Authors' Response
Journal Article
Swan, F., English, A., Allgar, V., Hart, S. P., & Johnson, M. J. (2019). Authors' Response. Journal of pain and symptom management, 58(2), e2-e3.
Professor Miriam Johnson's Outputs (221)
Pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity, respiratory failure and palliative respiratory care (2019)
Journal Article
Spruit, M. A., Rochester, C. L., Pitta, F., Kenn, K., Schols, A. M., Hart, N., Wouters, E. F. M., Nava, S., Dreher, M., Janssen, D. J. A., Johnson, M. J., Curtis, R. J., Sastry, M., & Franssen, F. M. E. (2019). Pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity, respiratory failure and palliative respiratory care. Thorax, 74(7), 693-699.© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. The CIRO Academy in Horn (the Netherlands) organised a 2-day meeting to present and discuss the studies published in 2017 pertaining to key p... Read More about Pulmonary rehabilitation, physical activity, respiratory failure and palliative respiratory care.
Airflow relieves chronic breathlessness in people with advanced disease: an exploratory systematic review and meta-analyses (2019)
Journal Article
Swan, F., Newey, A., Bland, M., Allgar, V., Booth, S., Bausewein, C., Yorke, J., & Johnson, M. (2019). Airflow relieves chronic breathlessness in people with advanced disease: an exploratory systematic review and meta-analyses. Palliative medicine, 33(6), 618-633. Chronic breathlessness is a neglected symptom of advanced diseases. Aim: To examine the effect of airflow for chronic breathlessness relief. Design: Exploratory systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources: Medline, CINAHL, AMED and... Read More about Airflow relieves chronic breathlessness in people with advanced disease: an exploratory systematic review and meta-analyses.
Delirium management by palliative medicine specialists: a survey from the association for palliative medicine of Great Britain and Ireland (2019)
Journal Article
Boland, J. W., Kabir, M., Bush, S. H., Spiller, J. A., Johnson, M. J., Agar, M., & Lawlor, P. (in press). Delirium management by palliative medicine specialists: a survey from the association for palliative medicine of Great Britain and Ireland. BMJ supportive & palliative care, bmjspcare-2018-001586. Delirium is common in palliative care settings. Management includes detection, treatment of cause(s), non-pharmacological interventions and family support; strategies which are supported with varying levels of evidence. Emerging evidence s... Read More about Delirium management by palliative medicine specialists: a survey from the association for palliative medicine of Great Britain and Ireland.
The hand-held fan and the Calming Hand for people with chronic breathlessness: a feasibility trial (2019)
Journal Article
Swan, F., English, A., Allgar, V., Hart, S. P., & Johnson, M. J. (2019). The hand-held fan and the Calming Hand for people with chronic breathlessness: a feasibility trial. Journal of pain and symptom management, 57(6), 1051-1061.e1. The battery-operated hand-held fan (“fan”)and the Calming Hand (CH), a cognitive strategy, are interventions used in clinical practice to relieve chronic breathlessness. Objective: To test the feasibility of a Phase III randomized controlled... Read More about The hand-held fan and the Calming Hand for people with chronic breathlessness: a feasibility trial.
How can training in care of the dying be improved? (2019)
Journal Article
Gajebasia, S., Pearce, J., Redman, M., Johnson, M., & Finn, G. (2019). How can training in care of the dying be improved?. Clinical Teacher, 16(6), 610-614. Care of the dying patient is an intrinsic part of the role of Foundation Year doctors (FYs). This study aimed to explore FYs’ experiences of training and their perceived training needs for their role in care of the dying. Care of the dyin... Read More about How can training in care of the dying be improved?.
Haematology nurses' perspectives of their patients' places of care and death: a UK qualitative interview study (2019)
Journal Article
McCaughan, D., Roman, E., Smith, A. G., Garry, A. C., Johnson, M. J., Patmore, R. D., Howard, M. R., & Howell, D. A. (2019). Haematology nurses' perspectives of their patients' places of care and death: a UK qualitative interview study. European journal of oncology nursing, 39, 70-80. Patients with haematological malignancies are more likely to die in hospital, and less likely to access palliative care than people with other cancers, though the reasons for this are not well understood. The purpose of our study was to expl... Read More about Haematology nurses' perspectives of their patients' places of care and death: a UK qualitative interview study.
Acute-on-chronic breathlessness: recognition and response (2019)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, A., Johnson, M. J., & Currow, D. (2019). Acute-on-chronic breathlessness: recognition and response. Journal of pain and symptom management, 57(5), e4-e5.
Prevalence, symptom burden, and natural history of deep vein thrombosis in people with advanced cancer in specialist palliative care units (HIDDen): a prospective longitudinal observational study (2019)
Journal Article
White, C., Noble, S. I. R., Watson, M., Swan, F., Allgar, V. L., Napier, E., Nelson, A., McAuley, J., Doherty, J., Lee, B., & Johnson, M. J. (2019). Prevalence, symptom burden, and natural history of deep vein thrombosis in people with advanced cancer in specialist palliative care units (HIDDen): a prospective longitudinal observational study. The Lancet Haematology, 6(2), e79-e88.© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Background: The prevalence of deep venous thrombosis in patients with advanced cancer is unconfirmed and it is unknown whether current i... Read More about Prevalence, symptom burden, and natural history of deep vein thrombosis in people with advanced cancer in specialist palliative care units (HIDDen): a prospective longitudinal observational study.
Time intervals from first symptom to diagnosis for head and neck cancers: An analysis of linked patient reports and medical records from the UK (2019)
Journal Article
Allgar, V. L., Oliver, S. E., Chen, H., Oviasu, O., Johnson, M. J., & Macleod, U. (2019). Time intervals from first symptom to diagnosis for head and neck cancers: An analysis of linked patient reports and medical records from the UK. Cancer epidemiology, 59, 37-45.© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Background: England has significantly higher mortality risks due to Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) compared with other European countries. Early diagnosis is important as it is likely to increase early-stage diagnosis and improve surv... Read More about Time intervals from first symptom to diagnosis for head and neck cancers: An analysis of linked patient reports and medical records from the UK.
Alteration in endothelial permeability occurs in response to the activation of PAR2 by factor Xa but not directly by the TF-factor VIIa complex (2019)
Journal Article
Benelhaj, N. E., Maraveyas, A., Featherby, S., Collier, M. E., Johnson, M. J., & Ettelaie, C. (2019). Alteration in endothelial permeability occurs in response to the activation of PAR2 by factor Xa but not directly by the TF-factor VIIa complex. Thrombosis Research, 175, 13-20. in the endothelial permeability occur in response to the activation of coagulation mechanisms in order to control clot formation. The activation of the protease activated receptors (PAR) can induce signals that regulate such cellular resp... Read More about Alteration in endothelial permeability occurs in response to the activation of PAR2 by factor Xa but not directly by the TF-factor VIIa complex.
Agreement between breathlessness severity and unpleasantness in people with chronic breathlessness: A longitudinal clinical study (2019)
Journal Article
Ekström, M., Williams, M., Johnson, M. J., Huang, C., & Currow, D. C. (2019). Agreement between breathlessness severity and unpleasantness in people with chronic breathlessness: A longitudinal clinical study. Journal of pain and symptom management, 57(4), 715-723.e5. Chronic breathlessness is a cardinal symptom in cardiopulmonary disease where both overall intensity or severity (S) and unpleasantness (U) are commonly quantified. Objective: We aimed to evaluate agreement between breathlessness severity an... Read More about Agreement between breathlessness severity and unpleasantness in people with chronic breathlessness: A longitudinal clinical study.
No excess harms from sustained-release morphine: A randomised placebo-controlled trial in chronic breathlessness (2019)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. J., Sbizzera, I., Fairhurst, C., Agar, M., Fazekas, B., Agar, M. R., Ekström, M., & Currow, D. C. (2019). No excess harms from sustained-release morphine: A randomised placebo-controlled trial in chronic breathlessness. BMJ supportive & palliative care, 10(4), 421-428.© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ. Objectives: We aimed to identify and evaluate: (1) treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAE (worse or new since baseline)) and the subgroup of... Read More about No excess harms from sustained-release morphine: A randomised placebo-controlled trial in chronic breathlessness.
Living well with breathlessness: How clinicians can help (2018)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, A., Barclay, N., Galvin, K., & Johnson, M. (2019). Living well with breathlessness: How clinicians can help. The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 69(678), 26-27.
Validated screening tools for the assessment of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition: a systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Miller, J., Wells, L., Nwulu, U., Currow, D., Johnson, M. J., & Skipworth, R. J. (2018). Validated screening tools for the assessment of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition: a systematic review. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 108(6), 1196-1208. There is great overlap between the presentation of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition. Distinguishing between these conditions would allow for better targeted treatment for patients. Objectives: The aim was to systematically review va... Read More about Validated screening tools for the assessment of cachexia, sarcopenia, and malnutrition: a systematic review.
Statistical compared to clinical significance and the risk of misattribution (2018)
Journal Article
Ekström, M., Johnson, M. J., & Currow, D. C. (2018). Statistical compared to clinical significance and the risk of misattribution. European respiratory journal, 52(5), Article 1801723.
Oral anticoagulation is preferable to injected, but only if it is safe and effective: An interview study of patient and carer experience of oral and injected anticoagulant therapy for cancer-associated thrombosis in the select-d trial (2018)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, A., Rees, S., Young, A., Maraveyas, A., Date, K., & Johnson, M. J. (2019). Oral anticoagulation is preferable to injected, but only if it is safe and effective: An interview study of patient and carer experience of oral and injected anticoagulant therapy for cancer-associated thrombosis in the select-d trial. Palliative medicine, 33(5), 510-517. Cancer patients have a four- to fivefold greater risk of thrombosis than the general population. Recommended treatment for cancer-associated thrombosis is 3–6 months of low-molecular-weight heparin. The ‘select-d’ trial is an open-label,... Read More about Oral anticoagulation is preferable to injected, but only if it is safe and effective: An interview study of patient and carer experience of oral and injected anticoagulant therapy for cancer-associated thrombosis in the select-d trial.
Response to “Hyoscine Butylbromide for the Management of Death Rattle: Sooner Rather Than Later” (2018)
Journal Article
Boland, J. W., Johnson, M., & Currow, D. (2019). Response to “Hyoscine Butylbromide for the Management of Death Rattle: Sooner Rather Than Later”. Journal of pain and symptom management, 57(3), e12-e13.
Predictors and trajectory of performance status in patients with advanced cancer: A secondary data analysis of the international European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study (2018)
Journal Article
Boland, J. W., Allgar, V., Boland, E. G., Kaasa, S., Hjermstad, M. J., & Johnson, M. J. (2019). Predictors and trajectory of performance status in patients with advanced cancer: A secondary data analysis of the international European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study. Palliative medicine, 33(2), 206-212. Performance status, a predictor of cancer survival, and ability to maintain independent living deteriorate in advanced disease. Understanding predictors of performance status trajectory could help identify those at risk of functional dete... Read More about Predictors and trajectory of performance status in patients with advanced cancer: A secondary data analysis of the international European Palliative Care Cancer Symptom study.
Clinical decision-making at the end of life: A mixed-methods study (2018)
Journal Article
Taylor, P., Johnson, M. J., & Dowding, D. W. (in press). Clinical decision-making at the end of life: A mixed-methods study. BMJ supportive & palliative care, To improve the ability of clinical staff to recognise end of life in hospital inpatients dying as a result of cancer and heart failure, and to generate new hypotheses for further research.
Methods This mixed-methods study used decision th... Read More about Clinical decision-making at the end of life: A mixed-methods study.