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Identification of biomarkers for the earlier detection and targets for the immunotherapy of endometriosis

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Project Description

The wait for a diagnosis of endometriosis in the UK has not reduced in a decade. The causes are multifactorial with the non-specific nature of symptoms, waiting lists and the need for invasive laparoscopy contributing to the average 8-year delay to receiving definitive treatment. A non-invasive test such as a urine biomarker could both improve the patient experience and help to streamline resources such as laparoscopy.
Proteins that are unique to diseased cells can often provide information about the development of disease while immunotherapy could provide a more specific and less invasive treatment than surgery and/or remove residual diseased tissue. The SEREX technique involves the immunoscreening of a testes cDNA library with pooled sera from approximately five patients with the relevant early stage disease/symptoms. We have previously used SEREX to identify targets for immunotherapy, biomarkers for diagnosis, disease stage and survival, and provide insights into the biological basis of difficult to treat diseases.

Status Project Complete
Value £3,000.00
Project Dates Jan 1, 2022 - Dec 31, 2023

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