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Professor Pauline Deutz's Outputs (82)

Conservation priorities for development: survey of UK public's views on brownfield sites and biodiversity (2024)
Journal Article
Macgregor, C., Deutz, P., Bunting, J., & Mayes, W. (2024). Conservation priorities for development: survey of UK public's views on brownfield sites and biodiversity. People, Place and Policy, 18(3), 135-163.

Policies prioritising the repurposing of abandoned land ('brownfield sites'), in order to spare undeveloped sites, are widely perceived to limit damage to biodiversity. However, brownfield sites can be of significant ecological value, providing scarc... Read More about Conservation priorities for development: survey of UK public's views on brownfield sites and biodiversity.

Building collaborations for a regional circular economy: a comparison of North Humberside, England with Styria, Austria (2024)
Book Chapter
Newsholme, A., Deutz, P., Baumgartner, R., & Affolderbach, J. (2024). Building collaborations for a regional circular economy: a comparison of North Humberside, England with Styria, Austria. In S. Bourdin, A. Torre, & E. van Leeuwen (Eds.), Regions, Cities and the Circular Economy : Theory and Practice (141-162). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Limited attention has been paid to considering how potentially conflicting interests of place-based authorities and firms might impact on the ability of a place to attract and retain benefits from circular economy activity. This chapter analyses the... Read More about Building collaborations for a regional circular economy: a comparison of North Humberside, England with Styria, Austria.

Introduction: Exploring the sustainability implications of a circular economy (2024)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Vermeulen, W. J., Baumgartner, R. J., Ramos, T. B., & Raggi, A. (2024). Introduction: Exploring the sustainability implications of a circular economy. In P. Deutz, W. J. Vermeulen, R. J. Baumgartner, T. B. Ramos, & A. Raggi (Eds.), Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (1-12). Routledge.

This chapter introduces the understandings of a circular economy (CE) and sustainability that guided the research. A CE is considered a resource efficiency measure that has evolved from a number of previous approaches to gain policy prominence as an... Read More about Introduction: Exploring the sustainability implications of a circular economy.

Approaches to Circular Economy Research (2024)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Caeiro, S., Lindgreen, E. R., Thapa, K., Walker, A. M., & Pusz, M. (2024). Approaches to Circular Economy Research. In P. Deutz, W. J. Vermeulen, R. J. Baumgartner, T. B. Ramos, & A. Raggi (Eds.), Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (13-44). Routledge.

Understanding and developing a circular economy (CE) and the implications for doing so involves communication and collaboration across a wide variety of stakeholders. Research has a key role to play in providing the relevant evidence and well-founded... Read More about Approaches to Circular Economy Research.

Policy Considerations for a Circular Economy (2024)
Book Chapter
Vermeulen, W. J., Friant, M. C., Campbell-Johnston, K., Deutz, P., Newsholme, A., Pusz, M., Klein, N., Ramos, T. B., Tena, A. D., & Thapa, K. (2024). Policy Considerations for a Circular Economy. In P. Deutz, W. J. Vermeulen, R. J. Baumgartner, T. B. Ramos, & A. Raggi (Eds.), Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (173-202). Routledge.

Circular economy (CE) policies have been developed at all levels of government and address key actors in diverse ways. Some of the policies have a longer history initiated as elements of predecessors of the current CE policies, while others were impl... Read More about Policy Considerations for a Circular Economy.

Emerging Indications of Employment in a Circular Economy: A synthesis of European case studies (2024)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Rogers, H. A., Diaz, A., Klein, N., Opferkuch, K., Newsholme, A., Jonas, A. E., & Ramos, T. B. (2024). Emerging Indications of Employment in a Circular Economy: A synthesis of European case studies. In P. Deutz, W. J. Vermeulen, R. J. Baumgartner, T. B. Ramos, & A. Raggi (Eds.), Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (149-172). Routledge.

The potential for job creation is widely assumed to follow from the greening of the economy by means such as a circular economy (CE). There have been efforts to quantify the number of jobs potentially arising from a CE, but the nature, distribution a... Read More about Emerging Indications of Employment in a Circular Economy: A synthesis of European case studies.

Conclusions: Emerging understandings of circular economy realities (2024)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Vermeulen, W. J., Baumgartner, R. J., Ramos, T. B., & Raggi, A. (2024). Conclusions: Emerging understandings of circular economy realities. In P. Deutz, W. J. Vermeulen, R. J. Baumgartner, T. B. Ramos, & A. Raggi (Eds.), Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (203-213). Routledge.

Following the findings and discussions presented in the previous chapters, this concluding chapter sums up the emerging reality of circular economy (CE) development. The research indicates that while there have been widespread efforts to implement as... Read More about Conclusions: Emerging understandings of circular economy realities.

Exploring the Role of Companies in Transitioning to a Sustainable and Circular Future: Insights and Reflections (2024)
Book Chapter
Baumgartner, R. J., Deutz, P., Delgadillo, E., Tena, A. D., Newsholme, A., Lindgreen, E. R., Santa-Maria, T., Walker, A. M., & Reyes, T. (2024). Exploring the Role of Companies in Transitioning to a Sustainable and Circular Future: Insights and Reflections. In Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (64-95). Routledge.

This chapter explores the pivotal role of companies in driving the transition towards a sustainable and circular economy (CE). It focuses on how companies, as unique social systems aimed at generating economic value, can and have to shoulder social a... Read More about Exploring the Role of Companies in Transitioning to a Sustainable and Circular Future: Insights and Reflections.

Socio-Spatial Dimensions of a Circular Economy (2024)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Jonas, A. E., Brullot, S., Friant, M. C., Pusz, M., Newsholme, A., Perez, S., Rogers, H. A., & Thapa, K. (2024). Socio-Spatial Dimensions of a Circular Economy. In P. Deutz, W. J. Vermeulen, R. J. Baumgartner, T. B. Ramos, & A. Raggi (Eds.), Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (123-148). Routledge.

Interest in the transformative potential of a circular economy (CE) has emphasised economic and environmental benefits with relatively little attention paid to how the changes anticipated might be distributed either spatially or socially. This chapte... Read More about Socio-Spatial Dimensions of a Circular Economy.

Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability (2024)
Deutz, P., Vermeulen, W. J., Baumgartner, R. J., Ramos, T. B., & Raggi, A. (Eds.). (2024). Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability. Routledge.

This book addresses the realities of the circular economy, a resource efficiency concept that has risen to global prominence in academic, policy and business circles over the last decade. Considered an approach to sustainable growth, the volume criti... Read More about Circular Economy Realities: Critical Perspectives on Sustainability.

Low-key bioeconomies: The case of farmers markets in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire (2024)
Book Chapter
Sotiropoulou, I., & Deutz, P. (2024). Low-key bioeconomies: The case of farmers markets in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire. In V. Kumar Garg, & N. Kataria (Eds.), Bioeconomy for Sustainability (319-348). Springer.

This chapter explores forms of the bioeconomy that are small scale, use limited amount of resources, and are managed by very small businesses, participating in distribution networks outside the big supply chains. These economic activities not only fu... Read More about Low-key bioeconomies: The case of farmers markets in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire.

Chinese transport emissions reduction policies: Analysis of purchase intention and approaches to promote uptake of new energy construction dump trucks (2024)
Journal Article
Lan, N., Wang, Q., & Deutz, P. (2024). Chinese transport emissions reduction policies: Analysis of purchase intention and approaches to promote uptake of new energy construction dump trucks. Journal of cleaner production, 451, Article 142096.

Given the urgency of the transition to renewable energy, this study examines the challenges and opportunities associated with the electrification of heavy-duty vehicles, particularly new energy construction dump trucks, in China. Through a combinatio... Read More about Chinese transport emissions reduction policies: Analysis of purchase intention and approaches to promote uptake of new energy construction dump trucks.

The role of place in the development of a circular economy: a critical analysis of potential for social redistribution in Hull, UK (2024)
Journal Article
Deutz, P., Jonas, A. E., Newsholme, A., Pusz, M., Rogers, H., Affolderbach, J., Baumgartner, R., & Ramos, T. B. (2024). The role of place in the development of a circular economy: a critical analysis of potential for social redistribution in Hull, UK. Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 17(3), 551-564.

This paper examines the role of place in the local development of a circular economy and the potential for consequent social redistribution. Based on a case study of public, private and third-sector approaches to a circular economy in Hull, an indust... Read More about The role of place in the development of a circular economy: a critical analysis of potential for social redistribution in Hull, UK.

A LDA-Based Social Media Data Mining Framework for Plastic Circular Economy (2024)
Journal Article
Xue, Y., Kambhampati, C., Cheng, Y., Mishra, N., Wulandhari, N., & Deutz, P. (2024). A LDA-Based Social Media Data Mining Framework for Plastic Circular Economy. International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 17(1), Article 8.

The mass production of plastic waste has caused an urgent worldwide public health crisis. Although government policies and industrial innovation are the driving forces to meet this challenge, trying to understand public attitudes may improve the effi... Read More about A LDA-Based Social Media Data Mining Framework for Plastic Circular Economy.

Quality of Working Life in the Circular Economy: the Case of Self-employment in the Repair Sector (2024)
Journal Article
Rogers, H. A., Deutz, P., Ramos, T. B., & Jonas, A. E. (2024). Quality of Working Life in the Circular Economy: the Case of Self-employment in the Repair Sector. Circular Economy and Sustainability,

Establishing a circular economy is assumed by some definitions to include social benefits such as employment opportunities; however, research beyond quantitative job creation projections is only recently emerging. While the repair sector is well-esta... Read More about Quality of Working Life in the Circular Economy: the Case of Self-employment in the Repair Sector.

Towards a Just Circular Economy Transition: the Case of European Plastic Waste Trade to Vietnam for Recycling (2024)
Journal Article
Thapa, K., Vermeulen, W. J., De Waal, M. M., Deutz, P., & Nguyễn, H. Q. (2024). Towards a Just Circular Economy Transition: the Case of European Plastic Waste Trade to Vietnam for Recycling. Circular Economy and Sustainability,

Exporting waste for recycling to destinations without sound recycling capacity raises questions of fairness and sustainability. Due to insufficient recycling infrastructure in Europe to manage the growing generation of plastic waste, there has been a... Read More about Towards a Just Circular Economy Transition: the Case of European Plastic Waste Trade to Vietnam for Recycling.

Exploring the Limitations of a Circular Economy Under Capitalism and Raising Expectations for a Sustainable Future (2023)
Journal Article
Deutz, P. (2023). Exploring the Limitations of a Circular Economy Under Capitalism and Raising Expectations for a Sustainable Future. Journal of circular economy, 1(3),

The concept of a circular economy has gained remarkable policy and academic traction. Associated expectations of social benefits are
underexamined. Driven by the current perilous state of the
environment and society, this article pulls aside the c... Read More about Exploring the Limitations of a Circular Economy Under Capitalism and Raising Expectations for a Sustainable Future.

Knitting Circular Ties: Empowering Networks for the Social Enterprise-led Local Development of an Integrative Circular Economy (2023)
Journal Article
Pusz, M., Jonas, A. E., & Deutz, P. (online). Knitting Circular Ties: Empowering Networks for the Social Enterprise-led Local Development of an Integrative Circular Economy. Circular Economy and Sustainability,

Circular economy (CE) discourse primarily focuses on business-as-usual and resource-related economic processes whilst overlooking relational-spatial aspects, especially networking for local development. There are, however, many mission-driven social... Read More about Knitting Circular Ties: Empowering Networks for the Social Enterprise-led Local Development of an Integrative Circular Economy.

Towards a framework for corporate disclosure of circular economy: Company perspectives and recommendations (2023)
Journal Article
Opferkuch, K., Walker, A. M., Roos Lindgreen, E., Caeiro, S., Salomone, R., & Ramos, T. B. (2023). Towards a framework for corporate disclosure of circular economy: Company perspectives and recommendations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(5), 2457-2474.

Circular economy (CE) is becoming an increasingly mandatory material issue within corporate sustainability reporting, however, what remains unaddressed within literature are the perspectives and capacities of the companies which must soon adapt to me... Read More about Towards a framework for corporate disclosure of circular economy: Company perspectives and recommendations.

Developing a circular economy at the regional scale: a case study of stakeholders in North Humberside, England and Styria, Austria (2023)
Newsholme, A. Developing a circular economy at the regional scale: a case study of stakeholders in North Humberside, England and Styria, Austria. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Resource security, environmental and other economic benefits which may stem from a circular economy are attracting significant interest from policymakers and other stakeholders at the regional scale. Previous research in the related area of industria... Read More about Developing a circular economy at the regional scale: a case study of stakeholders in North Humberside, England and Styria, Austria.