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Impact of an extreme rainfall event on solute and sediment dynamics in a mineralised river system

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Project Description

The proposed research relates to quantifying the changes in spatial and temporal metal dynamics in an upland mineralised catchment, following the flash flooding from intense rainfall (FFIR) event of 5 - 6 December 2015. The research, which will focus on the Coledale Beck, Cumbria, will simultaneously investigate the resilience of a flagship mine water treatment system, at the head of the valley, to such extreme rainfall events. Having conducted research at this site for the past 4 years, we have a comprehensive metal flux dataset for the Coledale Beck, across a variety of hydrological conditions, and are therefore uniquely positioned to quantify the changes in sediment and water quality, and metal flux, immediately following the event and over the short- to medium-term.

Status Project Complete
Value £3,374.00
Project Dates Mar 1, 2016 - Nov 30, 2016

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