Schools' perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries - DETECT project report 2
Gouseti, A., Bruni, I., Ilomäki, L., Lakkala, M., Mundy, D., Elisa Raffaghelli, J., Ranieri, M., Roffi, A., Romero, M., & Romeu, T. (2021). Schools' perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries - DETECT project report 2. Erasmus+
This is the second report of the DETECT project. The report aims to develop an understanding of teachers’ needs in relation to critical digital literacies within a school context. It presents the empirical activities carried out as part of Intellectu... Read More about Schools' perceptions and experiences of critical digital literacies across four European countries - DETECT project report 2.