Uses of innovative modeling tools within the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive
Journal Article
Lynam, C. P., Uusitalo, L., Patrício, J., Piroddi, C., Queirós, A. M., Teixeira, H., Rossberg, A. G., Sagarminaga, Y., Hyder, K., Niquil, N., Möllmann, C., Wilson, C., Chust, G., Galparsoro, I., Forster, R., Veríssimo, H., Tedesco, L., Revilla, M., & Neville, S. (2016). Uses of innovative modeling tools within the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3(SEP),
© 2016 Lynam, Uusitalo, Patrício, Piroddi, Queirós, Teixeira, Rossberg, Sagarminaga, Hyder, Niquil, Möllmann, Wilson, Chust, Galparsoro, Forster, Veríssimo, Tedesco, Revilla and Neville. In Europe and around the world, the approach to management of t... Read More about Uses of innovative modeling tools within the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive.