Dr David Benoit D.Benoit@hull.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Physics and Astrochemistry
Dr David Benoit D.Benoit@hull.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Molecular Physics and Astrochemistry
Dr Grazia Francesconi
ATMOS denotes a consortium of eleven scientific institutions, six beneficiaries and five partners which main objective is to establish a collaborative effort for the study of scientific problems related to the atmosphere pollution elements, with an emphasis on training students in atmospheric sciences. This project points to: 1) create a network of highly qualified multidisciplinary researchers which strengthens the collaboration among researchers from EU and third countries; 2) develop novel approaches aiming at characterizing the atmospherical pollutants and their interactions, and communicating the results to the general public; 3) share and disseminate scientific information which contributes to atmosphere pollutants detection and the development of innovative gas capture techniques; 4) enhance the academic prospects of the participants, in particular, of female researchers from third countries. ATMOS provides a novel multifaceted approach. The key advances are highlighted in three scientific packages. The main novelties of the project are: a) The spectroscopic description of rather complex uncharacterized organic volatil compounds focused to their detection by the large scale and local instruments; b) the study of reactive processes to understand in detail the connection between VOCs and atmospheric radicals and to describe the relevant role of radicals; c) the exploitation of some pollutants as reagents towards the preparation of innovative materials, contributing to the reduction of their presence in the environment. ATMOS employs laboratory techniques for spectroscopy and molecular fluid dynamics, atmosphere simulation chambers, and technical tools (air monitoring station or synthesis of new capture materials), combined with quantum chemical calculations and theoretical developments. Secondments and networking activities, such as two workshops, a summer school and an international conference, are designed to facilitate the interdisciplinary work
Type of Project | Standard |
Project Acronym | ATMOS4 872081 |
Status | Project Live |
Funder(s) | European Commission |
Value | £80,054.00 |
Project Dates | Dec 1, 2021 - Jan 31, 2026 |
Astrophysics at the University of Hull Apr 1, 2018 - Mar 31, 2022
Poposed research is divided into six projects; their respective objectives are listed below in no particular order, given their equal importance to the Centre's research portfolio. The goals within each project are presented in order of priority....
Read More about Astrophysics at the University of Hull.
Triggering the anti‐cancer immune response by combined radio‐ photodynamic‐ therapy of liver tumours Sep 1, 2014 - Dec 31, 2024
The majority of deaths from cancer are not caused by the primary tumour, but by secondary metastases. The liver ranks second only to the lymph nodes, as the most common site where metastatic tumours develop. Worldwide 700,000 people are diagnosed wit...
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Luminescent C-Dots: Fabrication, Characterization And Application As Potential Photocatalyst And Fluorescent Sensor Feb 28, 2018 - Mar 31, 2019
Wastewater streams are a serious environmental concern because of the risks of discharging poorly treated effluents directly into the environment by posing a pollution threat to all receiving water bodies, groundwater pollution, soil contamination an...
Read More about Luminescent C-Dots: Fabrication, Characterization And Application As Potential Photocatalyst And Fluorescent Sensor.
Binding energy of biomolecules on ice-covered grains in the interstellar medium Jul 1, 2018 - Aug 31, 2018
The discovery of glycine, one of the most basic amino acid, on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by Rosetta ESA mission has sparked interest in studying the adsorption of molecules of biological interest on interstellar ices. Unfortunately, there is cu...
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Anion-Deficient Solids for CO2 Capture – Towards New Materials Jun 4, 2018 - Jul 27, 2018
This project is closely linked to Jon’s two career goals (completing research in materials and in green chemistry) as would be gaining experience in creating and characterising new materials. As well as using CO2 in their synthesis, as materials that...
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