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Professor Pauline Deutz's Outputs (82)

Single-Step extraction-esterification process to produce Biodiesel from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using microwave heating: a circular economy approach to making use of a difficult waste product. (2020)
Journal Article
Davies, E., Deutz, P., & Zein, S. H. (in press). Single-Step extraction-esterification process to produce Biodiesel from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using microwave heating: a circular economy approach to making use of a difficult waste product. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,

This investigation explores single step biodiesel synthesis using Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) as a feedstock. Normally considered a waste product from the extraction process of palm oil, POME treatment is difficult and can cause significant environ... Read More about Single-Step extraction-esterification process to produce Biodiesel from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using microwave heating: a circular economy approach to making use of a difficult waste product..

Circular economy practices and strategies in public sector organizations: An integrative review (2020)
Journal Article
Klein, N., Ramos, T. B., & Deutz, P. (2020). Circular economy practices and strategies in public sector organizations: An integrative review. Sustainability, 12(10), Article 4181.

The concept of the Circular Economy (CE) is an increasingly attractive approach to tackling current sustainability challenges and facilitating a shift away from the linear “take-make-use-dispose” model of production and consumption. The public sector... Read More about Circular economy practices and strategies in public sector organizations: An integrative review.

Rethinking sustainability: Questioning old perspectives and developing new ones (2020)
Journal Article
Ramos, T. B., Caeiro, S., Disterheft, A., Mascarenhas, A., Deutz, P., Spangenberg, J. H., Montaño, M., Olayide, O., & Sohal, A. (2020). Rethinking sustainability: Questioning old perspectives and developing new ones. Journal of cleaner production, 258, Article 120769.

The concept of sustainability is still progressing, being complex and contested, and is therefore under continuous discussion and research. This special volume comprises 29 articles exploring recent developments of sustainability concepts, approaches... Read More about Rethinking sustainability: Questioning old perspectives and developing new ones.

Industrial Symbiosis for the Circular Economy: Operational Experiences, Best Practices and Obstacles to a Collaborative Business Approach (2020)
Salomone, R., Cecchin, A., Deutz, P., Raggi, A., & Cutaia, L. (Eds.). (2020). Industrial Symbiosis for the Circular Economy: Operational Experiences, Best Practices and Obstacles to a Collaborative Business Approach. Springer.

The book is designed to help public and private decision-makers and academics deepen their knowledge and understanding of the contexts, obstacles and challenges of a variety of business types involved in Industrial Symbiosis and Circular Economy prac... Read More about Industrial Symbiosis for the Circular Economy: Operational Experiences, Best Practices and Obstacles to a Collaborative Business Approach.

Relating industrial symbiosis and circular economy to the sustainable development debate (2020)
Book Chapter
Cecchin, A., Salomone, R., Deutz, P., Raggi, A., & Cutaia, L. (2020). Relating industrial symbiosis and circular economy to the sustainable development debate. In R. Salomone, A. Cecchin, P. Deutz, A. Raggi, & L. Cutaia (Eds.), Industrial Symbiosis for the Circular Economy : Operational Experiences, Best Practices and Obstacles to a Collaborative Business Approach (1-25). (1). Springer.

Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is a business-focused collaborative approach oriented towards resource efficiency that has been theorised and studied mainly over the last twenty-five years. Recently, IS seems to have found a renewed impetus in the framewor... Read More about Relating industrial symbiosis and circular economy to the sustainable development debate.

Adaptation of ecological modernisation in China : a case study of eco-transformation of industrial areas in Changsha-Zhuzhou- Xiangtan urban agglomeration (2020)
Deng, B. Adaptation of ecological modernisation in China : a case study of eco-transformation of industrial areas in Changsha-Zhuzhou- Xiangtan urban agglomeration. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Since around 2010, Chinese central and local authorities have made increasingly vigorous efforts in curbing industrial pollution. One approach has been the eco-transformation policies for industrial areas. This thesis defines the eco-transformation o... Read More about Adaptation of ecological modernisation in China : a case study of eco-transformation of industrial areas in Changsha-Zhuzhou- Xiangtan urban agglomeration.

Circular Economy (2019)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P. (2020). Circular Economy. In A. Kobayashi (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (193-201). (2nd ed.). Elsevier.

A circular economy is an economic system designed with the intention that maximum use is extracted from resources and minimum waste is generated for disposal. Although some circular economy practices are already well established in some places (chief... Read More about Circular Economy.

Governing Resource Flows in a Circular Economy: Rerouting Materials in an Established Policy Landscape (2019)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., Baxter, H., & Gibbs, D. (2019). Governing Resource Flows in a Circular Economy: Rerouting Materials in an Established Policy Landscape. In L. E. Macaskie, D. J. Sapsford, & W. M. Mayes (Eds.), Resource Recovery from Wastes: Towards a Circular Economy (375-394). Royal Society of Chemistry.

The development of a Circular Economy, whereby resources are kept in circulation for the extraction of maximum value, has captured extensive policy and academic attention. The circularisation of material flows is likely to prove a task for a generati... Read More about Governing Resource Flows in a Circular Economy: Rerouting Materials in an Established Policy Landscape.

Household waste management in a South African township (2019)
Pewa, M. K. P. Household waste management in a South African township. (Thesis). University of Hull.

South Africa emerged from apartheid in 1994 as a nation divided by race and class. The apartheid laws enforced separate development, which disadvantaged the black African population; especially the Xhosa people in rural Eastern Cape and the Zulu peop... Read More about Household waste management in a South African township.

The implementation of industrial wastewater management policies in Thailand : relationship between companies, the public and government (2019)
Tiraprapa Ratanachoti. The implementation of industrial wastewater management policies in Thailand : relationship between companies, the public and government. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Wastewater is a cause of environmental concern throughout the world; industry, municipalities and agriculture are major sources of wastewater. About 6.8 million cubic meters of industrial wastewater are produced per day in Thailand, which contributes... Read More about The implementation of industrial wastewater management policies in Thailand : relationship between companies, the public and government.

Climate pioneership and leadership in structurally disadvantaged maritime port cities (2018)
Journal Article
Wurzel, R. K., Moulton, J. F., Osthorst, W., Mederake, L., Deutz, P., & Jonas, A. E. (2019). Climate pioneership and leadership in structurally disadvantaged maritime port cities. Environmental Politics, 28(1), 146-166.

© 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Innovative climate governance in small-to-medium-sized structurally disadvantaged cities (SDCs) are assessed. Considering their deeply ingrained severe economic and social proble... Read More about Climate pioneership and leadership in structurally disadvantaged maritime port cities.

Oil palm cultivation as a development vehicle: Exploring the trade-offs for smallholders in East Malaysia (2017)
Book Chapter
Majid Cooke, F., Hezri, A. A., Azmi, R., Morent Mukit, R., Jensen, P. D., & Deutz, P. (2017). Oil palm cultivation as a development vehicle: Exploring the trade-offs for smallholders in East Malaysia. In A. McGregor, L. Law, & F. Miller (Eds.), Routledge handbook of Southeast Asian development (330-341). Routledge.

This chapter examines the decision to cultivate oil palm under the different conditions that independent smallholders experience in the East Malaysian oil palm frontier. It provides a different context in which oil palm is produced, a setting grappli... Read More about Oil palm cultivation as a development vehicle: Exploring the trade-offs for smallholders in East Malaysia.

Archaeological tourism : a creative approach (2017)
Journal Article
Ross, D., Saxena, G., Correia, F., & Deutz, P. (2017). Archaeological tourism : a creative approach. Annals of Tourism Research, 67, 37-47.

This theoretical paper conceptualises the role of tourism providers in facilitating creative tourism experiences by focusing on their ingenious enterprise, which we argue can help capture the tourism potential of intangible archaeological heritage. I... Read More about Archaeological tourism : a creative approach.

Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy (2017)
Journal Article
Deutz, P., Baxter, H., Gibbs, D., Mayes, W. M., & Gomes, H. I. (2017). Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy. Geoforum, 85, 336-344.

Highly alkaline industrial residues (e.g., steel slag, bauxite processing residue (red mud) and ash from coal combustion) have been identified as stocks of potentially valuable metals. Technological change has created demand for metals, such as vanad... Read More about Resource recovery and remediation of highly alkaline residues : a political-industrial ecology approach to building a circular economy.

Building institutional capacity for industrial symbiosis development : a case study of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in China (2016)
Journal Article
Wang, Q., Deutz, P., & Chen, Y. (2017). Building institutional capacity for industrial symbiosis development : a case study of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in China. Journal of cleaner production, 142(4), 1571-1582.

Recent research has examined how the concept of institutional capacity relates to the ability of organisations to deliver industrial symbiosis, and in particular how that ability itself can develop over time. One approach to developing industrial sym... Read More about Building institutional capacity for industrial symbiosis development : a case study of an industrial symbiosis coordination network in China.

Reverse logistics in household recycling and waste systems: a symbiosis perspective (2016)
Journal Article
A Jalil, E. E., Grant, D. B., Nicholson, J. D., & Deutz, P. (2016). Reverse logistics in household recycling and waste systems: a symbiosis perspective. Supply chain management, 21(2), 245-258.

Purpose: The article investigates the proposition there is a symbiosis effect for exchanges between household waste recycling systems (HWRS) and household recycling behaviour (HRB) within the reverse logistics (RL) discourse. Design/methodology/appro... Read More about Reverse logistics in household recycling and waste systems: a symbiosis perspective.

UK-China collaboration for industrial symbiosis: A multi-level approach to policy transfer analysis (2015)
Book Chapter
Wang, Q., Deutz, P., & Gibbs, D. (2015). UK-China collaboration for industrial symbiosis: A multi-level approach to policy transfer analysis. In P. Deutz, D. I. Lyons, & J. Bi (Eds.), International Perspectives on Industrial Ecology (89-107). Edward Elgar Publishing.

6. UK-China collaboration for industrial symbiosis: a multi--level approach to policy transfer analysis Qiaozhi Wang, Pauline Deutz and David Gibbs INTRODUCTION Over the last two decades there has been substantial research on both the potential a….

Introducing an international perspective on industrial ecology (2015)
Book Chapter
Deutz, P., & Lyons, D. I. (2015). Introducing an international perspective on industrial ecology. In P. Deutz, D. I. Lyons, & J. Bi (Eds.), International Perspectives on Industrial Ecology (1-11). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Abstract: The aim of this book is to promote a debate about the relationship between industrial ecology (IE), as a business, community and academic endeavour, and the places in the world where examples of industrial ecology can be found. We present a... Read More about Introducing an international perspective on industrial ecology.

Reverse logistics symbiosis in waste recycling : investigating municipal systems and household behaviour in England (2015)
Jalil, E. E. A. Reverse logistics symbiosis in waste recycling : investigating municipal systems and household behaviour in England. (Thesis). University of Hull.

Municipality Solid Waste management services are reverse logistics (RL) operations of significant scale and importance throughout the developed world, and yet the topic has only received limited attention within the logistics and supply-chain managem... Read More about Reverse logistics symbiosis in waste recycling : investigating municipal systems and household behaviour in England.

From theory to practice: Enhancing the potential policy impact of industrial ecology (2015)
Journal Article
Deutz, P., & Ioppolo, G. (2015). From theory to practice: Enhancing the potential policy impact of industrial ecology. Sustainability, 7(2), 2259-2273.

Industrial ecology introduced a new paradigm of principles and tools useful to academic analysis and decision support activities for industry and policymakers. This paper presents a view of the state of the art of industrial ecology, encompassing the... Read More about From theory to practice: Enhancing the potential policy impact of industrial ecology.