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Professor Lisa Jones' Outputs (3)

How students can use storytelling to bring the dangers of climate change to life (2021)
Newspaper / Magazine
Parsons, K., Halstead, F., & Jones, L. (2021). How students can use storytelling to bring the dangers of climate change to life

With the stark “code red” warnings from the world’s climate experts in the most recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) still ringing in our ears, it’s vital to give as many people as possible the tools with which to tac... Read More about How students can use storytelling to bring the dangers of climate change to life.

2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss (2021)
Journal Article
Jones, L., Halstead, F., Parsons, K. J., Le, H., Bui, L. T. H., Hackney, C. R., & Parsons, D. R. (2021). 2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss. Journal of the British Academy, 9(s5), 29-68.

We are the midst of a climate emergency requiring urgent climate action that is as yet unforthcoming both on the scale and at the speed needed. This article considers this current state of inaction and how we might understand the processes of attitud... Read More about 2020-Vision: understanding climate (in)action through the emotional lens of loss.

I'll be dead by the time it happens: Children's Perceptions of Climate Change in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Halstead, F., Parsons, D., Jones, L., & Hackney, C. (2020, May). I'll be dead by the time it happens: Children's Perceptions of Climate Change in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2020 (European Geosciences Union), Sharing Geoscience Online

The Mekong Delta in Southern Vietnam is one of the most at risk places globally to the effects of climate change and sea level rise, specifically in terms of flooding. It is predicted to change drastically over the next 100 years, with additional hum... Read More about I'll be dead by the time it happens: Children's Perceptions of Climate Change in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam.