MA Hons Mediaeval History 2(i)
Status | Complete |
Part Time | No |
Years | 1983 - 1987 |
Awarding Institution | University of St Andrews |
MA Hons Mediaeval History 2(i)
Status Complete Part Time No Years 1983 - 1987 Awarding Institution University of St Andrews
PhD in Art History
PhD / DPhil
Status Complete Part Time No Years 1987 - 1993 Project Title Images of the Petrine Era in Russian History Painting Project Description 'Images of the Petrine Era in Russian History Painting' examines the changing iconography of Peter I (1672-1725) in 19CRussian painting, and its relationship with Peter's symbolic role in the cultural debate between the Westernisers and the Slavophiles over the interpretation of the Russian past and the direction of Russia's future. Artistic developments are discussed against a background of history, historiography and literature. The main focus of this study comprises the Realist history paintings of the Peredvizhniki, after Aleksandr Il's relaxation of censorship in the late 1850s. The treatment of Petrine themes by the Peredvizhniki in their First Exhibition in 1871 is discussed in relation to the celebrations for Peter's bicentenary in 1872. Ge's ‘Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Aleksei Petrovich at Peterhof' is analysed in detail for its importance as the first treatment in a Realist style of a controversial historical incident which was unfavourable to Peter. Evidence, exemplified by Myasoedov's ‘The Grandfather of the Russian Fleet', is brought forward which suggests continuities between the Academy and the Peredvizhniki. The Peredvizhniki's varied approaches to Petrine themes are examined, emphasising the group's lack of ideological uniformity. History paintings are explored in their social and cultural context, for instance, 19C depictions of Tsarevna Sof'ya Alekseevna and the rise of Russian feminism. Awarding Institution University of St Andrews
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