Book review : R. G. Collingwood, an autobiography and other writings: with essays on Collingwood’s life and work, ed. David Boucher and Teresa Smith.
Journal Article
Fear, C. (2015). Book review : R. G. Collingwood, an autobiography and other writings: with essays on Collingwood’s life and work, ed. David Boucher and Teresa Smith. History of political thought, 36(4), 801-804
All Outputs (1270)
The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government (2015)
Beech, M., & Lee, S. (2015). M. Beech, & S. Lee (Eds.). The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government. Palgrave Macmillan. book offers a unique full term analysis of the Cameron-Clegg Government. From austerity to gay marriage, the Scottish referendum to combating IS, it brings together expert academic voices to provide rigorous yet readable insights on the key area... Read More about The Conservative-Liberal Coalition: Examining the Cameron-Clegg Government.
Screening out the East: the playing out of inter-German relations at the Cannes film festival (2015)
Journal Article
Ward, E. M. (2015). Screening out the East: the playing out of inter-German relations at the Cannes film festival. German life and letters, 68(1), 37-53. article examines the previously unexplored role of the Cannes Film Festival as an alternative arena for Cold War politics and the playing out of the West German Hallstein Doctrine in 1957 and 1959. The Hallstein Doctrine was an important strateg... Read More about Screening out the East: the playing out of inter-German relations at the Cannes film festival.
Uniform estimates for averages of order statistics of matrices (2015)
Journal Article
Lechner, R., Passenbrunner, M., & Prochno, J. (2015). Uniform estimates for averages of order statistics of matrices. Electronic Communications in Probability, 20, 1-12. prove uniform estimates for the expected value of averages of order statistics of matrices interms of their largest entries. As an application, we obtain similar probabilistic estimates for ℓp norms via real interpolation.
On the Gaussian behavior of marginals and the mean width of random polytopes (2015)
Journal Article
Alonso-Gutiérrez, D., & Prochno, J. (2015). On the Gaussian behavior of marginals and the mean width of random polytopes. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 143(2), 821-832.© 2014 American Mathematical Society. We show that the expected value of the mean width of a random polytope generated by N random vectors (n ≤ N ≤ e√n) uniformly distributed in an isotropic convex body in ℝnis of the order√logNLK. This completes a r... Read More about On the Gaussian behavior of marginals and the mean width of random polytopes.
Ideal negative measurements in quantum walks disprove theories based on classical trajectories (2015)
Journal Article
Robens, C., Alt, W., Meschede, D., Emary, C., & Alberti, A. (2015). Ideal negative measurements in quantum walks disprove theories based on classical trajectories. Physical Review X, 5(1), Article 011003. report on a stringent test of the nonclassicality of the motion of a massive quantum particle, which propagates on a discrete lattice. Measuring temporal correlations of the position of single atoms performing a quantum walk, we observe a 6σ viola... Read More about Ideal negative measurements in quantum walks disprove theories based on classical trajectories.
Medical ethics and academic freedom - my Dutch experience (2015)
Book Chapter
Cohen-Almagor, R. (2015). Medical ethics and academic freedom - my Dutch experience. In A. Jotkowitz, & S. Shvarts (Eds.), Autonomy, Altruism and Authority in Medical Ethics: Essays in Honor of Professor Shimon Glick (11-29)
NMC code advice on digital communications (2015)
Journal Article
Moorley, C., & Watson, R. (2015). NMC code advice on digital communications. Nursing Times, 111(14), 22-23Nurses and midwives are increasingly using social media as a professional tool. This is reflected in the Nursing and Midwifery Council's (NMC) new professional code, which says nurses must use social media and other communication responsibly, respect... Read More about NMC code advice on digital communications.
Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products (2015)
Book Chapter
Hernández-Pérez, M. (2015). Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products. In C. Brienza (Ed.), Global Manga: "Japanese" comics without Japan? (167-184). RoutledgeABSTRACT / PROPOSAL: It´s well known that the major global comic producers are Japan and U.S. There are not so many countries where this medium has achieved this importance not only as high-quality producers but also as powerful creators of contents.... Read More about Constructing the mangaverse: Narrative patterns in Marvel's appropriation of manga products.
AMS radiocarbon dating from the Neolithic of eastern Ukraine casts doubts on existing chronologies (2015)
Journal Article
Lillie, M., Motuzaite-Matuzeviciute, G., & Telizhenko, S. (2015). AMS radiocarbon dating from the Neolithic of eastern Ukraine casts doubts on existing chronologies. Radiocarbon, 57(4), 657-664. Seversky Donets River (Northern Donets) basin in eastern Ukraine and the Lower Don River valley in Russia were inhabited by populations that have been considered to be one of the earliest pottery-using cultures in Europe. The early pottery sites... Read More about AMS radiocarbon dating from the Neolithic of eastern Ukraine casts doubts on existing chronologies.
A situation that we had never imagined: Post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics (2015)
Journal Article
Martin, S., Naamani, C., & Vallance, M. (2015). A situation that we had never imagined: Post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics. International Journal of Learning Technology, 10(1), 30-49. is no consensus regarding a common set of metrics for robot task complexity in associated human-robot interactions. This paper is an attempt to address this issue by proposing a new metric so that the educational potential when using robots can... Read More about A situation that we had never imagined: Post-Fukushima virtual collaborations for determining robot task metrics.
Detection limits of organic compounds achievable with intense, short-pulse lasers (2015)
Journal Article
Miles, J., De Camillis, S., Alexander, G., Hamilton, K., Kelly, T. J., Costello, J. T., Zepf, M., Williams, I. D., & Greenwood, J. B. (2015). Detection limits of organic compounds achievable with intense, short-pulse lasers. Analyst, 140(12), 4270-4276. organic molecules have strong absorption bands which can be accessed by ultraviolet short pulse lasers to produce efficient ionization. This resonant multiphoton ionization scheme has already been exploited as an ionization source in time-of-fli... Read More about Detection limits of organic compounds achievable with intense, short-pulse lasers.
Supporting the automated generation of modular product line safety cases (2015)
Book Chapter
de Oliveira, A. L., Braga, R. T., Masiero, P. C., Papadopoulos, Y., Habli, I., & Kelly, T. (2015). Supporting the automated generation of modular product line safety cases. In W. Zamojski, J. Mazurkiewicz, J. Sugier, T. Walkowiak, & J. Kacprzyk (Eds.), . The effective reuse of design assets in safety-critical Software Product Lines (SPL) would require the reuse of safety analyses of those assets in the variant contexts of certification of products derived from the SPL. This in turn requires... Read More about Supporting the automated generation of modular product line safety cases.
EDITORIAL: Aesthetics and participation … (2015)
Journal Article
Conroy, C. (2015). EDITORIAL: Aesthetics and participation …. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 20(1), 1-11. it ever happen that a theoretical perspective is articulated, accepted and then sealed from further debate? There is a process of development, application, critique and assessment. Among other things, scholarly journals offer their communities o... Read More about EDITORIAL: Aesthetics and participation ….
Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook (2015)
Book Chapter
Sharvia, S., Kabir, S., Walker, M., & Papadopoulos, Y. (2015). Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook. In I. Mistrik, N. Ali, B. Tekinerdogan, R. Soley, & J. Grundy (Eds.), Software Quality Assurance: In Large Scale and Complex Software-intensive Systems (251-278). Elsevier. Over the past two decades, the study of model-based dependability analysis has gathered significant research interest. Different approaches have been developed to automate and address various limitations of classical dependability technique... Read More about Model-based dependability analysis : state-of-the-art, challenges and future outlook.
Eine befragung der mitglieder der vascular society of Great Britain and Ireland (2015)
Journal Article
El-Sheikha, J., Nandhra, S., Carradice, D., Acey, C., Smith, G. E., Campbell, B., & Chetter, I. C. (2015). Eine befragung der mitglieder der vascular society of Great Britain and Ireland. Vasomed : die Fachzeitschrift für Gefässerkrankungen, 27(3), 144-146
Symphony of sirens: uses and problems of sound in teaching and learning about music and politics (2015)
Journal Article
Baker, C. (2015). Symphony of sirens: uses and problems of sound in teaching and learning about music and politics. Radical history review, 2015(121), 197-208. have been teaching courses about music and politics since 2011, firstly as a part-time instructor replacing a faculty member during her research leave and later at a different institution as a faculty member myself. This piece considers some of the... Read More about Symphony of sirens: uses and problems of sound in teaching and learning about music and politics.
Locating post-16 professionalism: public spaces as dissenting spaces (2015)
Journal Article
Dennis, C. A. (2015). Locating post-16 professionalism: public spaces as dissenting spaces. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20(1), 64-77. post-16 professionalism explores the ways in which teachers in the UK and the USA engaged in digitally mediated communication incidentally narrate their professional selves during extended exchanges about the process of post-qualification re... Read More about Locating post-16 professionalism: public spaces as dissenting spaces.
Differential modulation of performance in insight and divergent thinking tasks with tDCS (2015)
Journal Article
Eimontaite, I., Goel, V., Schindler, I., & Goel, A. (2015). Differential modulation of performance in insight and divergent thinking tasks with tDCS. Journal of Problem Solving, 8(1), 23-35. both insight and divergent thinking tasks are used to study creativity, there are reasons to believe that the two may call upon very different mechanisms. To explore this hypothesis, we administered a verbal insight task (riddles) and a diverge... Read More about Differential modulation of performance in insight and divergent thinking tasks with tDCS.
⁹⁹ᵐTc SPECT imaging agent based on cFLFLFK for the detection of FPR1 in inflammation (2015)
Journal Article
Stasiuk, G. J., Holloway, P. M., Rivas, C., Trigg, W., Luthra, S. K., Morrison Iveson, V., Gavins, F. N., & Long, N. J. (2015). ⁹⁹ᵐTc SPECT imaging agent based on cFLFLFK for the detection of FPR1 in inflammation. Dalton Transactions : an international journal of inorganic chemistry, 44(11), 4986-4993. imaging of the inflammatory process can provide a great deal of insight into a wide variety of diseases states, aiding diagnosis, evaluation and effective targeted treatment. During inflammation, blood borne leukocytes are recruited, thr... Read More about ⁹⁹ᵐTc SPECT imaging agent based on cFLFLFK for the detection of FPR1 in inflammation.