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Professor Matthew Hardman's Outputs (4)

Comparing the effectiveness of polymer debriding devices using a porcine wound biofilm model (2016)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, H. N., McBain, A. J., Stephenson, C., & Hardman, M. J. (2016). Comparing the effectiveness of polymer debriding devices using a porcine wound biofilm model. Advances in wound care, 5(11), 475-485.

Objective: Debridement to remove necrotic and/or infected tissue and promote active healing remains a cornerstone of contemporary chronic wound management. While there has been a recent shift toward less invasive polymer-based debriding devices, thei... Read More about Comparing the effectiveness of polymer debriding devices using a porcine wound biofilm model.

Oestrogen promotes healing in a bacterial LPS model of delayed cutaneous wound repair (2016)
Journal Article
Crompton, R., Williams, H., Ansell, D., Campbell, L., Holden, K., Cruickshank, S., & Hardman, M. J. (2016). Oestrogen promotes healing in a bacterial LPS model of delayed cutaneous wound repair. Laboratory investigation, 96(4), 439-449.

Wound infection is a major clinical problem, yet understanding of bacterial host interactions in the skin remains limited. Microbe-derived molecules, known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns, are recognised in barrier tissues by pattern-recogn... Read More about Oestrogen promotes healing in a bacterial LPS model of delayed cutaneous wound repair.

Ectodysplasin A Pathway Contributes to Human and Murine Skin Repair (2016)
Journal Article
Garcin, C. L., Huttner, K. M., Kirby, N., Schneider, P., & Hardman, M. J. (2016). Ectodysplasin A Pathway Contributes to Human and Murine Skin Repair. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 136(5), 1022-1030.

The highly conserved ectodysplasin A (EDA)/EDA receptor signaling pathway is critical during development for the formation of skin appendages. Mutations in genes encoding components of the EDA pathway disrupt normal appendage development, leading to... Read More about Ectodysplasin A Pathway Contributes to Human and Murine Skin Repair.

Hair Follicle Bulge Stem Cells Appear Dispensable for the Acute Phase of Wound Re-epithelialization (2016)
Journal Article
Garcin, C. L., Ansell, D. M., Headon, D. J., Paus, R., & Hardman, M. J. (2016). Hair Follicle Bulge Stem Cells Appear Dispensable for the Acute Phase of Wound Re-epithelialization. STEM CELLS, 34(5), 1377-1385.

The cutaneous healing response has evolved to occur rapidly, in order to minimize infection and to re-establish epithelial homeostasis. Rapid healing is achieved through complex coordination of multiple cell types, which importantly includes specific... Read More about Hair Follicle Bulge Stem Cells Appear Dispensable for the Acute Phase of Wound Re-epithelialization.