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Professor Rudi Wurzel's Recognition (30)

Co-organiser of a book project workshop
2011 - 2011

Description Joint organiser with Prof Jack Hayward of a workshop on ‘European Disunion: The Multidimensional Power Struggles’ in Hull on 30 September - 1 October 2011. The workshop resulted in a co-edited book (by Jack Hayward and Rudi Wurzel) that was entitled 'European Disunion. Between Sovereignty and Solidarity'. It was published by Routledge in 2012.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Organiser of an EU funded international workshop
2012 - 2012

Description Director of a workshop on ‘Stakeholders and Policy Makers in European Marine Governance’ for the EU FP7 funded VECTORS (Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors) project, London, 22-23 April 2012. Prof Mike Elliot acted as the PI for the Hull based research team for the EU funded project of which this workshop formed part.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Organiser for a British Academcy funded workshop
2014 - 2014

Description Organiser and chair of a British Academy funded (funding code: SG131240) workshop for academics and practitioners on ‘The Ecological Modernisation of Structurally Disadvantaged European Maritime Port Cities: Hull and Bremerhaven Compared’ in Hull on 5 June 2014. The workshop was attended by practitioner from Hull and Bremerhaven as well as from academics from Germany and the UK.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Organiser of an international workshop
2015 - 2015

Description Organiser of a Centre for European Union Studies (CEUS) workshop on ‘Still Taking the Lead? The European Union in International Climate Change Politics’ in Hull on 16-17 September 2015. The workshop resulted in the publication of a jointly edited book (by Rudi Wurzel, James Connelly and Duncan Liefferink) which was published by Routledge in 2017

Co-organiers of panels at the annual Political Studies Organsation
2016 - 2016

Description Co-organiser of three joint panels on ‘The EU-ro crises and the end of the Good Life? Competing national understandings and visions of the EU in times of crisis’ at the Political Study Associations’ 66th annual international conference in Brighton, 21-23 March 2016.

Organiser for an EU COST funded workshop
2016 - 2016

Description Organiser of an EU COST funded workshop on ‘Pioneers and Leaders in Polycentric Climate Governance (PiLePoC)’ in Hull on 15-16 September 2016. The workshop resulted in the publication of one special issues for Environmenal Politics and an edited book for Routledge.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance
Projects EC - COST - 'INOGOV'

Workshop co-organiser for the German Politics Specialist Group
2016 - 2016

Description German Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) workshop on ‘Change and Transition in German Politics’, workshop co-organiser with I. Bolton (Birmingham University), H. Pautz (University of the West of Scotland) and J.-J. Andreas (York University), Birmingham University, 25 November 2016
Affiliated Organisations University of Birmingham

Workshop co-organiser for the Political Studies Association's (PSA) German Politics Specialist Group
2017 - 2017

Description Organiser jointly with I. Bolton, J. Graef and H. Pautz of the Political Studies Association (PSA) German Politics Specialist Group’s workshop on ‘German Politics in Times of Populism’, University of Birmingham, 17 November 2017
Affiliated Organisations University of Birmingham

Organiser of the Centre for European Government's seminar series
2021 - 2024

Description As director of the Centre for European Governance (CEG) seminar series and workshops Rudi has been organising the centre's seminar and workshop series.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Organiser of an Aura and QR funded international workshop
2019 - 2019

Description Organiser of an Aura funded international workshop on ‘Lessons Learnt from European Offshore Wind Energy Deployment and Other Green Economy Developments. The worshop took place at the University of Hull on 12 July 2019. It was was attended by practitioners and academics from Hull/the UK, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Workshop organiser for HIKE funded project
2024 - 2024

Description Organiser of a workshop for members from Hull University’s Centre for European Governance (CEG) and a delegation from Osnabrück University on 27 -28 February 2024. The workshop formed part of a HIKE funded project which aims to make a major contribution to establish strategic long-term research collaboration between the University of Hull and the University of Osnabrück.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Presentation of research project findings to officials from government Ministries in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands
2003 - 2003

Description Presentation of the findings of an ESRC funded project on ‘Innovation in Environmental Governance: A Comparative Analysis of New Environmental Policy Instruments (NEPIs)’ to Business Chamber representative, Vienna, 8 April 2003.

Presentation of the findings of an ESRC funded project on New Environmental Policy Instruments (NEPIs). PI: Rudi Wurzel (University of Hull); CoI: Andrew Jordan (University of East Anglia) and Anthony Zito (University of Hull. In-person presentations of the project on NEPIS, which was funded within the ESRC's Future Governance Programme (FGP)):
(1) Environment Ministry officials and members of the Workers Chamber (Arbeiterkammer) in Vienna (Austria) on 8 April 2003;
(2) Environmental Ministry and Environmental Agency (UBA) officials in Berlin (Germany) on 10 April 2003; and,
(3) senior Finance and Environmental Ministry officials in The Hague (the Netherlands) on 28 February 2003.
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Reviewer for peer reviewed academic journals
2004 - 2024

Description Peer reviewer for journals:
British Journal of Political and International Relations (2021); British Journal of Political Science (2016, 2007, 2004, 1996); Climate Policy (2015, 2014, 2013, 2010); Climate Action (2022); Cooperation and Conflict (2011, 2010); Energy and Environment (2005, 2004); Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy (2x 2013, 2009, 2006, 2x 2004, 2003, 2002, 2000, 1999, 1998); Environmental Policy and Governance (2015, 2x 2010; 2009); Environmental Politics (2 x 2024, 2023, 2022, 2 x 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 3 x 2014, 2 x 2013, 2 x 2012, 2011, 2 x 2010, 2007, 2006, 2 x 2004, 3 x 2003, 2002, 2001); European Integration Online Papers (2006);
European Journal of Political Research (2015, 2014, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2003); European Policy Analysis (2023, 2022, 2017); German Politics (2012); Global Environmental Change (2008, 2004); Global Environmental Politics (2017); Governance (2005); International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (2018, 2008, 2007); International Journal of Consumer Studies (2006);
International Journal of Social Economics (2012, 2011); International Politics (2023); Journal for Cleaner Production (2020, 2019, 2 x 2018, 2017); Journal of Common Market Studies (2 x 2024, 2 x 2023, 2 x 2020, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2 x 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2001, 1999, 1996); Journal of Environmental Policy and Governance (2018, 2016); Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning (2019, 2 x 2018, 2 x 2016, 2015, 2010, 2007, 2006, 1998);
Journal of European Integration (2 x 2024, 2023; 2022, 2021, 2018, 2017); Journal of European Public Policy (2 x 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2 x 2020, 2019, 3 x 2018, 2 x 2016, 2 x 2015, 3 x 2014, 2 x 2013, 2012, 3 x 2011, 3 x 2010, 4 x 2009, 3 x 2008, 3 x 2007, 3 x 2006, 2 x 2005, 5 x 2003, 3 x 2002, 2 x 2001, 2000, 1999); Journal of Housing and the Built Environment (2014); Journal of Legislative Studies (2010, 2003, 2 x 2002, 2001, 2000, 1997); Journal of Policy History (2009); Parliamentary Affairs (2024, 2023, 2019, 2018); Political Studies (2016, 2010, 2009); Politics and Governance (2021, 2019); Polity (2018); Public Administration (2019, 2018, 2017); Regulation and Governance (2023, 2007); Review of Policy Research (2021, 2018); Scandinavian Politics (2020, 2019); West European Politics (2019, 2018).
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Reviewer for different national funding bodies
2004 - 2024

Description Reviewer for National grant funding bodies since 2004

2024: 1 x National Science Centre Poland; 3 x FRS-NRS Belgium; 2 x IRIS - Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus, research project evaluation

2023: 2 x FRS-NRS Belgium; 1 x National Science Centre Poland

2022: 1 x FWF Austrian Science Fund (Wissenschaftsfond); 3 x FRS-NRS Belgium; ESRC/UKICE: Senior Research Fellowships for UK in a Changing Europe

2021 : 2 x IRIS – Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus (Including Young Researcher Award); 1 x National Science Centre Poland

2020: 1 x IRIS - Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus; 2 x FRS-NRS Belgium

2019: 1 x ESRC/UKICE: Senior Research Fellowships for UK in a Changing Europe ; 1 x European Research Council (ERC); British Academy, reviewer for 4 applications for the ‘Tackling the UK’s International Challenges’ funding programme; 1 x FRS-NRS Belgium

2018: 1 x Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – German research association); 1 x British Academy, reviewer for 2 applications for the ‘Tackling the UK’s International Challenges’ funding programme; 2 x FRS-NRS Belgium; 1 x European Research Council (ERC); 1 x Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC); 1 x IRIS - Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus; 1 x German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD)
2017: 1 x British Academy; applications for ‘The Humanities and Social Sciences Tackling the UK’s International Challenges Programme’; 3 x FNRS Luxembourg; 2 x FRS-NRS Belgium
2016: 3 x FRS-NRS Belgium
2015 : 1x FRS-NRS Belgium
2014: 2 x FNRS Luxembourg; FRS-FNRS Belgium
2011: 1 x Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NOW); 1x Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), Belgium; 2 x Villum Fonden, Denmark; 1 x UK government Foresight Programme on ‘Global Environmental Migration: Future Governance Challenges’; 1 x Austrian Science Fund (Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfond – FWF
2009: 1 x ESRC large grant application scheme; 1 x Scientific reviewer COST Action IS0802: Coopération européenne dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique et technique, Département fédéral de l'intérieur DFI, Switzerland
2007: 1 x ESRC large grant application
2006:1 x Belgian Federal Science Policy Office’s programme ‘Scientific Support to the Federal Authority's Strategic Priorities’
2005: 1 x ESRC large grant application
2004: 1 x Helsinki University Environmental Research Centre (HERC), gramt applications-
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance

Reviewer prize 2023 from the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP)

Description In 2024 Rudi was awarded the Reviewer Prize 2023 by the Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP). According to the editors of JEPP, Prof Berthold Rittberger and Jeremy Richardson, the prize "provides special recognition to our colleagues for their selfless investment as peer-reviewers, offering guidance to authors to improve their work, to us as editors to take well-informed decisions on manuscripts, and hence to ensure that JEPP's standards continue to be high. This year we have the pleasure to award the prize to a cherished colleague who has supported JEPP since time immemorial, providing authors and us editors with detailed and constructive reviews. We are thus very happy to award the reviewer prize for 2023 to:Rudi Wurzel (University of Hull)."
Research Centres/Groups Centre for European Governance
Org Units Faculty of Business, Law and Politics

1990 - 1991

Description German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship for one year to study for a PhD at the London School of Economics.

1988 - 1989

Description German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship to study for an MA at the University of Hull (UK).

International Association for the Study of German Politics (IASGP)

University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)

Political Studies Association