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EA Fisheries Framework

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Miss Natalie Angelopoulos

Dr Jon Harvey

Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes (2020)
Journal Article
Nunn, A. D., Vickers, L., Mazik, K., Bolland, J., Peirson, G., Axford, S., Henshaw, A., & Cowx, I. G. (2020). Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes. Hydrobiologia, 847, 2211-2224.

Competition and resource partitioning can have profound implications for individuals, populations and communities, and thus food webs, ecosystems and the management of biota and environments. In many species, the impacts of competition and resource p... Read More about Dynamic competition and resource partitioning during the early life of two widespread, abundant and ecologically similar fishes.