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Professor Gerald Midgley's Outputs (41)

Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research (2017)
Journal Article
Fazey, I., Schäpke, N., Caniglia, G., Patterson, J., Hultman, J., van Mierlo, B., Säwe, F., Wiek, A., Wittmayer, J., Aldunce, P., Al Waer, H., Battacharya, N., Bradbury, H., Carmen, E., Colvin, J., Cvitanovic, C., D'Souza, M., Gopel, M., Goldstein, B., Hämäläinen, T., …Wyborn, C. (2018). Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research. Energy research & social science ERSS, 40, 54-70.

The most critical question for climate research is no longer about the problem, but about how to facilitate the transformative changes necessary to avoid catastrophic climate-induced change. Addressing this question, however, will require massive ups... Read More about Ten essentials for action-oriented and second order energy transitions, transformations and climate change research.

Emerging trends and new frontiers in community operational research (2017)
Journal Article
Johnson, M. P., Midgley, G., & Chichirau, G. (2018). Emerging trends and new frontiers in community operational research. European journal of operational research, 268(3), 1178-1191.

Community Operational Research (Community OR), and its disciplinary relation, Community-Based Operations Research, has an increasingly high profile within multiple domains that benefit from empirical and analytic approaches to problem solving. These... Read More about Emerging trends and new frontiers in community operational research.

What is Community Operational Research? (2017)
Journal Article
Midgley, G., Johnson, M. P., & Chichirau, G. (2018). What is Community Operational Research?. European journal of operational research, 268(3), 771-783.

Community Operational Research (Community OR) has been an explicit sub-domain of OR for more than 30 years. In this paper, we tackle the controversial issue of how it can be differentiated from other forms of OR. While it has been persuasively argued... Read More about What is Community Operational Research?.

Systemic lean intervention: enhancing lean with community operational research (2017)
Journal Article
Ufua, D. E., Papadopoulos, T., & Midgley, G. (2018). Systemic lean intervention: enhancing lean with community operational research. European journal of operational research, 268, 1134-1148.

This paper explores how theory and methodology from Community OR can enhance Lean initiatives. We are driven by the paucity of the literature discussing the involvement of non-obvious stakeholders, particularly local communities, in the adoption of L... Read More about Systemic lean intervention: enhancing lean with community operational research.

Dealing with challenges to methodological pluralism: the paradigm problem, psychological resistance and cultural barriers (2016)
Journal Article
Midgley, G., Nicholson, J., & Brennan, R. (2017). Dealing with challenges to methodological pluralism: the paradigm problem, psychological resistance and cultural barriers. Industrial marketing management, 62, 150-159.

This paper calls for methodological pluralism in industrial marketing research. We discuss three challenges that proponents of methodological pluralism have to address if their practice is to be seen as credible: the paradigm problem; psychological r... Read More about Dealing with challenges to methodological pluralism: the paradigm problem, psychological resistance and cultural barriers.

Four domains of complexity (2016)
Journal Article
Midgley, G. (2016). Four domains of complexity. Emergence: complexity and organization, 18(2),

In this short paper, which reflects on one of my contributions to the systems literature in 1992 (Pluralism and the Legitimation of Systems Science), I discuss the context at that time. Systems scientists were embroiled in a paradigm war, which threa... Read More about Four domains of complexity.

Boundary games: how teams of OR practitioners explore the boundaries of intervention (2015)
Journal Article
Velez-Castiblanco, J., Brocklesby, J., & Midgley, G. (2016). Boundary games: how teams of OR practitioners explore the boundaries of intervention. European journal of operational research, 249(3), 968-982.

An operational research (OR) practitioner designing an intervention needs to engage in a practical process for choosing methods and implementing them. When a team of OR practitioners does this, and/or clients and stakeholders are involved, the social... Read More about Boundary games: how teams of OR practitioners explore the boundaries of intervention.

Antimicrobials in animal agriculture: Parables and policy (2015)
Journal Article
Scott, H. M., Midgley, G., & Loneragan, G. H. (2015). Antimicrobials in animal agriculture: Parables and policy. Zoonoses and public health, 62(s1), 3-9.

In addition to the scientific, economic, regulatory and other policy factors that impact on antimicrobial decision-making in different jurisdictions around the world, there exist ethical, social and cultural bases for the contemporary use of these pr... Read More about Antimicrobials in animal agriculture: Parables and policy.

Knowing differently in systemic intervention (2015)
Journal Article
Rajagopalan, R., & Midgley, G. (2015). Knowing differently in systemic intervention. Systems research and behavioral science, 32(5), 546-561.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This paper makes the case for extended ways of knowing in systemic intervention. It argues that the deployment of formal (even reflective) thinking and dialogue methods are inadequate, on their own, to the critical ta... Read More about Knowing differently in systemic intervention.

Action research in a problem avoiding culture using a Buddhist systems methodology (2014)
Journal Article
Shen, C.-Y., & Midgley, G. (2015). Action research in a problem avoiding culture using a Buddhist systems methodology. Action Research, 13(2), 170-193.

Problem avoidance can be an issue in both Eastern and Western cultures, and in some Eastern contexts it can stem from the desire to promote organizational harmony: identifying problems can lead to blame, thereby fracturing harmonious relationships. T... Read More about Action research in a problem avoiding culture using a Buddhist systems methodology.

Gaining access to agency and structure in industrial marketing theory: A critical pluralist approach (2014)
Journal Article
Nicholson, J. D., Brennan, R., & Midgley, G. (2014). Gaining access to agency and structure in industrial marketing theory: A critical pluralist approach. Marketing Theory, 14(4), 395-416.

This article is concerned with gaining greater insight into the interplay between agency and structure in industrial marketing (IM) scholarship. The article’s intent is to embed Midgley’s notion of critical pluralism within this endeavour. The articl... Read More about Gaining access to agency and structure in industrial marketing theory: A critical pluralist approach.

Issues mapping: a problem structuring method for addressing science and technology conflicts (2014)
Journal Article
Cronin, K., Midgley, G., & Jackson, L. S. (2014). Issues mapping: a problem structuring method for addressing science and technology conflicts. European journal of operational research, 233(1), 145-158.

There are new opportunities for the application of problem structuring methods to address science and technology risk conflicts through stakeholder dialogue. Most previous approaches to addressing risk conflicts have been developed from a traditional... Read More about Issues mapping: a problem structuring method for addressing science and technology conflicts.

Systemic intervention for computer-supported collaborative learning (2013)
Journal Article
Barros-Castro, R. A., Midgley, G., & Pinzón, L. (2015). Systemic intervention for computer-supported collaborative learning. Systems research and behavioral science, 32(1), 86-105.

This paper presents a systemic intervention approach as a means to overcome the methodological challenges involved in research into computer-supported collaborative learning applied to the promotion of mathematical problem-solving (CSCL-MPS) skills i... Read More about Systemic intervention for computer-supported collaborative learning.

Towards a new framework for evaluating systemic problem structuring methods (2013)
Journal Article
Midgley, G., Cavana, R. Y., Brocklesby, J., Foote, J. L., Wood, D. R. R., & Ahuriri-Driscoll, A. (2013). Towards a new framework for evaluating systemic problem structuring methods. European journal of operational research, 229(1), 143-154.

Operational researchers and social scientists often make significant claims for the value of systemic problem structuring and other participative methods. However, when they present evidence to support these claims, it is usually based on single case... Read More about Towards a new framework for evaluating systemic problem structuring methods.

Boundary critique and its implications for conflict prevention (2011)
Journal Article
Midgley, G., & Pinzón, L. A. (2011). Boundary critique and its implications for conflict prevention. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(8), 1543 - 1554.

This paper reviews developments in the theory of boundary critique, which has been used in a number of OR projects to support conflict resolution. The authors argue that this theory (and associated models) is also useful for conflict prevention. It i... Read More about Boundary critique and its implications for conflict prevention.

Boundary critique and its implications for conflict prevention (2010)
Journal Article
Midgley, G., & Pinzón, L. A. (2010). Boundary critique and its implications for conflict prevention. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62(8), 1543 - 1554.

This paper reviews developments in the theory of boundary critique, which has been used in a number of OR projects to support conflict resolution. The authors argue that this theory (and associated models) is also useful for conflict prevention. It i... Read More about Boundary critique and its implications for conflict prevention.

Theoretical pluralism in systemic action research (2010)
Journal Article
Midgley, G. (2011). Theoretical pluralism in systemic action research. Systemic practice and action research, 24, 1-15.

It is now largely accepted as uncontroversial amongst systemic action researchers that there is practical value in theoretical pluralism: seeing through multiple theoretical ‘lenses’ that bring different (sometimes contradictory) assumptions into pla... Read More about Theoretical pluralism in systemic action research.

Beyond organisational agendas: using boundary critique to facilitate the inclusion of societal concerns in information systems planning (2008)
Journal Article
Córdoba, J. R., & Midgley, G. (2008). Beyond organisational agendas: using boundary critique to facilitate the inclusion of societal concerns in information systems planning. European Journal of Information Systems, 17(2), 125-142.

As the development of the information society takes place worldwide, individuals, groups and organisations face the challenge of taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs). 'Digital divides' are emerging: some sections of s... Read More about Beyond organisational agendas: using boundary critique to facilitate the inclusion of societal concerns in information systems planning.