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A novel solar heat harvesting technology enabling the full-spectrum capture and enhanced building performance

People Involved

Profile image of Dr Jing Li

Dr Jing Li
Senior Research Fellow

Project Description

This staff exchange scheme aims to carry out the fundamental research on the solar full spectrum direct absorption collector by the joint effort of the researchers at the University of Hull(UK)and Harbin Institute of Technology (China). The research, by investigating the full solar spectrum absorption mechanism based on micro-nano optics, will (1) develop the theoretical foundation for the highly efficient solar-light-to-heat conversion in the heat absorption nanofluid; (2) discover the law of energy flow and transmission; (3) determine the light-to-heat conversion adjustment strategy for the full-spectrum solar absorption, and (4) provide a theoretical foundation for the development of the full-spectrum direct absorption collecting technology.

Status Project Complete
Funder(s) Royal Society
Value £12,000.00
Project Dates Mar 31, 2022 - Mar 30, 2024

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