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Unity for All

People Involved

Project Description

Our main focus is to bring people together as a community to help promote mental wellbeing for all. The project involves developing a safe community space where community members have ownership, feel valued and have their needs met. Here, we will provide a series of workshops and activities in a space the community can call their own to develop a sense of community identity and belonging. At the heart of these activities is a commitment to supporting informal lifelong learning. An important aspect to this is through the provision of informal ESOL classes that will embedded across all we do. The aim will be to learn from one another, share ideas, learn other languages by being together and also develop a solid understanding of the society they are living in. We will therefore look to develop activities that support all of our community members with their individual wellness and we will draw upon all of our community members as our most important resource to do this. For instance, we will look to create women’s stitching groups drawing upon those community members who already hold these skills to share them. This will be a great way to bring people together and help them develop new skills and career opportunities for those who wishes to progress further. For youth/young people we aim to be doing cultural dance/music as these activities will keep them going and most importantly to bring them together, tackle boredom and boost their confidences/energies when joining together. We will also seek to provide arts and craft activities for young people as this is one of the activities young people from the community enjoy doing the most, and having a space where they have some ownership rather than moving around all of the time will be a great addition.

Project Acronym UfA
Status Project Complete
Value £7,213.00
Project Dates Nov 1, 2021 - Oct 31, 2022
Partner Organisations No Partners

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