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Profile image of Nick Hutchinson

Dr Nick Hutchinson

Post Nominals BSc, ClinPsyD, C Psychol, PCAP, FHEA
Biography Dr Nick Hutchinson is an HCPC-registered and BPS-chartered clinical psychologist who is the Programme Director of the University of Hull's Clinical Psychology Doctorate.

He has worked in clinical psychology training for more than 15 years and has a clinical practice background working with adults with intellectual disabilities. Dr Hutchinson is also an honorary clinical psychologist for the Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust.

His current teaching and research interests are primarily in the field of intellectual disability.
Research Interests Areas of research (both qualitative and quantitative) include:

- Intellectual disability and dementia

- Challenging behaviour

- Bereavement

- Safeguarding

- Intensive interaction

- Parenting

- Service transition

- Experience of diagnosis

- Day to day living with a learning disability.
Teaching and Learning Year 1

- Professional Behaviour

- Historical and Current Context of Clinical Psychology

- Teaching Skills

- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for People with Intellectual Disabilities

Year 2

- Introduction to Consultation

- Introduction to Leadership

- Working with People with Intellectual Disabilities

- Challenging Behaviour and People with Intellectual Disabilities

- Working with Vulnerable People

Year 3

- The Health and Care Professions Council
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Completed PhDs

Completed Clinical Psychology Doctorate Degrees (ClinPsyD)

- Tomlinson K, Repeat Pregnancies in Teenage Mothers (2008)

- Handley E, The Experience of Bereavement for People with Intellectual Disability (2008)

- Crossland T, Care Staff Perceptions of Challenging Behaviour in Adults with Autism and Learning Disabilities (2009)

- Bradley J, Facilitating Choice and people with Learning Disabilities (2010)

- Griffiths J, Deliberate-Self-Harm in Adolescents: An exploratory study into perceptions of, and responses to, and impacts of, stigma (2011)

- McCloud N, An Exploration of Coping and Self-Efficacy in Parents with Learning Disabilities (2011)

- Moore C, The Caring Experience of Staff Carers working with Adults with Learning Disabilities and Dementia (2012)

- Chafer S, Interpersonal Factors influencing self-injury in People with Learning Disabilities: Expressed Emotion and Attributions in residential care staff (2012)

- Bodicoat A, The Effectiveness of Intensive Interaction and its use in Hospital Settings (2013)

- Rowland C, The Experience of Stopping Self-Harm in Adults (2014)

- Bright N, Raising Concerns in Healthcare Services: the experience of staff and families (2016)

- Connor M, An exploration into the rise in antidepressant prescribing and of GP experiences of patients who present as depressed (2016)

- Dickinson D, Changing Perceptions of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities from Multiple Perspectives (2017)

- Whitney G, Personal Experiences of Living with an Intellectual Disability (2017)

- Wigley J, Families of People with an Intellectual Disability: Exploring the Positives (2017)

Current PhD supervisions


- Hebblewhite G, Adults with Intellectual Disabilities' lived experience of wellbeing and the internet: A Descriptive Phenomenological Study (to submit 2018)

Clinical Psychology Doctorate (ClinPsyD)

- Hinsby C, Experience of diagnosis of Learning Disability in adulthood (to submit 2019)

- Berridge S, Parents' experiences of Intensive Interaction (to submit 2019)

- Doski A, Experiences of transitioning from looked after care into adult services - perspectives of People with Intellectual Disabilities, Carers and Health Care Professionals (to submit 2018)