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QR-GCRF 20.21.PPF13 - Strengthening Geoscience Education for Sustainable Development in Kenya

People Involved

Project Description

Geoscientists are fundamental to tackling many global challenges. Increasing resilience to environmental hazards (SDGs 1, 9, 11), access to clean water and safe sanitation (SDG 6), and the availability of renewable energy (SDG 7) requires an understanding of Earth resources, systems, and dynamics. This proposal responds to the specific challenges of lack of understanding of the geoscience training landscape in Kenya (with respect to the SDGs), and the need for sufficient and appropriately trained geoscience expertise. We will analyse the current availability of geoscience training and the geoscience requirements of the SDGs and development strategies relating to Kenya, to identify specific resource, educational, and workforce gaps associated with securing sustainable development. We will use this understanding to develop a strategy to strengthen ‘education for sustainable development’ (SDG 4.7) in higher education contexts, tailored around Kenya’s development priorities. Our framework can be applied in other countries in the region and beyond.

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) University of Hull
Value £33,631.00
Project Dates May 1, 2021 - Jul 31, 2021

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