Professor Pauline Deutz
Biography | Pauline's has a BA in Geography from the University of Oxford, a MA in Climatology from the Ohio State University and a PhD in Geology from the University of California, Riverside. Since 1996 she has held a variety of posts at the University of Hull, including with the Centre of Waste and Pollution Research, Environmental Technology Centre of Industrial Collaboration, and the Depart of Geography - now Geography, Geology and Environment. |
Research Interests | Pauline's research interests are focused on the political and economic aspects of environmental issues, especially examining how the latter interrelate with the functioning and organisation of the capitalist economy. A particular interest is the building, and implications, of a Circular Economy (i.e., maximising the value from resources and minimising waste). Her research in this area includes multi-disciplinary collaborations with colleagues in environmental sciences, chemical and systems engineering. |
Teaching and Learning | Undergraduate - Exploring Worlds Around Us (leader) - Sustainable Futures (leader) - Field Study (Human Geography) - Global Challenges - Living in the Anthropocene - Sustainability Economies and Green Politics (leader) Postgraduate - Working Beyond Disciplines - Environmental Change in the Anthropocene |
Scopus Author ID | 57203298275 |
PhD Supervision Availability | Yes |
PhD Topics | Pauline would welcome the opportunity to supervise projects in areas related to her research. UK/EU applicants are invited to propose topics related to cities, environment and livability or sustainable growth which can be considered for funding by the White Rose Doctoral Training Partnership. Current PhD supervisions - Charlotte Mummery, Technological Change in a Fragmentary Policy Context: the Development of Hydraulic Fracturing (‘Fracking') in the UK, University of Hull - Aodhan Newsholme, Circular Economy as a sustainable economic development tool in a global economy (EU MSCA ITN Cresting) -Heather Rogers, Assessing the impact of the Circular Economy on national and local employment experience (EU MSCA ITN Cresting) - Jana Busch, Universities as laboratories for change: Exploring pathways to a Circular Campus (U of Hull) - Goska Lekan, Re-defining the boundaries of the in/formal economies with the Circular Economy (EU MSCA ITN Cresting): first supervisor, Andy Jonas Past students - Qiaozhi Wang, Knowledge Transfer to Facilitate Industrial Symbiosis : a Case Study of UK-China Collaborators, China Scholarship Council (2013) - Jalal Etriki, Municipal Solid Waste Management and Institutions in Tripoli, Libya: Applying the Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) Concept, Libyan Government (2013) - Rui Zhao, Environmental Risk Management System Design for Hazardous Waste Materials, China Scholarship Council (2012) - Haji Abdullah, Muhammad Amirruddin, Analysis of Low Carbon Transport in Brunei Darussalam: Case Study of a Sustainability Transition in an Oil-Rich Economy, Brunei Government (2015) - Tiraprapa Ratanachoti, Transition to Sustainable Industrial Waste Water Management in Thailand, Thai Government - Bingni Deng, Green Transformation of Eco-Industrial parks in China, China Scholarship Council Committee member - Elis Davies, Conversion of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) to Biodiesel Using Microwave Technology, University of Hull - Mbali Pewa, Community-Led Recycling in Rural South Africa, Commonwealth Scholarship - David Ross, The Role of Tourism Providers in Developing Intangible Archaeological Heritage Tourism Experiences: A Case of Alentejo (Portugal), University of Hull - Emy Jalil, Sustainability via Reverse Logistics: An Examination of Symbiosis Effect between Recycling System and Household Behaviour, Malaysian Government (2017) - Sarinah Omar, Sungai Liang Industrial Park (SPARK): Can Brunei Achieve its Sustainable Industrial Development? Brunei Government (2014) - Stephen Hall, Sustainable Cities: Land Use, Transport and Environmental Governance, White Rose Consortium of Universities (2015) - Marcela Mele, Urban Governance and Post-Communist Transition in Albania (2011) - Amy Proctor, Governance, Partnership and Sustainable Industrial Development, ESRC Case Studentship (2005) |