeople who transgress expected norms regarding gender and sexuality have always attracted attention from social scientists. Early sexuality research, in which sexualities that differed from the statistical norm were presented as perversion, travesty... Read More about LGBT sexualities in social care research.
Don't look back? Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users (2010)
Ward, R., Pugh, S., & Price, L. (2010). Don't look back? Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB usersThere are wide gaps in knowledge about the lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) UK population in relation to their physical and mental health outcomes, use of health and social services and experiences of health and social care more generally. Very littl... Read More about Don't look back? Improving health and social care service delivery for older LGB users.
Consolidation and Simplification of UK Consumer Law / report for the Department of Business Innovation and Skills, Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate (2010)
Twigg-Flesner, C., & Canavan, R. (2010). Consolidation and Simplification of UK Consumer Law / report for the Department of Business Innovation and Skills, Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate
Report on The Goodwin Development Trust's Preventing Re-offending through Employment Project (2010)
Davies, B., Johnston, H., & Green, S. (2010). Report on The Goodwin Development Trust's Preventing Re-offending through Employment Project
Internationalisation and equality and diversity in Higher Education: merging identities (2010)
Caruana, V., & Ploner, J. (2010). Internationalisation and equality and diversity in Higher Education: merging identities. London: Equality Challange UnitThis project arises out of Eade and Peacock’s (2009) scoping report, commissioned by Equality Challenge Unit (ECU) entitled Internationalising equality, equalising internationalisation: the intersection between internationalisation and equality and d... Read More about Internationalisation and equality and diversity in Higher Education: merging identities.
East Riding Teenage Pregnancy & Young Peoples Advisory Board: A Survey of Teenage Sexual Health: Knowledge, Behaviour and Attitudes in East Yorkshire (2010)
Jomeen, J., & Whitfield, C. (in press). East Riding Teenage Pregnancy & Young Peoples Advisory Board: A Survey of Teenage Sexual Health: Knowledge, Behaviour and Attitudes in East Yorkshire. Hull: East Riding of Yorkshire NHS; East Riding of Yorkshire CouncilA consultation with young people aged 13-16 at the secondary schools within the East Riding using a survey and SPSS for statistical data analysis.
Report for Skills for Care - An evaluation of the impact of service user and carer involvement in the University of Hull social work degree courses (2010)
Holden, S., Adamson, S., & Whitfield, C. (2010). Report for Skills for Care - An evaluation of the impact of service user and carer involvement in the University of Hull social work degree courses. York: Skills for CareThis report is commissioned by Skills for Care from the University of Hull Social Work Department. Its aim is to evaluate the outcomes of the involvement of service users and carers in the training of social work students. Although much importance is... Read More about Report for Skills for Care - An evaluation of the impact of service user and carer involvement in the University of Hull social work degree courses.
Forced labour in the UK and the Gangmasters Licensing Authority (2010)
Gaus, A., Craig, G., & Wilkinson, M. (2010). Forced labour in the UK and the Gangmasters Licensing AuthorityThe Gangmasters (Licensing) Act was introduced in 2004 to curb exploitative and fraudulent activities by gangmasters/labour providers supplying labour in the agriculture, forestry, horticultire, shellfish-gathering and related food processing and pac... Read More about Forced labour in the UK and the Gangmasters Licensing Authority.
Observing bedload/suspended load using multi-frequency-acoustic backscatter (2010)
McLelland, S. (2010). Observing bedload/suspended load using multi-frequency-acoustic backscatterPublished alongside Gray, J.R., Laronne, J.B., Marr, J.D.G., 2010, Bedload-surrogate monitoring technologies: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5091This paper describes the application of acoustic backscatter from multiple... Read More about Observing bedload/suspended load using multi-frequency-acoustic backscatter.