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The nature and role of the gold-krypton interactions in small neutral gold clusters (2015)
Journal Article
Mancera, L. A., & Benoit, D. M. (2015). The nature and role of the gold-krypton interactions in small neutral gold clusters. The journal of physical chemistry. A, 119(12), 3075-3088.

© 2015 American Chemical Society. We investigate the nature and role of krypton embedding in small neutral gold clusters. For some of these clusters, we observe a particular site-dependent character of the Kr binding that does not completely follow t... Read More about The nature and role of the gold-krypton interactions in small neutral gold clusters.

Intersex related gene expression profiles in clams Scrobicularia plana : molecular markers and environmental application (2015)
Journal Article
Langston, W. J., Ciocan, C. M., Hill, E. M., Lerebours, A., Rotchell, J. M., Rotchell, J., Alvarez-Munoz, D., Ciocan, C., Cornelius, K., Cubero-Leon, E., Hill, E., Indiveri, P., Langston, W., Minier, C., & Pope, N. (2015). Intersex related gene expression profiles in clams Scrobicularia plana : molecular markers and environmental application. Marine pollution bulletin, 95(2), 610-617.

Intersex, the appearance of female characteristics in male gonads, has been identified in several aquatic species. It is a widespread phenomenon in populations of the bivalve, Scrobicularia plana, from the southwest coast of the U.K. Genes previously... Read More about Intersex related gene expression profiles in clams Scrobicularia plana : molecular markers and environmental application.

PowerPoint and concept maps: a great double act (2015)
Journal Article
Simon, J. (2015). PowerPoint and concept maps: a great double act. Accounting education, 24(2), 146-151.

This article explores how concept maps can provide a useful addition to PowerPoint slides to convey interconnections of knowledge and help students see how knowledge is often non-linear. While most accounting educators are familiar with PowerPoint, t... Read More about PowerPoint and concept maps: a great double act.

What ‘works’ when retracing sample members in a qualitative longitudinal study? (2015)
Journal Article
Farrall, S., Hunter, B., Sharpe, G., & Calverley, A. (2016). What ‘works’ when retracing sample members in a qualitative longitudinal study?. International journal of social research methodology : theory & practice, 19(3), 287-300.

Attrition represents a significant obstacle to overcome in any longitudinal research project. It is, perhaps, most keenly felt when the data collected are from a qualitative study, since, unlike quantitative longitudinal research, weighting factors c... Read More about What ‘works’ when retracing sample members in a qualitative longitudinal study?.

Solvent effect and fluorescence response of the 7-tert-butylpyrene-dipicolylamine linkage for the selective and sensitive response toward Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions (2015)
Journal Article
Kowser, Z., Tomiyasu, H., Jiang, X., Rayhan, U., Redshaw, C., & Yamato, T. (2015). Solvent effect and fluorescence response of the 7-tert-butylpyrene-dipicolylamine linkage for the selective and sensitive response toward Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions. New journal of chemistry = Nouveau journal de chimie, 39(5), 4055-4062.

The different binding behaviour of 7-tert-butylpyrene based chemosensors bearing dipicolylamine (Dpa) linkages at the 1,3-positions was investigated in various solvents for the sensing of Zn(II) and Cd(II).The potential mono-chelating ligand L1 follo... Read More about Solvent effect and fluorescence response of the 7-tert-butylpyrene-dipicolylamine linkage for the selective and sensitive response toward Zn(II) and Cd(II) ions.

Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes? Systematic review (2015)
Journal Article
Neal, R. D., Tharmanathan, P., France, B., Din, N. U., Cotton, S., Fallon-Ferguson, J., Hamilton, W., Hendry, A., Hendry, M., Lewis, R., Macleod, U., Mitchell, E. D., Pickett, M., Rai, T., Shaw, K., Stuart, N., Tørring, M. L., Wilkinson, C., Williams, B., Williams, N., & Emery, J. (2015). Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes? Systematic review. The British Journal of Cancer, 112, S92-S107.

© 2015 Cancer Research UK. Background: It is unclear whether more timely cancer diagnosis brings favourable outcomes, with much of the previous evidence, in some cancers, being equivocal. We set out to determine whether there is an association betwee... Read More about Is increased time to diagnosis and treatment in symptomatic cancer associated with poorer outcomes? Systematic review.

Cancer detection in primary care: Insights from general practitioners (2015)
Journal Article
Green, T., Atkin, K., & Macleod, U. (2015). Cancer detection in primary care: Insights from general practitioners. The British Journal of Cancer, 112, S41-S49.

© 2015 Cancer Research UK. Background: General practitioners (GPs) have a key role in cancer detection as the usual first point of contact for patients with potential cancer symptoms. Nevertheless, there is limited work that investigates their percep... Read More about Cancer detection in primary care: Insights from general practitioners.

The role of primary care in cancer diagnosis via emergency presentation: qualitative synthesis of significant event reports (2015)
Journal Article
Mitchell, E. D., Rubin, G., Merriman, L., & Macleod, U. (2015). The role of primary care in cancer diagnosis via emergency presentation: qualitative synthesis of significant event reports. The British Journal of Cancer, 112(S1), S50-S56.

Patients diagnosed with cancer in the context of an emergency presentation (EP) have poorer outcomes. It is often assumed that such patients present to the emergency department without consulting their general practitioner (GP). Little w... Read More about The role of primary care in cancer diagnosis via emergency presentation: qualitative synthesis of significant event reports.

Dual-modal magnetic resonance/fluorescent zinc probes for pancreatic β-cell mass imaging (2015)
Journal Article
Stasiuk, G. J., Minuzzi, F., Sae-Heng, M., Rivas, C., Juretschke, H.-P., Piemonti, L., Allegrini, P. R., Laurent, D., Duckworth, A. R., Beeby, A., Rutter, G. A., & Long, N. J. (2015). Dual-modal magnetic resonance/fluorescent zinc probes for pancreatic β-cell mass imaging. Chemistry: a European journal, 21(13), 5023-5033.

Despite the contribution of changes in pancreatic β-cell mass to the development of all forms of diabetes mellitus, few robust approaches currently exist to monitor these changes prospectively in vivo. Although magnetic-resonance imaging (MRI) provid... Read More about Dual-modal magnetic resonance/fluorescent zinc probes for pancreatic β-cell mass imaging.

Embedding electronic decision-support tools for suspected cancer in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs' experiences (2015)
Journal Article
Dikomitis, L., Green, T., & Macleod, U. (2015). Embedding electronic decision-support tools for suspected cancer in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs' experiences. Primary health care research & development, 16(6), 548-555.

Aim: The purpose of this evaluation was to obtain views from general practitioners (GPs) who piloted the electronic risk assessment tools (eRATs) for suspected lung or colorectal cancer. We wanted to find out whether GPs were able to integrate these... Read More about Embedding electronic decision-support tools for suspected cancer in primary care: a qualitative study of GPs' experiences.

Vanadyl calix[6]arene complexes: Synthesis, structural studies and ethylene homo-(co-)polymerization capability (2015)
Journal Article
Redshaw, C., Walton, M., Michiue, K., Chao, Y., Walton, A., Elo, P., Sumerin, V., Jiang, C., & Elsegood, M. R. J. (2015). Vanadyl calix[6]arene complexes: Synthesis, structural studies and ethylene homo-(co-)polymerization capability. Dalton Transactions : an international journal of inorganic chemistry, 44(27), 12292-12303.

Treatment of p-tert-butylcalix[6]areneH₆ (L⁶H₆) with in situ [LiVO(Ot-Bu)₄] afforded, after work-up, the dark green complex [Li(MeCN)₄][V₂(O)₂Li(MeCN)(L⁶H₂)₂]·8MeCN (1·8MeCN). On one occasion, the reaction led to the formation of a mixture of product... Read More about Vanadyl calix[6]arene complexes: Synthesis, structural studies and ethylene homo-(co-)polymerization capability.

Evaluating the importance of catchment hydrological parameters for urban surface water flood modelling using a simple hydro-inundation model (2015)
Journal Article
Yu, D., & Coulthard, T. J. (2015). Evaluating the importance of catchment hydrological parameters for urban surface water flood modelling using a simple hydro-inundation model. Journal of hydrology, 524(May), 385-400.

The influence of catchment hydrological processes on urban flooding is often considered through river discharges at a source catchment outlet, negating the role of other upstream areas that may add to the flooding. Therefore, where multiple entry poi... Read More about Evaluating the importance of catchment hydrological parameters for urban surface water flood modelling using a simple hydro-inundation model.

Religion, Spirituality and Secularism (2015)
Journal Article
Arya, R. (2015). Religion, Spirituality and Secularism. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 23, 1--19.

This chapter responds to a range of contemporary debates in the field of religion, spirituality and secularism in books published between 2013 and 2014. The chapter is divided into three sections: 1. Religion and Digital Culture; 2. Religion and the... Read More about Religion, Spirituality and Secularism.

What stops students working well in clinical environments? (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hammond, A., & Henderson, J. (2015, March). What stops students working well in clinical environments?. Paper presented at UK Council for Clinical Communication National Conference, Manchester

* To discuss the challenges for Undergraduate Medical Students when moving from University Based to Full time clinical placements
* Discuss HYMS’ Year Three Induction Block
* To share ideas regarding how to address these challenges

Jogalkotási javaslatok megfogalmazása a jogtudományban (2015)
Book Chapter
Cserne, P., & Gajduschek, G. (2015). Jogalkotási javaslatok megfogalmazása a jogtudományban. In A. Jakab, & A. Menyhárd (Eds.), A jog tudománya: Tudománytörténeti és -elméleti írások, gyakorlati tanácsokkal (79–100). HVG-Orac

Accountability and governance practices in Islamic microfinance institutions : evidence from Indonesia (2015)
Handayani, W. Accountability and governance practices in Islamic microfinance institutions : evidence from Indonesia. (Thesis). University of Hull.

This thesis presents an explanatory analysis of the accountability and governance practices within Islamic microfinance institutions in Indonesia, adopting Bourdieu’s theory of practice with the triad of concepts of field, capital and habitus. This s... Read More about Accountability and governance practices in Islamic microfinance institutions : evidence from Indonesia.

Interaction between the Alzheimer's peptide, beta-amyloid and lipid membrane (2015)
Saurabh, R. Interaction between the Alzheimer's peptide, beta-amyloid and lipid membrane. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder. The patho-physiological effects of amyloid beta (Aβ) may be mediated by Aβ-membrane interaction. However, the molecular mechanism of interaction between Aβ and neuronal membrane remains unknow... Read More about Interaction between the Alzheimer's peptide, beta-amyloid and lipid membrane.

Rebecoming analogue : groove, breakbeats and sampling (2015)
Oliver, R. A. Rebecoming analogue : groove, breakbeats and sampling. (Thesis). University of Hull.

In this thesis I address two related questions: how does groove work in breakbeats, and how might it enable musical participation across time and space?

In order to do this, I analyse breakbeats as they are heard in their original funk context and... Read More about Rebecoming analogue : groove, breakbeats and sampling.

From water soluble mesogens to liquid crystal gold nanocomposites : synthesis and investigation of flexible chain variation in rod-shaped mesogens (2015)
Alqahtany, F. From water soluble mesogens to liquid crystal gold nanocomposites : synthesis and investigation of flexible chain variation in rod-shaped mesogens. (Thesis). University of Hull.

A number of new liquid crystalline systems were synthesized and the liquid crystal phase behaviour was investigated. The investigation of the liquid crystal properties involved the characterisation of the neat substances by optical polarizing microsc... Read More about From water soluble mesogens to liquid crystal gold nanocomposites : synthesis and investigation of flexible chain variation in rod-shaped mesogens.