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Optimization and performance analysis of a solar concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric (CPV-TE) hybrid system (2020)
Journal Article
Rejeb, O., Shittu, S., Ghenai, C., Li, G., Zhao, X., & Bettayeb, M. (2020). Optimization and performance analysis of a solar concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric (CPV-TE) hybrid system. Renewable energy, 152, 1342-1353.

This work presents, for the first time, a statistical model to forecast the electrical efficiency of concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric system (CPV-TE). The main objective of this work is to analyze the impact of the input factors (product of s... Read More about Optimization and performance analysis of a solar concentrated photovoltaic-thermoelectric (CPV-TE) hybrid system.

Leading a step-change in scholarly cultures in College-based Higher Education (2020)
Book Chapter
Lea, J., Hall, G., & Lawrence, J. (2020). Leading a step-change in scholarly cultures in College-based Higher Education. In J. Potter, & C. Devecchi (Eds.), Leading Educational Change in HE: A transformative approach for leaders and practitioners. Routledge

This chapter looks at some of the challenges presented to colleges with higher education provision when seeking to enhance their research and scholarship. The chapter explains the context for the role of colleges in providing higher education courses... Read More about Leading a step-change in scholarly cultures in College-based Higher Education.

“ ‘O Prison Darkness … Lions in the Cage’; The ‘Peculiar’ Prison Narratives of Guantanamo Bay” (2020)
Book Chapter
Metcalf, J. (2020). “ ‘O Prison Darkness … Lions in the Cage’; The ‘Peculiar’ Prison Narratives of Guantanamo Bay”. In M. Harmes, M. Harmes, & B. Harmes (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Incarceration in Popular Culture (67-87). Palgrave Macmillan.

Prison memoirs often consider the author’s life of crime prior to incarceration and reflect on the behaviors (e.g., greed) or structural violence (e.g., poverty, racism) that led them to the prison. But what happens then, when as in the case of Guant... Read More about “ ‘O Prison Darkness … Lions in the Cage’; The ‘Peculiar’ Prison Narratives of Guantanamo Bay”.

Women’s views about breast cancer prevention at mammography screening units and well women’s clinics (2020)
Journal Article
Rundle, A., Iles, S., Matheson, K., Cahill, L. E., Forbes, C. C., Saint-Jacques, N., Urquhart, R., & Younis, T. (2020). Women’s views about breast cancer prevention at mammography screening units and well women’s clinics. Current oncology, 27(3), e336-e342.

Background Women attending mammography screening units (msus) and well women’s clinics (wwcs) represent a motivated cohort likely to engage in interventions aimed at primary breast cancer (bca) prevention. Methods We used a feasibility questionnaire... Read More about Women’s views about breast cancer prevention at mammography screening units and well women’s clinics.

International palliative care research priorities: A systematic review (2020)
Journal Article
Hasson, F., Nicholson, E., Muldrew, D., Bamidele, O., Payne, S., & McIlfatrick, S. (2020). International palliative care research priorities: A systematic review. BMC Palliative Care, 19(1), Article 16.

© 2020 The Author(s). Background: There has been increasing evidence and debate on palliative care research priorities and the international research agenda. To date, however, there is a lack of synthesis of this evidence, examining commonalities, di... Read More about International palliative care research priorities: A systematic review.

The consequences of craniofacial integration for the adaptive radiations of Darwin’s finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers (2020)
Journal Article
Navalón, G., Marugán-Lobón, J., Bright, J. A., Cooney, C., & Rayfield, E. (2020). The consequences of craniofacial integration for the adaptive radiations of Darwin’s finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4(2), 270-278.

© 2020, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited. The diversifications of Darwin’s finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers are two text-book examples of adaptive radiation in birds. Why these two bird groups radiated while the rem... Read More about The consequences of craniofacial integration for the adaptive radiations of Darwin’s finches and Hawaiian honeycreepers.

Kin discrimination, negative relatedness, and how to distinguish between selfishness and spite (2020)
Journal Article
Patel, M., West, S. A., & Biernaskie, J. M. (2020). Kin discrimination, negative relatedness, and how to distinguish between selfishness and spite. Evolution Letters, 4(1), 65-72.

Spiteful behaviors occur when an actor harms its own fitness to inflict harm on the fitness of others. Several papers have predicted that spite can be favored in sufficiently small populations, even when the harming behavior is directed indiscriminat... Read More about Kin discrimination, negative relatedness, and how to distinguish between selfishness and spite.

Brands and Branding: An Analysis of the Evolutionary Development of Baijiu Industry Clusters in China (2020)
Yang, H. Brands and Branding: An Analysis of the Evolutionary Development of Baijiu Industry Clusters in China. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Research into industry clusters and brands and branding has emerged and developed in the Western world for decades. In China, the Reform and Opening up policy adopted since the late 1970s, has resulted in impressive economic growth around economic cl... Read More about Brands and Branding: An Analysis of the Evolutionary Development of Baijiu Industry Clusters in China.

Metaphors for Change: the Narrative Power of Domestic Space in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Women’s Writing (2020)
Goodman, J. E. Metaphors for Change: the Narrative Power of Domestic Space in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Women’s Writing. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Domestic spaces carry layers of meaning. They evidence structural changes over time, representing different social and economic ideologies and priorities. Their spatial organisation affects the way that life is conducted within them. They are the phy... Read More about Metaphors for Change: the Narrative Power of Domestic Space in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century British Women’s Writing.

Overcoming constraints to innovation : a study of Tanzanian entrepreneurial firms in the food and beverage industry (2020)
Magobe, M. J. Overcoming constraints to innovation : a study of Tanzanian entrepreneurial firms in the food and beverage industry. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Entrepreneurial firms operating in resource-constrained and uncertain environments find it difficult to engage in innovation activities due to challenging innovation constraints. Innovation constraints may block potential innovative firms from gettin... Read More about Overcoming constraints to innovation : a study of Tanzanian entrepreneurial firms in the food and beverage industry.

Assessment of frailty and quality of life in octogenarians with symptomatic coronary artery disease : the FRAIL HEART study (2020)
Qayyum, S. Assessment of frailty and quality of life in octogenarians with symptomatic coronary artery disease : the FRAIL HEART study. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Symptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) is an increasing problem for older adults, however little is known about the relationship between frailty and health outcomes.
To determine the prevalence of, and relationship between... Read More about Assessment of frailty and quality of life in octogenarians with symptomatic coronary artery disease : the FRAIL HEART study.

Investigation and characterization of MP derived from media conditioned by various cancer cell lines and their effect on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) under static and flow conditions (2020)
Algarni, A. E. S. Investigation and characterization of MP derived from media conditioned by various cancer cell lines and their effect on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) under static and flow conditions. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Microparticles (MP) are procoagulant due to tissue factor and phospholipid exposure on the surface. MP are tumour-derived and can be a beneficial biomarker of cancer to recognize individuals who are susceptible to venous thrombosis. The aim of the pr... Read More about Investigation and characterization of MP derived from media conditioned by various cancer cell lines and their effect on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) under static and flow conditions.

The use of precision cut lung slices and co-culture modelling to investigate the effect of human rhinovirus on cough and airway inflammation (2020)
Stinson, R. J. The use of precision cut lung slices and co-culture modelling to investigate the effect of human rhinovirus on cough and airway inflammation. (Thesis). Hull York Medical School, the University of Hull and the University of York.

Human Rhinovirus (hRV) is a major cause of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) and is linked to lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) and airway diseases exacerbations. Cough, airway inflammation and hypersensation are common symptoms of... Read More about The use of precision cut lung slices and co-culture modelling to investigate the effect of human rhinovirus on cough and airway inflammation.

Applications of radiation in photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy (2020)
Entract, G. Applications of radiation in photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The application of radiation to porphyrin-based photosensitisers for the purposes of photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy have been described in an effort to explore combined therapies, which seek to extend the use of photodynamic therapy beyond i... Read More about Applications of radiation in photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy.

Care farming, learning and young people : an exploration into the possible contribution of care farming to young people’s engagement with learning (2020)
Fell-Chambers, R. Care farming, learning and young people : an exploration into the possible contribution of care farming to young people’s engagement with learning. (Thesis). University of Hull.

The aim of this study was to explore the possible contribution of care farming to young people’s engagement with learning. Firstly, the perceptions and experiences of young people accessing alternative curriculum on three care farms were gathered thr... Read More about Care farming, learning and young people : an exploration into the possible contribution of care farming to young people’s engagement with learning.

Laser processing of transparent conducting films for use in flexible electronics (2020)
Eden, J. Laser processing of transparent conducting films for use in flexible electronics. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Transparent conducting films based on novel materials have been laser processed on glass and flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET) substrates in order to increase their electrical conductivity. The goal was to reduce the amount of indium used in... Read More about Laser processing of transparent conducting films for use in flexible electronics.

Performance Analysis of Boosting Classifiers in Recognizing Activities of Daily Living (2020)
Journal Article
Rahman, S., Irfan, M., Raza, M., Moyeezullah Ghori, K., Yaqoob, S., & Awais, M. (2020). Performance Analysis of Boosting Classifiers in Recognizing Activities of Daily Living. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), Article 1082.

Physical activity is essential for physical and mental health, and its absence is highly associated with severe health conditions and disorders. Therefore, tracking activities of daily living can help promote quality of life. Wearable sensors in this... Read More about Performance Analysis of Boosting Classifiers in Recognizing Activities of Daily Living.

Good practice recommendations for the use of time-lapse technology (2020)
Journal Article
Apter, S., Ebner, T., Freour, T., Guns, Y., Kovacic, B., Le Clef, N., Marques, M., Meseguer, M., Montjean, D., Sfontouris, I., Sturmey, R., Coticchio, G., & ESHRE Working group on Time-lapse technology. (2020). Good practice recommendations for the use of time-lapse technology. Human Reproduction Open, 2020(2), Article hoaa008.

STUDY QUESTION: What recommendations can be provided on the approach to and use of time-lapse technology (TLT) in an IVF laboratory?
SUMMARY ANSWER: The present ESHRE document provides 11 recommendations on how to introduce TLT in the IVF laboratory... Read More about Good practice recommendations for the use of time-lapse technology.

Development and evaluation of a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of a cluster headache (2020)
Journal Article
Buture, A., Boland, J. W., Dikomitis, L., Huang, C., & Ahmed, F. (2020). Development and evaluation of a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of a cluster headache. Brain Sciences, 10(2), Article 77.

Cluster headache (CH), a severe primary headache, is often misdiagnosed and mismanaged. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of CH. We developed a novel 12-item screening tool. This was comprised of... Read More about Development and evaluation of a screening tool to aid the diagnosis of a cluster headache.