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Dr Bianca Kronemann's Outputs (1)

How AI encourages consumers to share their secrets? The role of anthropomorphism, personalisation, and privacy concerns and avenues for future research (2023)
Journal Article
Kronemann, B., Kizgin, H., Rana, N., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2023). How AI encourages consumers to share their secrets? The role of anthropomorphism, personalisation, and privacy concerns and avenues for future research. Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC,

Purpose: This paper aims to explore the overall research question “How can artificial intelligence (AI) influence consumer information disclosure?”. It considers how anthropomorphism of AI, personalisation and privacy concerns influence consumers’ at... Read More about How AI encourages consumers to share their secrets? The role of anthropomorphism, personalisation, and privacy concerns and avenues for future research.