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Post Nominals Ph.D., FHEA
Biography Daniel is a lecturer, and Deputy Programme Director in Forensic Science at the Hull York Medical School.

Daniel obtained an Honours degree in Forensic and Analytical Science from Sheffield Hallam University, before becoming a forensic drug analyst, where he worked with the police, and other clients, on the analysis of drugs of abuse, and drug-related evidence for criminal courts.

He has also had work experience within the NHS, working in the virology and toxicological sector before becoming a laboratory manager for an analytical company. Following this, Daniel pursued a PhD at the University of Sheffield, studying the bio-tribological properties of contaminated gloves for forensic and clinical purposes. This opportunity allowed him a secondment in Kluang, Malaysia, working with polymer manufacturing plants.

After gaining his Ph.D. in 2021, Daniel worked at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, lecturing in Forensic and Analytical sciences before joining the University of Hull in 2022 and the Deputy Programme Director for Forensic Science. In addition, Daniel is also the admissions tutor for BSc (Hons) in Forensic Science.
Research Interests Daniel's research focuses on the bio-tribological applications of polymers in contact with skin for forensic and clinical purposes. He is also interested in glove marks and their development, the analysis of drugs of abuse, and the ecotoxicology of drugs. In educational research, Daniel explores diverse pedagogies, emphasizing case studies and assessment strategies to enhance student learning.
Teaching and Learning I lecture on the B.Sc. Forensic Science program, and I am the module leader and lecturer for the Foundation Chemistry (300077) Introduction to Forensic Science (400061), Environmental Forensic Science (662331) and Forensic Analysis of Drugs (661918). I also lecture Analytical Chemistry, Professional Skills, Skills for Scientists on some modules throughout the course, in addition to running workshops for the foundation years on data analysis and preparing students for higher education and deliver lectures on the masters courses within the Hull York Medical School.

I also offer projects relating to third year 40-credit independent research projects within forensic science and postgraduate taught 60-credit independent research projects within analytical forensic science and pharmaceutical education.
PhD Supervision Availability No