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Ecological response to environmental change in the Boreal Realm and the origins of three mass extinction events

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David Bond
Palaeoenvironmental Scientist and Schools Liason Officer

A nutrient control on marine anoxia during the end-Permian mass extinction (2020)
Journal Article
Schobben, M., Foster, W. J., Sleveland, A. R., Zuchuat, V., Svensen, H., Planke, S., Bond, D. P., Marcelis, F., Newton, R. J., Wignall, P. B., & Poulton, S. W. (2020). A nutrient control on marine anoxia during the end-Permian mass extinction. Nature Geoscience,

© 2020, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited. Oxygen deprivation and hydrogen sulfide toxicity are considered potent kill mechanisms during the mass extinction just before the Permian–Triassic boundary (~251.9 million yea... Read More about A nutrient control on marine anoxia during the end-Permian mass extinction.

Phosphorus-cycle disturbances during the Late Devonian anoxic events (2019)
Journal Article
Percival, L., Bond, D. P., Rakociński, M., Marynowski, L., Hood, A. V., Adatte, T., Spangenberg, J. E., & Föllmi, K. B. (2020). Phosphorus-cycle disturbances during the Late Devonian anoxic events. Global and planetary change, 184, Article 103070.

The Late Devonian was marked by repeated faunal crises and episodes of geographically widespread marine anoxia, and featured one of the ‘Big Five’ mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic Aeon during the Frasnian–Famennian transition. However, the process... Read More about Phosphorus-cycle disturbances during the Late Devonian anoxic events.

The Capitanian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) mass extinction in NW Pangea (Borup Fiord, Arctic Canada): A global crisis driven by volcanism and anoxia (2019)
Journal Article
Bond, D. P., Wignall, P. B., & Grasby, S. E. (2020). The Capitanian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) mass extinction in NW Pangea (Borup Fiord, Arctic Canada): A global crisis driven by volcanism and anoxia. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132(5-6), 931-942.

Until recently, the biotic crisis that occurred within the Capitanian Stage (Middle Permian, ca. 262 Ma) was known only from equatorial (Tethyan) latitudes, and its global extent was poorly resolved. The discovery of a Boreal Capitanian crisis in Spi... Read More about The Capitanian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) mass extinction in NW Pangea (Borup Fiord, Arctic Canada): A global crisis driven by volcanism and anoxia.

Global warming leads to Early Triassic nutrient stress across northern Pangea (2019)
Journal Article
Grasby, S. E., Knies, J., Beauchamp, B., Bond, D. P., Wignall, P., & Sun, Y. (2020). Global warming leads to Early Triassic nutrient stress across northern Pangea. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132(5-6), 943-954.

The largest extinction in Earth history, in the latest Permian, was followed throughout most of the Early Triassic by a prolonged period of ecologic recovery. What factors delayed biotic recovery are still under debate and partly revolve around impac... Read More about Global warming leads to Early Triassic nutrient stress across northern Pangea.

The Capitanian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) mass extinction in NW Pangaea (Borup Fiord, Arctic Canada): a global crisis driven by volcanism and anoxia (2019)
Journal Article
Bond, D., Wignall, P., & Grasby, S. (in press). The Capitanian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) mass extinction in NW Pangaea (Borup Fiord, Arctic Canada): a global crisis driven by volcanism and anoxia. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 132(5-6), 931–942

Until recently the biotic crisis that occurred within the Capitanian Stage (Middle Permian, ca. 262 Ma) was known only from equatorial (Tethyan) latitudes and its global extent was poorly resolved. The discovery of a Boreal Capitanian crisis in Spits... Read More about The Capitanian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) mass extinction in NW Pangaea (Borup Fiord, Arctic Canada): a global crisis driven by volcanism and anoxia.

Ammonium ocean following the end-Permian mass extinction (2019)
Journal Article
Sun, Y. D., Zulla, M. J., Joachimski, M. M., Bond, D. P., Wignall, P. B., Zhang, Z. T., & Zhang, M. H. (2019). Ammonium ocean following the end-Permian mass extinction. Earth and planetary science letters, 518, 211-222.

The aftermath of end-Permian mass extinction was marked by a ~5 million year interval of poorly-understood, extreme environments that likely hindered biotic recovery. Contemporary nitrogen isotope variations are considered, using a new conceptual mod... Read More about Ammonium ocean following the end-Permian mass extinction.