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Biography Qualifications
PhD Psychology, The University of Edinburgh, UK
MSc Psychology, The University of Edinburgh
BSc Zoology, The University of Aberdeen

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Postdoc, University of Neuchatel, CH
Postdoc, German Primate Center, DE
JSPS Visiting Researcher, Kyoto University, JP
Research Interests I study comparative cognition, and am particularly interested in how individuals perceive social stimuli, as well as in understanding individual differences in social cognition. This research has led me to explore diverging branches of research, incorporating both the study of personality, and consideration of methodologies used to assess responses to social stimuli. I have also worked on projects examining facial behaviour cues, and the relationship between wellbeing and measures of personality and welfare.

I am additionally interested in how our understanding of cognition can improve perceptions of other species and have a long term positive impact on the treatment and welfare of captive animals. I am happy to collaborate on or supervise topics along these themes.
PhD Supervision Availability Yes
PhD Topics Comparative social cognition/behaviour
Attention, perception
Emotion production/perception
Animal wellbeing and welfare
Human-animal interactions