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Professor Kevin Riggs' Outputs (2)

The approximate number system and mathematics achievement: it's complicated. A thorough investigation of different ANS measures and executive functions in mathematics achievement in children (2022)
Journal Article
Coolen, I. E., Riggs, K. J., Bugler, M., & Castronovo, J. (in press). The approximate number system and mathematics achievement: it's complicated. A thorough investigation of different ANS measures and executive functions in mathematics achievement in children. Journal of cognitive psychology,

The ability to represent approximate numerical magnitudes is often referred to as the approximate number system (ANS) and has regularly been proposed as foundational to mathematics achievement. However, some argue that the relation between ANS acuity... Read More about The approximate number system and mathematics achievement: it's complicated. A thorough investigation of different ANS measures and executive functions in mathematics achievement in children.

Autistic Adults Show Similar Performance and Sensitivity to Social Cues on a Visual Perspective Taking Task as Non-autistic Adults (2022)
Journal Article
O’Connor, R. J., Plant, J. L., & Riggs, K. J. (in press). Autistic Adults Show Similar Performance and Sensitivity to Social Cues on a Visual Perspective Taking Task as Non-autistic Adults. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,

Autistic and non-autistic adults completed a visual perspective taking (VPT) task, reporting an object’s location from an actor’s perspective, or their own. On half the trials the actor looked at and reached for the object, and on half did not. Accur... Read More about Autistic Adults Show Similar Performance and Sensitivity to Social Cues on a Visual Perspective Taking Task as Non-autistic Adults.