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Alderman Kneeshaw Park: the replenishment of a neglected urban public space

People Involved

Project Description

The aim of this project is to re-engage a community in East Hull with its 17-acre park - Alderman Kneeshaw Park - and, in doing so, enable people and nature to work together for a healthy and sustainable urban future. The project represents a unique opportunity to link the replenishment of a neglected public urban space to principles and practices of healthy and sustainable urban living. It aims to achieve this by (1) replenishing the existing park assets and resources; (2) exploring the development of new leisure activities such as nature trails, horticulture, urban gardening, music, observing night skies, etc; (3) building stronger relations between the currently diverse yet fragmented and disconnected park user communities; and (4) creating a stronger sense of place by building meaningful relations between the community, the researcher and the wider city.

Project Acronym Kneeshaw
Status Project Complete
Value £3,504.00
Project Dates Oct 1, 2021 - Sep 30, 2022

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