Dr Jane Bunting M.J.Bunting@hull.ac.uk
Reader in Geography
Dr Jane Bunting M.J.Bunting@hull.ac.uk
Reader in Geography
To create a shared archive of virtual palaeoscience teaching resources to support the learning and teaching of environmental change as both a short-term COVID19 response and for the longer-term improvement of learning, accessibility and outreach within and beyond the academic community.
This project started in Spring 2020, when many of us within the university teaching sector had to scramble to get teaching material online in response to coronavirus closures. Different universities have made different choices for academic year 2020-21, but almost everyone required at least partial online provision, and it seems very likely that many will experience a period of online instruction this year in response to local lockdown. There is a clear need for, and great potential in, virtual environments to improve access to learning for educators, students and wider audiences, both in the current crisis and in the future to increase accessibility and to enhance classroom, field and lab classes.
The ViPs project is created by the palaeosciences community for the community, and intends to make it easier for educators, students and the curious to find existing resources, share expertise in creating and using resources, and bring together the community to support each other. Changing technology and its availability can offer new / different opportunities within the learning environment (and shifting student expectations) and the current situation gives us opportunity (and a push) to begin to address this.
Type of Project | Small Grant |
Status | Project Live |
Funder(s) | Quaternary Research Association |
Value | £1,500.00 |
Project Dates | May 1, 2021 - Dec 31, 2025 |
Partner Organisations | No Partners |
Time of their lives Nov 1, 2013 - Apr 30, 2017
Terms and conditions have been agreed by the Dean
GCRF- PPF 20 Forecasting Ebola Spillovers Feb 1, 2018 - Jul 31, 2018
Since the 1970s, the Ebola virus recurrently emerges from the Afrotropics. The 2014 epidemic alone
affected around 40,000 people and cost over $5bn. As viruses cannot survive outside their host species, the transfer
from species that naturally harb...
Read More about GCRF- PPF 20 Forecasting Ebola Spillovers.
Digital resources for practical learning in the GEES disciplines Jun 1, 2021 - May 31, 2023
Geography and Environmental Sciences (G&ES) programmes have diverse skill and method requirements needing specialized training ranging from spatial methods such as computer cartography and GIS via field and laboratory methods to qualitative and quant...
Read More about Digital resources for practical learning in the GEES disciplines.
Development of the first global standard for airborne microplastic monitoring Nov 1, 2022 - Oct 31, 2023
Microplastics, of the size range 1 m to 2 mm, are ubiquitous in the environment, taken up by organisms, including humans, and accordingly are now categorised as a contaminant of emerging concern. It is well established that loess particles, charcoal...
Read More about Development of the first global standard for airborne microplastic monitoring.
About Repository@Hull
Administrator e-mail: repository@hull.ac.uk
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