Book Chapter
Elliott, M. (2012). Preface. In S. Rajagopal, H. A. Jenner, & V. P. Venugopalan (Eds.), Operational and Environmental Consequences of Large Industrial Cooling Water Systems (v-xi). Springer.
All Outputs (930)
Child porterage and Africa's transport gap: evidence from Ghana, Malawi and South Africa (2012)
Journal Article
Porter, G., Hampshire, K., Abane, A., Munthali, A., Robson, E., Mashiri, M., Tanle, A., Maponya, G., & Dube, S. (2012). Child porterage and Africa's transport gap: evidence from Ghana, Malawi and South Africa. World Development, 40(10), 2136-2154.'s load-carrying has been largely invisible in studies of African economies, being commonly subsumed under women's or family labor. This paper, based on interdisciplinary qualitative and quantitative research in 24 sites, examines the role of... Read More about Child porterage and Africa's transport gap: evidence from Ghana, Malawi and South Africa.
Between autonomy and state regulation: J.S. Mill's elastic paternalism (2012)
Journal Article
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2012). Between autonomy and state regulation: J.S. Mill's elastic paternalism. Philosophy : the journal of the British Institute of Philosophical Studies, 87(4), 557-582. paper analyses J.S. Mill's theory on the relationships between individual autonomy and State powers. It will be argued that there is a significant discrepancy between Mill's general liberal statements aimed to secure individual largest possible... Read More about Between autonomy and state regulation: J.S. Mill's elastic paternalism.
Preexercise galactose and glucose ingestion on fuel use during exercise (2012)
Journal Article
O'Hara, J. P., Carroll, S., Cooke, C. B., Morrison, D. J., Preston, T., & King, R. F. (2012). Preexercise galactose and glucose ingestion on fuel use during exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(10), 1958-1967. This study determined the effect of ingesting galactose and glucose 30 min before exercise on exogenous and endogenous fuel use during exercise. Methods: Nine trained male cyclists completed three bouts of cycling at 60% Wmax for 120 min aft... Read More about Preexercise galactose and glucose ingestion on fuel use during exercise.
Drafting the Nineteen Propositions, January to July 1642 (2012)
Journal Article
Tyler, C. (2012). Drafting the Nineteen Propositions, January to July 1642. Parliamentary History, 31(3), 263-312. article analyses the drafting of the document eventually printed as the Nineteen Propositions. Section two addresses certain issues regarding the methods and concepts employed in the subsequent analysis, focusing on consensus-building, constitut... Read More about Drafting the Nineteen Propositions, January to July 1642.
Becoming citizens through school experience : a case study of democracy in practice (2012)
Journal Article
Hope, M. (2012). Becoming citizens through school experience : a case study of democracy in practice. International journal of progressive education, 8(3), 94 - 109This paper offers a critique of current definitions of active citizenship and argues that children and young people need to be seen as citizens within their school communities and not just citizens of the future. Pedagogy and school decision-making s... Read More about Becoming citizens through school experience : a case study of democracy in practice.
Are the dental health needs of adults with illegal drug dependence being met by current service provision in the United Kingdom?: A literature review (2012)
Journal Article
Hewson, V., & Wray, J. (2012). Are the dental health needs of adults with illegal drug dependence being met by current service provision in the United Kingdom?: A literature review. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 23(3), 191-199. literature review outlines the current issues and debates relating to the dental health of adults with drug dependence. The dental health of adults with illegal drug dependence (IDD) continues to be under debate throughout dental practice, and t... Read More about Are the dental health needs of adults with illegal drug dependence being met by current service provision in the United Kingdom?: A literature review.
Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Divadlo poutané hudbou (Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Theatre bound by music) (2012)
Journal Article
Drabek, P. (2012). Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Divadlo poutané hudbou (Jirí Adámek: Théâtre musical. Theatre bound by music). Opus musicum, 44(4), 108 - 110A critical reflection of Jirí Adámek's book with a polemic on the conception of music theatre, namely the role of the human individual in it.
Lives of Shakespearian actors. V. Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Henry Irving and Ellen Terry by their contemporaries. Vol. 3. Ellen Terry (2012)
(Ed.). (2012). Lives of Shakespearian actors. V. Herbert Beerbohm Tree, Henry Irving and Ellen Terry by their contemporaries. Vol. 3. Ellen Terry. Pickering & Chatto
Bram Stoker and the stage: reviews, reminiscences, essays and fiction (2012)
Wynne, C. (2012). C. Wynne (Ed.). Bram Stoker and the stage: reviews, reminiscences, essays and fiction. The University of HullThough best known as the author of Dracula (1897) Bram Stoker had a successful career in the theatre. This collection brings together all Stoker’s theatrical reviews from Dublin’s Evening Mail, his published essays and interviews on the theatre, sele... Read More about Bram Stoker and the stage: reviews, reminiscences, essays and fiction.
Can compassion be taught to lessen the effects of compassion fatigue? (2012)
Journal Article
Lee, M., Laurenson, M., & Whitfield, C. (2012). Can compassion be taught to lessen the effects of compassion fatigue?. Journal of Care Services Management, 6(3), 121-130. Recent concerns about the lack of compassionate care have led to investigations in the way care is delivered and the need to embed values into the caring system. The idea that healthcare
professionals are deficient in compassion and suff... Read More about Can compassion be taught to lessen the effects of compassion fatigue?.
Claiming a Fundamental Right to Basic Necessities of Life: Problems and Prospects of Adjudication in Bangladesh (2012)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, M. J. A. (2012). Claiming a Fundamental Right to Basic Necessities of Life: Problems and Prospects of Adjudication in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Constitutional Law, 5, 184-208The debate on whether socio-economic rights can or should be adjudicated upon and enforced by courts is ongoing since the 1960s, when the rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) were separated into two covenants. Though the Interna... Read More about Claiming a Fundamental Right to Basic Necessities of Life: Problems and Prospects of Adjudication in Bangladesh.
Chronic cough and obstructive sleep apnoea: Reflux-associated cough hypersensitivity? (2012)
Journal Article
Faruqi, S., Fahim, A., & Morice, A. H. (2012). Chronic cough and obstructive sleep apnoea: Reflux-associated cough hypersensitivity?. European respiratory journal, 40(4), 1049-1050.
Assessing participation and democracy in the EU: the case of the European Citizens' Initiative (2012)
Journal Article
Monaghan, E. (2012). Assessing participation and democracy in the EU: the case of the European Citizens' Initiative. Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 13(3), 285-298. European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) is the latest in a line of institutional innovations that have sought to enhance the participatory nature of EU politics. The extent to which this results in a more democratic EU, however, is questionable becau... Read More about Assessing participation and democracy in the EU: the case of the European Citizens' Initiative.
Embracing a culture in conducting research requires more than nurses' enthusiasm (2012)
Journal Article
Loke, J. C., Laurenson, M. C., & Lee, K. W. (2014). Embracing a culture in conducting research requires more than nurses' enthusiasm. Nurse education today, 34(1), 132-137. This study explored the perceptions of clinical nurses about their research knowledge and experiences to highlight any gaps in nurse education in supporting research activities in healthcare organisations. Background Nurses' research activities... Read More about Embracing a culture in conducting research requires more than nurses' enthusiasm.
Intervention in health care teams and working relationships (2012)
Journal Article
Laurenson, M., Heath, T., & Gribbin, S. (2012). Intervention in health care teams and working relationships. Journal of healthcare leadership, 4, 117. Communication is an intrinsic part of collaborative working but can be problematic when the complexities of professional and personal identities inhibit quality care provision. This paper investigates these complexities and recommends i... Read More about Intervention in health care teams and working relationships.
Summaries of nursing care-related systematic reviews from the Cochrane Library: clopidogrel plus aspirin versus aspirin alone for preventing cardiovascular disease (2012)
Journal Article
Barrett, D. (2012). Summaries of nursing care-related systematic reviews from the Cochrane Library: clopidogrel plus aspirin versus aspirin alone for preventing cardiovascular disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 27(5), 382-383.
Synergy between a collagen IV mimetic peptide and a somatotropin-domain derived peptide as angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis inhibitors (2012)
Journal Article
Koskimaki, J. E., Lee, E., Chen, W., Rivera, C. G., Rosca, E. V., Pandey, N. B., & Popel, A. S. (2013). Synergy between a collagen IV mimetic peptide and a somatotropin-domain derived peptide as angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis inhibitors. Angiogenesis, 16(1), 159-170. is central to many physiological and pathological processes. Here we show two potent bioinformatically-identified peptides, one derived from collagen IV and translationally optimized, and one from a somatotropin domain-containing protein... Read More about Synergy between a collagen IV mimetic peptide and a somatotropin-domain derived peptide as angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis inhibitors.
Chronic Cough in Musculoskeletal disorders: Using high resolution oesophageal manometry in search of an Aetiology (2012)
Journal Article
Pathmanathan, S., Morjaria, J. B., Morice, A. H., & Jackson, W. (2012). Chronic Cough in Musculoskeletal disorders: Using high resolution oesophageal manometry in search of an Aetiology. Cough, 8(1), Article 6. cough is a common symptom carrying significant morbidity which can occur as a result of oesophageal dysmotility. Here we report 2 patients with musculoskeletal disease presenting with chronic cough to our tertiary cough clinic. Prior to refer... Read More about Chronic Cough in Musculoskeletal disorders: Using high resolution oesophageal manometry in search of an Aetiology.
Tidal interactions at the edge of the Local Group: New evidence for tidal features in the antlia Dwarf galaxy (2012)
Journal Article
Penny, S. J., Pimbblet, K. A., Conselice, C. J., Brown, M. J., Grützbauch, R., & Floyd, D. J. (2012). Tidal interactions at the edge of the Local Group: New evidence for tidal features in the antlia Dwarf galaxy. Astrophysical journal. Letters, 758(2), Article L32. deep B-band imaging down to μ B = 26 mag arcsec -2 , we present evidence for tidal tails in the Antlia Dwarf galaxy, one of the most distant members of the Local Group. This elongation is in the direction of Antlia's nearest neighbor, the Magel... Read More about Tidal interactions at the edge of the Local Group: New evidence for tidal features in the antlia Dwarf galaxy.