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All Outputs (874)

Memory appraisals by older people : associated factors and spousal relationship quality (2010)
Hanson, C. D. Memory appraisals by older people : associated factors and spousal relationship quality. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis has three parts:

Part one is a systematic review of the factors associated with awareness of memory function in older people without dementia. Recent research suggests that subjective memory complaints may precede objective c... Read More about Memory appraisals by older people : associated factors and spousal relationship quality.

The relationships between psychological factors and weight loss (2010)
Crawford, R. The relationships between psychological factors and weight loss. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio has three parts:
Part one is a systematic literature review in which the theoretical, conceptual and empirical literature relating to the impact of initial weight-related expectations on weight-loss and related outcomes is explored.
Pa... Read More about The relationships between psychological factors and weight loss.

Psychological distress in women following early pregnancy loss (2010)
Whitehead, R. Psychological distress in women following early pregnancy loss. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis comprises of three main parts. Part one is a systematic literature review entitled, "Response to & Factors Associated with Coping in Early Pregnancy Loss – A systematic Review of the Literature." Part two of this portfolio p... Read More about Psychological distress in women following early pregnancy loss.

Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: parents' psychological wellbeing, sibling empathy and the quality of the sibling relationship (2010)
Melbourne, F. L. Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: parents' psychological wellbeing, sibling empathy and the quality of the sibling relationship. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio thesis comprises three parts: a systematic literature review, an empirical study and a set of appendixes.Part one is a systematic literature review, in which the literature pertaining to factors that impact on the psychological wellbei... Read More about Children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes: parents' psychological wellbeing, sibling empathy and the quality of the sibling relationship.

Sub-fertility : the expectations and perceptions of couple members of medical consultation (2010)
Roberts, A. E. J. Sub-fertility : the expectations and perceptions of couple members of medical consultation. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Sub-fertility represents a major stress for couples requiring management by the partners. The interaction between couple member's strategies may influence the levels of sub-fertility related stress experienced by both partners, as such an understandi... Read More about Sub-fertility : the expectations and perceptions of couple members of medical consultation.

Attentional biases in post traumatic stress disorder and following acquired brain injury (2010)
English, J. Attentional biases in post traumatic stress disorder and following acquired brain injury. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Background: Attentional biases for trauma-relevant information are consideredto be a feature of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, there has beenno systematic review of the published literature into attentional biases across arange of ex... Read More about Attentional biases in post traumatic stress disorder and following acquired brain injury.

Real-time detection of auditory : steady-state brainstem potentials evoked by auditory stimuli (2010)
Cheah, L. A. Real-time detection of auditory : steady-state brainstem potentials evoked by auditory stimuli. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The auditory steady-state response (ASSR) is advantageous against other hearing techniques because of its capability in providing objective and frequency specific information. The objectives are to reduce the lengthy test duration, and improve the si... Read More about Real-time detection of auditory : steady-state brainstem potentials evoked by auditory stimuli.

Early parenting and attachment experiences : the association with adult affective symptoms (2010)
Webster, L. A. Early parenting and attachment experiences : the association with adult affective symptoms. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This portfolio has three parts:-Part one is a systematic literature review, in which the empirical literature relating to factors mediating the relationship between experiences of parenting and offspring adult depression is reviewed. A prior review d... Read More about Early parenting and attachment experiences : the association with adult affective symptoms.

Ethical Space: Journal with a Difference (2010)
Journal Article
Keeble, R., & Cohen-Almagor, R. (2010). Ethical Space: Journal with a Difference. The review of communication, 10(3), 228-235.

Ethical Space is a journal with a difference-based on the premise that many segments of the modern media are neglecting ethical concerns. In a reality of fierce competition, ratings, and economic considerations, ethics becomes a secondary, sometimes... Read More about Ethical Space: Journal with a Difference.

Muscle stiffness and rate of torque development during sprint cycling (2010)
Journal Article
Watsford, M., Ditroilo, M., Fernández-Peña, E., D'Amen, G., & Lucertini, F. (2010). Muscle stiffness and rate of torque development during sprint cycling. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 42(7), 1324-1332.

PURPOSE Crank torque (CT) application and rate of CT development (RCTD) are important considerations in sprint cycling. The stiffness of the musculotendinous unit is related to the isometric rate of torque development (RTD); however, this relationshi... Read More about Muscle stiffness and rate of torque development during sprint cycling.

Humanitarianism: The group charisma of postcolonial Britain (2010)
Journal Article
Tester, K. (2010). Humanitarianism: The group charisma of postcolonial Britain. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 13(4), 375-389.

This article argues that humanitarianism is a theme in the popular culture and politics of contemporary Britain which repays close analysis. Humanitarianism is identified as a strand of the 'social imaginary' through which conceptions of Britishness... Read More about Humanitarianism: The group charisma of postcolonial Britain.

Automated model generation algorithm for high-level fault modeling (2010)
Journal Article
Xia, L., Wilkinson, A. J., & Bell, I. M. (2010). Automated model generation algorithm for high-level fault modeling. IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, 29(7), 1140-1145.

High-level modeling for operational amplifiers (opamps) has been previously carried out successfully using models generated by published automated model generation approaches. Furthermore, high-level fault modeling (HLFM) has been shown to work reaso... Read More about Automated model generation algorithm for high-level fault modeling.

The effects of whole-body compression garments on prolonged high-intensity intermittent exercise (2010)
Journal Article
Sear, J. A., Hoare, T. K., Scanlan, A. T., Abt, G. A., & Dascombe, B. J. (2010). The effects of whole-body compression garments on prolonged high-intensity intermittent exercise. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 24(7), 1901-1910.

The current study investigated the effects of wearing whole-body compression garments (WBCGs) on prolonged high-intensity intermittent exercise (PHIIE) performance. Eight male team-sport athletes ([X̄ ± SD] 20.6 ± 1.2 years; 72.9 ± 5.9 kg; 57.5 ± 3.7... Read More about The effects of whole-body compression garments on prolonged high-intensity intermittent exercise.

Exposure to acute hypoxia induces a transient DNA damage response which includes Chk1 and TLK1 (2010)
Journal Article
Pires, I. M., Bencokova, Z., Hammond, E. M., & McGurk, C. (2010). Exposure to acute hypoxia induces a transient DNA damage response which includes Chk1 and TLK1. Cell cycle, 9(13), 2502-2507.

Severe hypoxia has been demonstrated to induce a replication arrest which is associated with decreased levels of nucleotides. Chk1 is rapidly phosphorylated in response to severe hypoxia and in turn deactivates TLK1 through phosphorylation. Loss of C... Read More about Exposure to acute hypoxia induces a transient DNA damage response which includes Chk1 and TLK1.

Microstructure and property development in spray formed and extruded Al-Mg-Li-Zr alloys for aerospace and autosport applications (2010)
Journal Article
Hogg, S. C., Mi, J., Nilsen, K. E., Liotti, E., & Grant, P. S. (2010). Microstructure and property development in spray formed and extruded Al-Mg-Li-Zr alloys for aerospace and autosport applications. Materials Science and Engineering Technology / Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 41(7), 562-567.

Low density Al-4Mg-1.3Li-0.4Zr and Al-6Mg-1.6Li-0.4Zr alloys were spray formed and the billets extruded under a range of conditions. The alloy compositions were selected to provide an attractive balance of tensile strength and elongation, without rel... Read More about Microstructure and property development in spray formed and extruded Al-Mg-Li-Zr alloys for aerospace and autosport applications.