The nuclear retention of transcription factor FOXO3a correlates with a DNA damage response and increased glutamine synthetase expression by astrocytes suggesting a neuroprotective role in the ageing brain
Journal Article
Fluteau, A., Ince, P. G., Minett, T., Matthews, F. E., Brayne, C., Garwood, C. J., Ratcliffe, L. E., Morgan, S., Heath, P. R., Shaw, P. J., Wharton, S. B., & Simpson, J. E. (2015). The nuclear retention of transcription factor FOXO3a correlates with a DNA damage response and increased glutamine synthetase expression by astrocytes suggesting a neuroprotective role in the ageing brain. Neuroscience letters, 609, 11-17.
The accumulation of reactive oxygen species leading to oxidative damage and cell death plays an important role in a number of neurodegenerative disorders. FOXO3a, the main isoform of FOXO transcription factors, mediates the cellular response to oxida... Read More about The nuclear retention of transcription factor FOXO3a correlates with a DNA damage response and increased glutamine synthetase expression by astrocytes suggesting a neuroprotective role in the ageing brain.